Very Small Experience
Hi All it's Frog I just wanted to say that other experience I has with a past life regression I had another experience where I was lieing down in bed and closed my eyes and I felt chills around or through my body then in a few seconds I opened my eyes and I saw mist through my glasses in my bedroom more of like a blur effect it wasn't a glitch or anything like that it happened for reals then I walked into my living room and same thing happened but only for a short time then it was gone or vanished and no it wasn't a ghost or anything like that maybe I can see and travel to other dimensions or travel or shift through another one I am not totally sure on this one but it was a weird experience also I was holding my seletine pendant while I was lieing down!
Hi All it's Frog I just wanted to say that other experience I has with a past life regression I had another experience where I was lieing down in bed and closed my eyes and I felt chills around or through my body then in a few seconds I opened my eyes and I saw mist through my glasses in my bedroom more of like a blur effect it wasn't a glitch or anything like that it happened for reals then I walked into my living room and same thing happened but only for a short time then it was gone or vanished and no it wasn't a ghost or anything like that maybe I can see and travel to other dimensions or travel or shift through another one I am not totally sure on this one but it was a weird experience also I was holding my seletine pendant while I was lieing down!