Was wondering if there are any stories on this

Justin Graves

New Member
ok, so I been trying to wrap my noggin around an idea that I been having. It’s about time travel, and no not the science of how it can be possible. I've seen the Stephen Hawking documentary and read up on some hypothesis. My dilemma isn't the science involved. It is the where? Let’s say I have a top notch working time machine. I set the dial for 1547 July 12th 11:39:56. (random) start it up and ........ Where do I go? If I have a working time machine and it takes me back to 1547. Shouldn’t I be in the same spot I’m standing? Or would I be floating in space like a popsicle with earth clear on the other side of the sun? Ok, wait.... so I change my mind and go back 24 hours. Am I standing in one peace or am I again a popsicle look at earth floating right next to a cell phone satellite? Again, let’s go back only 6 hours. I should be ok right? But why am I engulfed by melted magma? How come people think when you time travel you also move with time? Dune used folding space time travel to actually travel distances. But I honestly think if I were to travel in time I would stay where I am in that space, not in that place, but that space.
John titor said this was correct.

A time jump of just a few seconds can end up moving you several thousand miles.

The displacement does remain in the same space.

The VGL was used to over come this. It took a snapshot of the gravity about a few moments into the future and with that measurement the two singularities had the ability to "steer" the displacement so that it did not remain in the same space.... Because when you appear 3000 feet in the air your chances to accomplish your mission will be nill... unless you brought enough parachutes for the displacement device or whatever is being used to transport it.

With the VGL and the ability to steer the displacement re-emegerance into normal time and space can be made at a point just above the ground.

Thats why the strong suspension is needed in titors vet and truck he traded the vet for. The the field activates it takes the earth underneath with it... and I suspect another EM field is generated to prevent interaction from the Air , scooped earth, and everything inside the bubble... that would have to be maintained in its own space... (Why titor brought his own oxygen) . Upon re-emergance you would want to drop above the new earth...

If the space you are emerging into voids out to make room for the new space being displaced into , you'd still want to land above and onto the new location rather than into the earth where evidence of the displacement might be discovered. Doing this in the air just a few feet above ground level leaves less chance of being discovered.

This is likely how interstellar travel is performed. Gravitational fields can be manipulated to fold the space and time around such an object.
