Websites...50 years from now


Junior Member
In the 90s, for me personally the web wasn't my main source of information so I relied on newspapers, magazines, radio, and TV.

I don't think those mediums are going to totally disappear but they are definitely becoming less significant and are likely to continue being so. This got me thinking about the longevity of websites. Will Google and Wikipedia survive 50 years? Will this website?

I find that an interesting thing to ponder.


Newspaper have been around for a long time. A very long time compared to the Internet. There's no way to know how long the Internet, or let's say, how long websites are going to be around. Are we going to reach a point where websites won't be of any use to anyone?

Or perhaps in 20 years, websites are going to be used by only a small group of old timers. Kinda like old BBS communities today. Those old bulletin boards, long lost ancestors of today's forums are nearly extinct.


The above screenshot is probably familiar to a few people. It's not to me. I know what's a BBS and it was like, but I never actually used those old boards. It's not impossible that most websites we currently know will disappear, while the few remaining sites will pretty much feel like a long lost relic of a past era. Will it be in 10 years? 25 years? Who knows.

If a few websites are to survive a very longtime, I'd tend to believe that Wikipedia would be among them. I have no idea how long though.
