Weirdo Dreams


New Member
Weirdo Dreams

I've had some exceptionally off-the-wall dreams lately. Like, even for me. This one, in particular, sticks out:

A kid drops this appleseed on the ground. About 3 minutes later, a homeless dude picks it up, and takes it back to this cardboard box fortress. You know, the kind you dreamed of having when you were little? All of a sudden, the guy throws the seed on the concrete floor, and thousands of walnuts explode into the air from where it landed. He yells to his horse, which just appears out of nowhere, "WALNUTS! I told you about walnuts!" or something to that effect.

Then, the guy and the horse are walking around, and this little girl's mom tells her, "Come away from that man, honey. He's filthy." She has the stuck-up, 'I'm better than you in every possible way' rich snooty attitude. So later, the guy and horse go to the little girl's house, and she runs away with the homeless guy. A bunch of guys who were putting aluminum siding on the lady's house lent the guy a wagon, and hooked it up to the horse.

Skip ahead through blurry stuff, and there's a family in a travel trailer. A pleasabntly chubby eccentric aunt-figure is holding a large plastic truck, and she opens the side of it to reveal a videocamera screen.

Then I wake up, confused as all getout.

Try to explain that.


Junior Member
Re: Weirdo Dreams

It?s a tough one but here goes. The kid that drops the apple seed on the ground is someone who will give up a talent out of boredom or something. You are the homeless person, meaning you feel as though you haven?t succeeded in life or you feel you are worthless, a rotten time in your life when everything seems bleak. You think, ?I wonder if I can do that.? so you pick up the talent. The cardboard fortresses might be a place you have to imagine as your dream house? might not seems the best but you can live there. You throw (show) your talent to a worthless crowd (the concrete? you can?t grow plants on concrete) but in return you discover a whole new talent that you?re really good at. The horse is a friend you?ll suddenly make (that?s why it appeared out of nowhere). The friend will remind you of a horse? what you see a horse as when you look at them (graceful, strong, seems free, ect). The part where the guy is talking to the horse about the walnuts is kind of you?re chance at a see-I-told-you-so.
So one day you and your friend are walking along and you meet this girl you like, but her mother doesn?t like you. She thinks you?re beneath them, filthy. So, you try to date the girl anyway and through the help of the employees (servants, workers at their business) or friends of the family (the aluminum siding people who lent the wagon). You run away (maybe elope) or it?s symbolic or the girl saying, ?I don?t care what my family says I love you? type of thing. Your friend(s) also help you escape because the horse is pulling the wagon (maybe by driving you to the movies or something).
The woman in the trailer is the girl just older. The truck is a toy which symbolizes children and the video camera probably means she?s watching the children grow. The children could be yours or they could be nephews since you said she had an aunt-like quality. This image seems to mean that everything turns out alright in the end even if you have trails. The fact it?s in a trailer doesn?t necessarily mean your poor or anything but take a step down in income like with any married couple who has children and maybe her family still doesn?t accept you.


New Member
Re: Weirdo Dreams

I think the trailer may symbolize how I'm never content with staying in one place. I've always said that when I get older, I'm driving one of those nifty 60s vans, and I'm taking all my friends on a road trip.

Dating a girl would be awkward, since I'm also a girl. I think the girl running off with the guy may be how I don't care what a person's like, in a material sense. I'll be friends with anyone.
