Welcome All, from 2026

Re: Welcome All, from 2026

Not using TCP/IP, data is no longer sent in packets, it is batched and streamed.

I assume then that you've found a connection-oriented method of streaming data? Otherwise it would be messy to say the least. Could you describe this method of 'batching' data for me in a little more detail? Has the entire OSI model been scrapped/revamped? What kinds of encapsulating are you using now?

Can you guess or do you know why I am using a Proxy though? This has more to do with Time Dilation and posting of data to Internet sites. As well as the software emulation I am running.

A proxy's primary purpose, by very definition, is to act as a liaison between a user and the internet. I can only guess at why you would need to utilize such a service, and my guess would be that you want to hide your true location/identity. If it has something to do with your method of communication, I would be interested in learning why you have need for a proxy service.

Finally, my last question is about your TCP/IP setup. Were you able to obtain an IP address via DHCP through the WAP you're using to talk to us? If so, how did you locate a WAP that wasn't utilizing WEP or MAC address verification in the past? Was it trial and error and you just got lucky? Or is there a method to your work? If not, how did you manage to formulate an IP address/DNS address/Gateway address catered to the wireless network you are utilizing?
Re: Welcome All, from 2026

so you are posting realtime from 2026 or something? and you mention something about having 200 threads 2005-2009? uploads some of these threads to webspace please....
Re: Welcome All, from 2026

So, if you can measure variances in causation as a result of your actions, how come you are not caught up in the new causal line? Ergo, blind to the changes wrought...

I am caught up in the causality effects of the timeline, as are you. However most changes are imperceptible. Major alterations of the timeline can be fixed, patched if you will. When this happens, I am not fully aware of the full course of events, however, I do normally choose to send information back pertaining to the event. Thus, as the event never happened to me, I at least have some knowledge of the event regardless.

It would be very helpful if you could describe in detail the properties of a Graviton for us. I am particularly interested in its charactersistics and the mechanism by which it attracts both particles and energy waves.

That probably gets a causal event warning doesn't it?

A Graviton is a boson particle with Spin 2, vanishing rest mass, that has the unique ability of transmitting the force of Gravity. In your time, Gravitons are only postulated to exist, however, work being done at CERN will have the side-effect of producing and then measuring for the first time, Gravitons.

So, why pre-empt your established interactions with us?

You obviously have established history (perversely speaking) with a chosen few of us in our future, your past. Yet you have chosen to communicate out of sequence to those established and self-professed events which are now temporal history to you, but not to us any more... does this not affect the very essence of the exercise previously undertaken?

Your internal logic to this tale is in danger of becoming very flakey. Don't get too creative.

Actually the sequence of contact was determined after the initial contact was made, many of our messages ended up in the wrong time, and by working Backwards through time, any major alterations of the timeline can be corrected by simply sending information further back, preceding our communications.
Re: Welcome All, from 2026

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Zeshua\")</div>

A Graviton is a boson particle with Spin 2, vanishing rest mass, that has the unique ability of transmitting the force of Gravity. In your time, Gravitons are only postulated to exist, however, work being done at CERN will have the side-effect of producing and then measuring for the first time, Gravitons.

This is interesting. Here's the link where I found this (scroll down to the third article): http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase...cles/expar.html

Intermediate Vector Bosons</span>

The <a href=\'http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/particles/expar.html#c4\' target=\'_blank\'>W and Z particles</a> are the massive <a href=\'http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/forces/exchg.html#c1\' target=\'_blank\'>exchange</a> particles which are involved in the nuclear <a href=\'http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/forces/funfor.html#c4\' target=\'_blank\'>weak interaction</a>, the weak force between electrons and neutrinos. They were predicted by Weinberg, Salam, and Glashow in 1979 and measured at <a href=\'http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/particles/cern.html#c1\' target=\'_blank\'>CERN</a> in 1982. The prediction included a prediction of the masses of these particles as a part of the unified theory of the electromagnetic and weak forces, the <a href=\'http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/forces/unify.html#c1\' target=\'_blank\'>electroweak unification</a>. \"If the weak and electromagnetic forces are essentially the same, then they must also have the same strength. The fact that the experimentally observed strengths seem quite different is attributed to the masses of the W and Z particles-under certain conditions a force of large strength can have the appearance of a force of small strength if the particle that carries the force is very massive. Theoretical calculations show that at a fundamental level the weak and electromagnetic forces have the same strength if the W and Z particles have masses of 80 and 90 GeV respectively.\" The masses measured at CERN were 82 and 93 GeV, a brilliant confirmation of the electroweak unification.

The experiments at CERN detected a total of 10 W bosons and 4 Z bosons. In the extended experiment at Fermilab\'s <a href=\'http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/particles/accel.html#c4\' target=\'_blank\'>Tevatron</a> known as \"Run 1\" (1992-96), the <a href=\'http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/particles/fermidet.html#c2\' target=\'_blank\'><span style=\'color:#0000ff\'>D0 detector facility
</a> measured over 100,000 W particles. The D0 value for the mass of the W is 80.482 +/- 0.091 GeV. Current values combining the experiments at the Tevatron and at CERN's LEP electron-positron collider are MW = 80.41 +/- 0.18 GeV and MZ = 91.1884 +/- 0.0022 GeV.
Re: Welcome All, from 2026

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"JediStryker\")</div>
I assume then that you've found a connection-oriented method of streaming data? Otherwise it would be messy to say the least. Could you describe this method of 'batching' data for me in a little more detail? Has the entire OSI model been scrapped/revamped? What kinds of encapsulating are you using now?[/b]

A request is sent to an ID Router on the Internet, the servers matchup the request with an address, both connections are queried, que'd up, a direct connection is established between all of the routers between point A and point B. At this point data is then streamed. This requires specific Channels, that must be constantly tuned and monitored for load balancing.

A proxy's primary purpose, by very definition, is to act as a liaison between a user and the internet. I can only guess at why you would need to utilize such a service, and my guess would be that you want to hide your true location/identity. If it has something to do with your method of communication, I would be interested in learning why you have need for a proxy service.

The Proxy service is required as a virtual bridge, as I have no specific IP address. Connecting with your basic 802.11 wireless, in your time, and essentially piggy-backing Existing connections through WEP decryption routines, meaning I am not even sure of the individual or persons who may be providing me this connection, only that it works. I can get dropped several times from the network, without losing my bridge to 2005, as these are completely seperate instances of connection.

Finally, my last question is about your TCP/IP setup. Were you able to obtain an IP address via DHCP through the WAP you're using to talk to us? If so, how did you locate a WAP that wasn't utilizing WEP or MAC address verification in the past? Was it trial and error and you just got lucky? Or is there a method to your work? If not, how did you manage to formulate an IP address/DNS address/Gateway address catered to the wireless network you are utilizing?

I have no IP address, now do you understand the need for a Proxy? Yes WAP, using basic WEP 2 key cyphers, 40/104bit. There were tremendous amounts of trial and error, took 2 weeks just to register to the TTI site until I came up with the Time-Adjustment scheme based on computer input.

The proxy serves as a virtual IP address for information to be relayed onto the Internet of your time. There are many many steps in setting up this connection, as you have no doubt guessed.
Re: Welcome All, from 2026

Once the initial panic is over, the confusion sets in,
this is the time Big Brother steps in and you no longer
have that cushy 100% freedom you treasure so Dearly.
Well, get Used to it.

Ok, I like to think i'm an open minded person. But, If "we" lost our freedom. WHERE ARE YOU FROM? This is what i truly don't understand. Either you are a important person in a controled goverenment. Or honestly I can't figure out why if you lost your freedom how they would let you play with sending messages to the past. You leader would be fearful of this. Please if your going to dance around this question, at least make it a long and enjoyable dance. One other thing. Tell me a slang word, that you now use we dont currently use.


Re: Welcome All, from 2026

A request is sent to an ID Router on the Internet, the servers matchup the request with an address, both connections are queried, que'd up, a direct connection is established between all of the routers between point A and point B. At this point data is then streamed. This requires specific Channels, that must be constantly tuned and monitored for load balancing.

You have basically just described how streaming works here, though you've added a connection-routine that would make it more reliable than your typical connectionless protocol. However, you've also completely erased the usefulness of a streaming connection by adding this connection-routine because it would take just as long as your typical 'three-way handshake' to setup the connection.

For the lay-people who might be reading this and not have a clue as to the inherint problems this brings up, let me try to explain. The reason that streaming data uses connectionless protocols is because it makes it go much faster than your typical connection-oriented protocol. What happens is that data is basically thrown from the sender to the receiver without any verification as to whether the data reached the intended recipient or not. It's therefore 'streaming' data from the server to the client, and not back again. However, you migh have noticed that every once in a while the video stream will stop and then start again at a later point in whatever it is you're watching. This is due to lost packets; which you'll never see again.

Connection-oriented protocols like TCP/IP are used for things like surfing the internet and downloading files because they're reliable. They go through the process of verifying every packet that is received and the order in which they are to be reassembled so that you get good data (almost) everytime. This tends to make it slower, however, which is exactly why it's NOT used for streaming media.

What you've described seems inefficient to me, Zeshua. A stream is only useful when you're going to have data hitting you all the time. Websites and the typical data you see on the internet would have no use for that, and so it would be stupid to set up your network that way. I just don't see the logic.

I have no IP address, now do you understand the need for a Proxy?

You would need an initial IP address in order to utilize NAT. Not having an IP address would make it impossible to communicate with an online proxy service as you are, because it requires an initial TCP/IP connection.
Re: Welcome All, from 2026

I wish I was not always late to the Arena.


You have spent much energy trying to establish yourself in our community. Is this the best way to spend your time? How do your colleagues feel about your spending of time and energy? You don't have to answer these questions if you don't want to. I'll understand.

I stopped reading your posts after a few paragraphs. Then after a few more I stopped scanning. After that I noticed you offered something in code. You must understand something Zeshua: you have confused me more than you have enlightened me. Is this the best way to spend my energy and yours? Might I be better off tackling the Times' crossword puzzle?

You don't have to worry about me catching you in a slip, for I refuse to read you anymore.

There are many impressionable people in this forum. And they are good people. Think about that.
Re: Welcome All, from 2026

".. ..-. / -.-- --- ..- / .- .-. . / .-. . .- -.. .. -. --. / - .... .. ... / -.-- --- ..- / .- .-. . / -- --- .-. . / .--. . .-. -.-. . .--. - .. -... .-.. . / - .... .- -. / -- --- ... - / ... - --- .--. / .... .- ...- . / -. --- / -.. --- ..- -... - / .- -. ... .-- . .-. ... / .-- .. .-.. .-.. / -... . / .-. . ...- . .- .-.. . -.. / - --- / -.-- --- ..- / .-- .... --- / ... . . -.- / - .... . / - .-. ..- - .... / ... - --- .--."


Hardly rocket science.

tell me more about your "Graviton Generator" and the tunneling affect. and how your data is re-encoded.
Re: Welcome All, from 2026

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"August\")</div>
I wish I was not always late to the Arena.


You have spent much energy trying to establish yourself in our community. Is this the best way to spend your time? How do your colleagues feel about your spending of time and energy? You don't have to answer these questions if you don't want to. I'll understand.

I stopped reading your posts after a few paragraphs. Then after a few more I stopped scanning. After that I noticed you offered something in code. You must understand something Zeshua: you have confused me more than you have enlightened me. Is this the best way to spend my energy and yours? Might I be better off tackling the Times' crossword puzzle?

You don't have to worry about me catching you in a slip, for I refuse to read you anymore.

There are many impressionable people in this forum. And they are good people. Think about that.[/b]

...and while we're on the subject of thinking about the effect on members of the forum of an apparent entertainer, I'd like everyone to consider this character Zeshua in light of Desperate.
