Welcome All, from 2026

Re: Welcome All, from 2026

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Zeshua\")</div>
I come with the promise that I will share information and just as so many are trying to discount me, gradually I am learning who can be trusted with this information. I believe I am finding out what is truly important to some of the individuals who frequent this forum and others like it. I have already accepted that most people will discount my statements, I have even stated I must maintain a publically displayed Element of Disbelief for my own protection.

"I come with the promise"

I wonder how many Jim Jones are out there realizing the full potential of the internet?

While you are recruiting members through personal messages for your experiment, let's have a discussion about one of the following abstract ideas.

A. Motivation

B. Leadership

C. Vanity

Take your pick Zeshua. Let's just have a conversation 2005 to 2026. Do you have a good understanding of any of these?
Re: Welcome All, from 2026

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Paul J. Lyon\")</div>
Anyone interested in deciphering a pointless message, a message not at all enhanced by the occult format, would have immediately recognized it as Morse Code.

I am not interested so much in the format of the encryption as the purpose of it-- in this case, there would appear to be no purpose. Your message seems to be nothing more than a platitude, easily derived from the glut of selfhelp and newage crap at the Barnes & Noble.

I do not wish to personally correspond with you, and believe that you are trying to gain an advantage by keeping your answer out of view. Since your method in this, and in the futile \"encryption\" of cant, serves no purpose, I will post all of this.[/b]

Just so as you don't believe that he is just now resorting to these cheap tricks, this is from earlier on in the thread. His use of "codes" is a pointless way of hiding a pointless message. It is meant to enhance his mystery, but you will find that it is, like his Pope rigamarole, derivative. And he attempts to use Personal Messages to give his smoke-and-mirror show the appearance of having depth and dimension.

This member has fallen through the ice, I believe. This is a public forum, meant to air valuable material in case it's really not valuable, or in case it can be made valuable-- all dependent upon publication.

This is publication and an exercise of free speech. Free means open, heard, thrown out upon the waters.
Re: Welcome All, from 2026

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"StarLord\")</div>

AGAIN, what is the currency of your time? what is it called?[/b]

Over here its called the Euro, in the US we still have the Dollar. The conversion rate has changed though.
Re: Welcome All, from 2026

Personally, I frown on the use of the PM system to promote the Zeshuan Truths. Zeshua has PM'ed me twice and on both ocassions I have not replied. These PM's have been responses to questions/statements that I have made in this thread.

I do not and will not ever publish PM's in an open thread, so those PM's are lost to this debate. Others here are allegedly conducting a PM based Q+A with Zeshua, stop it please. The object of the exercise here at TTF is to have all the data available to all the Membership, all of the time in an open Thread specific to the alleged TT'er. Whether Zesh has TT'ed by actions or words is immaterial, he is a TT'er, he's in 2026 and we are not, so no hair splitting distinctions please.

Those involved in promoting the PM based Q+A spoil it for the rest of the Membership. Stop it please.

I would ask Zeshua that you stop PM'ing people. Post anything you have to say in this open thread from now on please.
Re: Welcome All, from 2026

Then it's quite simple to provide proof. Please scan your 2025 bills both back and front and your 2025 coins back and front and send us the pictures.
Re: Welcome All, from 2026

Not that being white is a bad thing, mind you. In fact some of my bestest friends are white. Of course, one of the nicest things about being out on patrol, in pitch black, we are all grey if not darker, kind of evens things out a tad.

Now take that poor confused woman from down south, the one that wanted to micturate on folks heads, seems to me she had a problem with all white people. Funny thing is, I have traveled all over the world and I have still yet to see a living white person. When we are alive, that same color blood that pumps through everybody makes folks pink and flesh tone if they happen to be mellanin challenged.
