We've been looking at the CERN LHC all wrong...


Active Member
When researching my recent Mandela Effect experience, there was some talk about CERN and the LHC. Many people think that the LHC could create temporal and spatial anomalies by particle collision. While I would tend to agree that there is some potential, something else hit me instead. It made me do a face palm. I really should have seen this far sooner.

The LHC is a 16 mile circular track ringed by large super conducting magnets used to accelerate particles both one way and the other and then smash them together to see what happens. They use the particle collisions to deceive the people from looking at the other equipment. The LHC can also be used as a giant 16 mile coil.

What else uses a coil that others have experimented with?
* The HDR is a big one on this forum... although putting a 50/60Hz coil around your head isn't very safe. From other sources I've read, these are some of the worst frequencies for biologics.
* The Delta-Time Antenna uses 3 perpendicular rectangular coils, although circular coils could probably be used.
* The Philadelphia Experiment used multiple high frequency and high voltage coils around a ship. This phased the ship, opened a portal, and did all kinds of nasty things.
* There might be some lesser electrogravitic effects, but that's usually done with capacitor plates that are counter charged.

Synchronizing the superconducting magnets to a near light speed particle stream would be about 11.6kHz in a 16 mile loop. I'm not sure if this frequency is meaningful.

The google maps satellite view:

Why is there a "stargate" church tagged in the middle of the loop? All I see are trees, but is there an underground structure? Is there an underground control chair or giant antenna?

On the opposite side of the planet is just open ocean several hundred miles SE of New Zealand.

One problem the military seems to have always had is the delusion that more and bigger is better, more power, more speed, more electrons. The humble bee doesn't rely on power to create its own antigravity effect is uses simple the geometry of two counter rotating wind vortexes, both of which are within hearing ranges and no where near the khz ranges, though one of them can only be heard by the very young.
I wouldn't deny for stargates there is a necessary requirement of more power but there is an elegance to the math of it that I think and hope remains elusive for any of these scientists working at cern or otherwise connected to darpa or other military funding.

Not sure about the 11.6 though, in geometric harmonics that is the same as 116, which is 6 larger than one of the base harmonics necessary for antigravity, though I have no clue what harmonic is needed for making synthetic portals I do know that if nature can do it on occasion then it may relate to the 110 hz vortex in antigravity systems.
If you have a ring measuring that wavelength, and lets assume the harmonic is relevant then the difference between them is 6, which is 1/60 in degrees, meaning it would take 60 cycles before you would be piling the nodal point of the wave on top of itself. But, the nodal point here would actually be moving in retrograde, so it would actually take 60 cycles of 60 before it meets itself back at clock zero, which is 3600 which has all sorts of interesting harmonic connections to time and the clock right so, I do find that interesting. I've never looked at the wavelength and it's length before.

One thing I have no idea about is whether or not the 1,5,7,11 harmonics of base 12 in dna structures only relates to dna or not, I actually very much doubt it though. But what other harmonic ratios would be required to match the (I dont' know what it would be called) mean average I guess of the three waves making the one wave between them. By that I mean, using the 1,5,7,11 model, if you plot only the opposites 1/7 and 5/11, then the exact middle of those two waves is really a way of reducing the data to its even simpler one wave form. The growth of all dna seems to follow a pattern but it's a pattern that all matter must also be able to work with in all it's different geometry and not interfere with the dna either.
But if eulers interscalar cubes and roots formula also plots the same three wave one wave reduction form to stabilize electrons and protons then it's reasonable in my mind to assume that if dna and the building blocks of matter itself use the same geometric encoding structures then perhaps and probably time and space frequencies use the same key, because as hard as it is to find these two keys to begin with, it's utterly bloody simple too and in the most organic way it reduces to even easier calculations.

So yeah anyway, if anyone is even still following, if this key form also underlies time/space frequency geometry, which wave form is it being plotted in this 60x60 cycle. If anyone has good math skills here then let me know the answer, maybe we can backwards engineer and what they are trying to do.

One problem the military seems to have always had is the delusion that more and bigger is better, more power, more speed, more electrons. The humble bee doesn't rely on power to create its own antigravity effect is uses simple the geometry of two counter rotating wind vortexes, both of which are within hearing ranges and no where near the khz ranges, though one of them can only be heard by the very young.
Reading this makes me wonder if there's an electrostatic component to the wings, too. Friction in rapid movement can easily cause static buildup. Some UFO designs are rumored to use high voltage electrostatic fields.

though I have no clue what harmonic is needed for making synthetic portals I do know that if nature can do it on occasion then it may relate to the 110 hz vortex in antigravity systems.
I've been thinking about this a little more, and there's no reason why CERN can't run the "coil" slower. I've had a few more ideas, too.

There are essentially 2 "coils" in the accelerator. One rotates one way, and the other rotates the opposite. Might this double the apparent frequency? I'm beginning to wonder if they could run both tracks in the same direction, but that depends on the magnet setups. I'm also wondering if they can pulse magnets on oppsite sides of the track in locked sequence. They probably can but not at full power... but they may not need full power for what ever they're doing. This would allow for complex configurations.

The accelerator circumference is supposed to be 16 miles long. Divide light speed in a vacuum by 16 and it's just over 11600 cycles per second. Since they can't get the particle stream up to 100% light speed, that frequency will be a little slower. It's probably greater than 99% light speed. That would set a maximum frequency... at least according to moronal physics. I don't know if they have any secret ways of taking the particle stream FTL. If they do, I'd rather they do those tests off world.

Reading this makes me wonder if there's an electrostatic component to the wings, too. Friction in rapid movement can easily cause static buildup. Some UFO designs are rumored to use high voltage electrostatic fields.
Great point, and I short I don't know, i've looked for super super slo mo images of them for a good few years now, never found anything super compared to the million frames per second possible but i've never looked for any contact points between the wings. I have a few saved i'm going to look at again though. I think the slowest I have is like 10,000fps or something but it wasn't good angles.

The way I was taught it is that matter is recreated only when you get the nodal points of two convergants of contra rotating em fields with the right charges that hold the perfect shape, but when you see that holographically the number of cycles of rotation determine the length of the holographic structure needed if that makes sense, so in dna the whole frequency is the circle dimensions, the cycles of those 1,5,7,11 waves determines the lengths of the strand holographically which determines it's length in physical form.
So in matter creation its the same system but more complex because is two waves intersecting at multiple points up and down, the shape of this having something to do with the molecular requirements. I think we're talking about the same thing here when you use the term locked sequence, have you looked at how this creates 3d images? Does my description make enough sense to you?

In order to map this with essentially a two dimensional coil instead of a perfect vortex toroidial coil you need to be able to change the wavelengths or send multiple wavelengths through the system. Like imagine having an dodecahedron and squashing it like a pancake, your cycle reference system gets skewed. I don't know if there is any kind of time limit delay possible in this, or whether or not all electrons have to be in nodal excitation all at the exact same time in the perfect shape in order to create particles but I would imagine it needs to be absolutely perfect to the placnk second and giving the billions put into cern that they could easily do this to create matter if they knew how. I don't know if they know how just yet, but I am 99% sure they have created matter this way, at least one type of particle, perhaps carbon or something equally simple in molecular terms.

I did have somewhere details of one of their coil patents that uses two coils also, but one was wound at 45 degrees to the other, perhaps this is also relevant in the stargates and matter creation because the angles of intersection create different frequencies. Like as in on the pyramids, you have two sets of opposite face angles and two sets of opposite edge angles meeting at the one tip which creates various frequency harmonices, 52.83 degrees being the frequency harmonic of the heart chakra, the nubian 72. something .(865 maybe??) creates the frequency harmonic of the throat chakra.

Again when it comes to stargate portals though, I don't know much. Only that if we have the cycle system and presume that they have had success on smaller models as the looking glass project would seem to imply then its only a matter of time before they find the correlation in holographic harmonics to make larger portals with such a giant coil...makes you wonder where they are keeping the ships they intend to send through these portals though doesn't it...?

As for ftl, well that isn't actually that hard is it, ftl is only impossible when your particles have mass, just remove mass from the equation and if you have the ability to create antigravetic fields then you have the potential within those fields to accelerate far beyond light speed. My question would be how do you create those particles inside the antigrav field in the first place, which is perhaps exactly what they are still trying to figure out by smashing particles together inside it, if they are created inside a massless environment then anything is possible.
have you looked at how this creates 3d images? Does my description make enough sense to you?
I'm a little bit familiar with how 2D images can create a 3D effect. With my health problems and severe sleep deprivation, keeping up with the complex isn't the easiest for me.

I don't know if they know how just yet, but I am 99% sure they have created matter this way, at least one type of particle, perhaps carbon or something equally simple in molecular terms.
This is an interesting point. CERN says they're breaking apart atoms and looking at the pieces. If a few of the subatomic particles are "sticky" enough, maybe they're trying to create something new and hiding it. Maybe they're trying to create some kind of exotic matter that normally doesn't exist in nature. I'm glad that CERN is thousands of miles away from me.

I did have somewhere details of one of their coil patents that uses two coils also, but one was wound at 45 degrees to the other, perhaps this is also relevant in the stargates and matter creation because the angles of intersection create different frequencies.
This could be something like a Bedini Magnetic Gate but with electromagnets.

makes you wonder where they are keeping the ships they intend to send through these portals though doesn't it...?
I've heard many things ranging from the loony to the extremely plausible. The track is 5 miles in diameter. If they are trying to create a portal of some type, they probably couldn't use it to the very edge. That would still leave the possibility of a 3-4 mile wide ship, which is huge.

There are some small towns within the LHC track. I'm wondering if they've experience any anomalies when it is running. If a portal is someday successfully created, won't they be surprised to see a ship come through that's big enough to block out the sky... There's also the possibility that a poorly formed noisy portal could be used as a navigational beacon in dimensional space. I'm not sure I like the idea of that.
I'm a little bit familiar with how 2D images can create a 3D effect. With my health problems and severe sleep deprivation, keeping up with the complex isn't the easiest for me.

This is an interesting point. CERN says they're breaking apart atoms and looking at the pieces. If a few of the subatomic particles are "sticky" enough, maybe they're trying to create something new and hiding it. Maybe they're trying to create some kind of exotic matter that normally doesn't exist in nature. I'm glad that CERN is thousands of miles away from me.

This could be something like a Bedini Magnetic Gate but with electromagnets.

I've heard many things ranging from the loony to the extremely plausible. The track is 5 miles in diameter. If they are trying to create a portal of some type, they probably couldn't use it to the very edge. That would still leave the possibility of a 3-4 mile wide ship, which is huge.

There are some small towns within the LHC track. I'm wondering if they've experience any anomalies when it is running. If a portal is someday successfully created, won't they be surprised to see a ship come through that's big enough to block out the sky... There's also the possibility that a poorly formed noisy portal could be used as a navigational beacon in dimensional space. I'm not sure I like the idea of that.
I had to look up the bedini but no, not the same thing, (at least I don't think so, but it may have related similarities i'm missing cause I can't remember it too well) I'll try to remember to share the patent pages if I find it again, I think it's one of the earliest iterations of the looking glass technology to view either other dimensions or timelines and past or future events.

I doubt even the military would have ships that size, but a one mile long ship, maybe.

I think whom ever lives inside the track would be in a completely secured and monitored internet supply so even if they saw or experienced something they'd never be able to share it, or they are all working for them. But you couldn't pay me to live there.

Beacon for what?

And I absolutely believe they are trying to make exotic matter, there are too many holes in the periodic table no matter which mapping system you use, some of them have to be either impossible to make naturally in this oxygen rich environment or are reserved only for civilizations advanced enough to responsibly use them.
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