What are things a robot can't possibly do?


🖥️ Staff
I thought about this today. If we are to be replaced by robots for numerous tasks, at work, at home, etc... there are things robots cannot possibly do. What are those things?

The first thing I think about is everything that has to do with emotions. Decisions that require judgment. Judgment that requires total impartiality, can be done using logic, which a robot has. But sometimes, decisions have to do with morale, ethics, etc. Can robots do that?

Can robot love? Yeah, they can hug you and say they care for you. Is that enough though? If they hug and say they care about you, that's because they were programmed for that purpose. That feels cold and empty.

Can robots be programmed for everything? Every possible thing? Robot pilot, robot fireman, robot judge, robot president, robot <put your job here>. Can AI do it? I doubt it.

What do you say? What are the things a human can do, but a robot can't?
Change the water in my Tanks :p

But i mean really there isn't a-lot you would think they wouldn't be able to do, they would be used to do mostly Manual labor.
I would personally Have a robot to do my Dirty work yes.

Am betting they couldn't survive an EMP blast, reproduce in the same way humans do or work around any kind of big magnet....

Didn't think about the big magnet issue. Good point.

Perhaps having robots for emergency services would be a problem due to risks of robot failure. Imagine if all the robot fire fighters stopped working all st once. Oops.
This is all going to lead to a I-Robot Scenario lol perhaps a discussion for a up-coming chat event? Say Time Travel but i will hi-jack the convos to robots and distract everyone.

I assume it would cost as much as a Car to own one, But imagine, you can DL blue prints and programs and Specs to it, Say your Family Mini Van wen't down, go inside DL the Program to the Robot to Fix it and BAM no more mechanics. Never have to look up torque specs or firing order again.

That could be for everything! Washing machine broke down, DL the program to the robot and he can now fix it, Hell i just talked me into wanting one.
