What does my future hold for me? + 2015 prediction

:D I believe when the world does finally END and the human species is wiped out :eek: :confused: for being so horrible ;) it will be all over something as ridiculous as religion :XD: How ironic that the world religion claims to have made, will be WHAT most likely destroys it :cool: View attachment 2369 :D
Night, its always the individuals interpretation of religion that is the problem, not religion per se..look at ISIS :(
:D I believe when the world does finally END and the human species is wiped out :eek: :confused: for being so horrible ;) it will be all over something as ridiculous as religion :XD: How ironic that the world religion claims to have made, will be WHAT most likely destroys it :cool: View attachment 2369 :D
Night, its always the individuals interpretation of religion that is the problem, not religion per se..look at ISIS :(
:) Super sucks TimeFlipper :( there is no logic to ISIS ideology only extreme ignorance :confused: I think religion is something peeps should keep to themselves :D and not try and force down anyone's throat like many do on a daily basis :eek: and ISIS using fear and terror to force peeps to believe in their idiot crap is just beyond reason, it is sickening ;)
Yes Night and i can predict next year will be exactly the same :D..Lets forget about EMP..nuclear attacks and black holes being manufactured to gobble up the earth and consequently the universe...everything has to "end" sometime, but lets hope its a "white hole" that does it and begins the next universe with a big bang full of love :)..
Yes Night and i can predict next year will be exactly the same :D..Lets forget about EMP..nuclear attacks and black holes being manufactured to gobble up the earth and consequently the universe...everything has to "end" sometime, but lets hope its a "white hole" that does it and begins the next universe with a big bang full of love :)..
:eek: Right TimeFlipper :) Would that not be so awesome if that happens? The reverse of a black hole :cool: which can only be entered from the outside :D from which nothing, including light, can escape :confused: ;) :Dgsdgsdgsgsd.webp
Yes Night and i can predict next year will be exactly the same :D..Lets forget about EMP..nuclear attacks and black holes being manufactured to gobble up the earth and consequently the universe...everything has to "end" sometime, but lets hope its a "white hole" that does it and begins the next universe with a big bang full of love :)..
:eek: Right TimeFlipper :) Would that not be so awesome if that happens? The reverse of a black hole :cool: which can only be entered from the outside :D from which nothing, including light, can escape :confused: ;) :DView attachment 2370
This is incredible Night...i was reading your post and a guy on a comedy show on UK TV (Mock The Week) started talking about a black hole, now THATS gotta be synchronicity :eek::D...personally i was seeing a white hole as something that already contains love from its creation, and only the nasty people get sucked OUT of it ;):D
Yes Night and i can predict next year will be exactly the same :D..Lets forget about EMP..nuclear attacks and black holes being manufactured to gobble up the earth and consequently the universe...everything has to "end" sometime, but lets hope its a "white hole" that does it and begins the next universe with a big bang full of love :)..
:eek: Right TimeFlipper :) Would that not be so awesome if that happens? The reverse of a black hole :cool: which can only be entered from the outside :D from which nothing, including light, can escape :confused: ;) :DView attachment 2370
This is incredible Night...i was reading your post and a guy on a comedy show on UK TV (Mock The Week) started talking about a black hole, now THATS gotta be synchronicity :eek::D...personally i was seeing a white hole as something that already contains love from its creation, and only the nasty people get sucked OUT of it ;):D
:eek: :D :confused: :cool: I would love to see that show TimeFlipper sounds fun :XD: I guess I can't get that show here though being in a different Time Zone and all :confused: :p I would not mind only all the nasty horrible people being sucked right out of existence for sure though TimeFlipper and only leave the ones with good kind hearts and intelligent logical minds :) :D ;) Come to think of it I can watch that show through the magic of Youtube :XD:
