What is God?

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Senior Member
Even if there is a higher purpose, it doesn't justify all the suffering in the world. People might say that we need to suffer so we become better people. Like, what about kids in Africa? Born in poverty and they die in poverty or slavery. What about kids that are born with cancer? And people who are born psychopaths?
You don't know this.
There is no way to know all possible outcomes.
You fail to consider even the possibilities we can imagine, such as the possibility that what you view as "suffering" is already being mitigated and could have been far worse without such interference.
If there is a God, and an afterlife, any suffering during life shrinks to virtual nonexistence when compared to the time spent not suffering.

Then there is the possibility of direct interference resulting in the complete loss of free will, which might be the linchpin of existence itself, for all you know. Where is there room for faith if God steps in to cover your ass every time?

The question is better stated as "If there is a God, what does He want?"
If He wants your love, then He can't be catching you every time you fall. That's hero-worship, not love.


Gnostic Christian

Active Member
A type of intelligence without form. God, God is the being that presides over our realty that seems to be the brand known as the Christian God intelligence. However is not other gods, known also as a God. e.g. Zeus is a god but not the Christian god.

Correct. Zeus is not nearly as satanic as the genocidal prick , Yahweh.



Senior Member
how about the god Aten?
I think that the current god is female, but she's still nothing to mess with. I was going through some tough time and was cussing out god and all of a sudden heard this female whimpering. What clicked in my head is this article Catholic Priest Who Died for 48 Minutes Claims That God Is a Woman

I've never felt so stupid in all my life. I asked her how long she had been on the job and that I was sorry. But by the time we were done talking, I made a really good friend. Men sometimes can be assholes. The Christian god is elected like the Pope is, but their reasoning escapes me. This seems to be a system only understood by the other side.

I don't mess around in this area. There was one young guy once, who said "There's no such thing as the Devil" and went out into his back yard to curse at the sky. His friend was inside and was concerned he'd gone nuts.

They found his footprints in the snow and they stopped abruptly as if something flying snatched him clean off the ground. This older kid was never seen or heard of again.

The Devil like God has a place, but in no way antagonize these beings.


Senior Member
yeah, they do intervene but god and the devil try to keep it secret.
interesting about your experience about god being a woman(makes sense she created us by giving birth)

andromedan aliens also say that

might want to see what you can find out about the monotheistic egyptian god aten.
some say it's the real yahweh. Aten was the god of the pharoah ankhenaten who created the first monotheistic god of the entire world.



Senior Member
yeah, they do intervene but god and the devil try to keep it secret.
interesting about your experience about god being a woman(makes sense she created us by giving birth)

andromedan aliens also say that

might want to see what you can find out about the monotheistic egyptian god aten.
some say it's the real yahweh. Aten was the god of the pharoah ankhenaten who created the first monotheistic god of the entire world.

Great reply, uplifting.
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