What Obligation Does a Person Have to Parallel World Lines?


Senior Member
In August 2004 I had a very long dream about the future of our country. Some things have already happened. Other things are still in the future.

In one scene, the White House was blown up and our federal government was no more. I wonder if that will happen. Time will tell. (I have had many precognitive dreams that came true.)


Temporal Engineer
I believe the future is not written yet. We are born with the ability to choose the path to our future. So it might be that you are on a path to the future you believe will happen. Or you could choose another path of your own choosing. But you have to take the necessary steps for the path you wish to be on. So do you chose your own destiny or let others chose it for you?


Senior Member
I believe the future is not written yet. We are born with the ability to choose the path to our future. So it might be that you are on a path to the future you believe will happen. Or you could choose another path of your own choosing. But you have to take the necessary steps for the path you wish to be on. So do you chose your own destiny or let others chose it for you?

We all have choices that we make that determine our destiny, and especially when we encounter a 'fork in the road'. But I'm not creating a destiny when I have a dream about something that happens to our country in the future. Is that what you're suggesting?

There are things that are destined to happen because of mankind's folly, and are predicted in Bible Prophecy...That is because God can see the past, present, and future. Those things are destined to happen, because God saw them and foretold us about them.

The precognitive dreams that I have had are glimpses into the future with my mind's eye that have been revealed to me in the dream state. Many people have these dreams. We are not making these visions happen, nor are we creating our own destiny. We are having glimpses of future events.


Temporal Engineer

My daughter once told me she occasionally has dreams of the future that come true. But in one dream she had a dream of her death in a car crash. Then one day while in her car she realized the scene of events were unfolding as they did in her dream. She pulled off the road and got out of her car. That dream didn't come true, because she chose another path.

I once had a strange happening to me as well. I was at the supermarket in the checkout line. I noticed a woman in another line was looking at me. Like she seemed to know me. I smiled and nodded and went about my way. But she seemed familiar to me. Like I had met her before. It wasn't until I was in my car on the way home that I finally remembered where I had seen her before. I had met her in a dream I had. It makes me wonder if she had the same dream and remembers me from the dream.


Senior Member

My daughter once told me she occasionally has dreams of the future that come true. But in one dream she had a dream of her death in a car crash. Then one day while in her car she realized the scene of events were unfolding as they did in her dream. She pulled off the road and got out of her car. That dream didn't come true, because she chose another path.

I once had a strange happening to me as well. I was at the supermarket in the checkout line. I noticed a woman in another line was looking at me. Like she seemed to know me. I smiled and nodded and went about my way. But she seemed familiar to me. Like I had met her before. It wasn't until I was in my car on the way home that I finally remembered where I had seen her before. I had met her in a dream I had. It makes me wonder if she had the same dream and remembers me from the dream.

Sometimes we are given precognitive dreams as a warning to prevent something. I find this is very rare. Many times I dreamed something that I tried to change the outcome, but was unable to. Best thing we can do is try to prevent bad things from happening, but we'll never know what actually happens for sure until after-the-fact.


Active Member
Hi Sam! I had this really weird dream once I will tell you I owned this junky white car and I had a dream I was driving to work and I got in this crash when I went to turn left and didnt see a car coming next thing I know I was sitting in the car and I tried to start the car back up and my hand went through the steering wheel like I was no longer solid and then all of a sudden to my left the car door disappeared and this beautiful place appeared almost like it was there all along very heavenly place and then all of a sudden I was a passenger in this car with this guy driving and he said he was a timetraveler and wanted to know where I got in the wreck at and I was showing him and then all of a sudden I woke up in my bed. The whole dream jumped around like that but it seemed so real that everytime I turned left I was very very careful!! I no longer own that car anymore but the dream might have prevented me from getting in a wreck....one never knows.


Senior Member
Hi Sam! I had this really weird dream once I will tell you I owned this junky white car and I had a dream I was driving to work and I got in this crash when I went to turn left and didnt see a car coming next thing I know I was sitting in the car and I tried to start the car back up and my hand went through the steering wheel like I was no longer solid and then all of a sudden to my left the car door disappeared and this beautiful place appeared almost like it was there all along very heavenly place and then all of a sudden I was a passenger in this car with this guy driving and he said he was a timetraveler and wanted to know where I got in the wreck at and I was showing him and then all of a sudden I woke up in my bed. The whole dream jumped around like that but it seemed so real that everytime I turned left I was very very careful!! I no longer own that car anymore but the dream might have prevented me from getting in a wreck....one never knows.

Hi Pamela, That's a very interesting dream! Here's one interpretation out of many...I wonder if the TT guy in your dream had anything to do with JT. Maybe on John's timeline you died in a car wreck in the white car, and J0hn was showing/warning you so you could prevent it from happening on this timeline, and it worked! Just a thought. :)


Active Member
I really dont know. All I know is that it made me scared when I turned left. I thought about it everytime I was making a left hand turn.
Especially when I was going to work and went on the same road!


Active Member
Actually...come to think about it I had that dream before I met John because I was working somewhere else when I met him.
