Who built the Moon, and what for?

Max X

Junior Member
Who built the Moon, and what for?

Why NASA has not had another trip to the Moon since 1972?

NASA apparently faked all the Moon landings from the 1969 up to 1972, not to mention the thousands of phony pictures they have made public, evidently to hide something.

Was it to fool the Russians with the so-called Soviet American race to the Moon? I don’t think so.
The evidence shows the Moon is artificial and/or dragged in place thousands of years ago as headquarters for aliens, most probably malevolent ones. Evidently, since it rings like a bell, the Moon Is also perfectly hollow.

The question is then who in the universe is living on, within, and on its dark side?
Scientific evidence proves the Moon is 400 times smaller than the Sun and it is also 1/400th of the distance between the Earth and the Sun. This means that both objects, from our perspective, seem to be the same size.

Isaac Asimov says that that is the most unlikely coincidence imaginable.

According to photographic evidence independently analyzed the Moon is highly populated and with all kind of buildings, space ship ports, living quarters, crystal and opaque domes, large ships, and smaller flying saucers.

I suspect the Moon is a key site to manage Earth population, facts that are kept top secret to keep humans at a stone age level compare to the technological advancement they have secretly achieved.

I believe the Moon is an artificial craft (or a natural satellite dragged in orbit around the Earth from someplace else) built as alien operations headquarters.
Re: Who built the Moon, and what for?

Do you believe in coincidence Max ?

I never really thought about that "1/400th" that makes the moon exactly the same size as the sun from our point of view, and it bothers me a bit, because it seems a good point. I know that the Moon looks the same size as the sun, but I never asked myself why it was so before.

Some claim that we really went on the moon, but that they didn't release all the stuff recorded, like the moment when they saw an alien spacecraft, and said "they're watching us". Perhaps that's not true at all, but why are we talking about this anyway ?

Let's say the Moon is an alien base watching us, and keeping us in a "stone age level" so to speak, why are they doing this, do they have a good reason at all ?

Also, it seems that Moons showing always the same face, aka tidal lock is a pretty common phenomena in the solar system.


Re: Who built the Moon, and what for?

Numenorean7 said:
Do you believe in coincidence Max ?

I never really thought about that "1/400th" that makes the moon exactly the same size as the sun from our point of view, and it bothers me a bit, because it seems a good point. I know that the Moon looks the same size as the sun, but I never asked myself why it was so before.

Some claim that we really went on the moon, but that they didn't release all the stuff recorded, like the moment when they saw an alien spacecraft, and said "they're watching us". Perhaps that's not true at all, but why are we talking about this anyway ?

Let's say the Moon is an alien base watching us, and keeping us in a "stone age level" so to speak, why are they doing this, do they have a good reason at all ?

Also, it seems that Moons showing always the same face, aka tidal lock is a pretty common phenomena in the solar system.


In my opinion the purpose of the whole thing is based on that primitive desire to dominate.

There are two kinds of people and beings on the galaxy: those who are motivated to do good, and those who enjoy messing with other races.

It is nothing but the confrontation between evil and good, yet some say this is a game where the evil ones are actually forcing the good ones to accelerate their human progression.

Evidently some of the aliens present on Earth and on/in the Moon are of the dark, yet they say that there are many other alien races on the Orion constellation that are benevolent, that the ones here on Earth are some kind of renegades.

Re: Who built the Moon, and what for?

Perhaps this ship on the moon did it. I don't know what that is. Perhaps a piece of weird terrain. Or maybe a ship. What do you think of it?
Re: Who built the Moon, and what for?

Kreeper said:
Do ya have any links to all this evidence you spoke of?

Most probably a mother space ship as it seems to be quite large.

See this very unusual well made nine part series of Lunar photos independent analysis. It is definitely a must watch documentary that has been online since 2004, and now on U Tube.


Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

Part 6:

Part 7:

Part 8:

Part 9:
