Debate Who or what created the Universe and how?


The question is simple: How do you explain the Universe's creation? Who/What created it and how? That's what we're going to debate here.

Did God create it, or did it create itself on its own? If God created it, who created God and how?

Perhaps the Universe is totally infinite, has always existed and will always exist. Is that enough for you, or do you still need to know how it was created and by whom?

Also, can science answer that question? If not, what are we supposed to do? Find our own answers within and have faith?

What do you think?


Active Member
I had a dream.
That one day......
Just kidding.
I did have a dream once, I was floating up above earth, far enough I could see most of it, but close enough to see water. Nothing existed accept the earth, the water, air, me, & this sort ball of energy, with feelings & thought. I felt how very lonely it was, and how it very much wanted company....
That was the dream.
I'm telling this dream not because I am confused about this thread, your questions or simply want to go off on random rants, but because that dream is what made me REALLY start thinking about it all.. God, mainly.. it put the idea in my mind that, what if God isn't male or female, but more of an energy with a conscious & some emotion?
This doesn't answer really any of your questions, because, I DON'T KNOW. I have ideas & theories, but of course...SO DOES EVERYONE.
After reading this question I started thinking about THIS:
Everyone is so concerned about WHO MADE US. and who is right & who is wrong. Has anyone else just stopped and realized, WE ARE in here, all this, the planets, galaxies, animals, nature, etc.... we don't know how, we may never know simply for the reason that we literally CANNOT understand it with our minds. We may never know who/what created all that exists but what I do know is this: we do exist. It's what it is, we just are all here, in this strange thing we call existing. I say existing because I do not believe our souls ever just go bloop! Out of existence. Our flesh in bone, it decays..we're on this physical dimension & there are rules of existence, on every level. So...I think I am honestly ok with not knowing or understanding it, because we all have a future to look to. Infinite futures.
Those are my thoughts on that, for now.
Thank you Num for the excellent question, I feel like I had a slight eureka moment and am relieved bc I finally realize I don't have to know to enjoy what is. :) :) :) <3


Something caused the big bang. What? No clue. What was "it" before the bang? No clue. A big ball of stuff?


Temporal Engineer
I kind of like that Roswell alien interview with Matilda O'Donnell MacElroy. According to the alien Airl, we all took part in creating the universe. Apparently we all are immortal beings.
