Why aren't hospitals haunted?


I've heard this on radio a few days ago during the morning show. As Halloween is here, they happen to talk a bit about scary subjects, ghosts, spirits and such, so on Monday morning they were talking about ghosts and how/why these wandering spirits get to show up in certain places, trapped for unknown or uncertain reasons.

Let's say someone is assassinated in his house. That's a violent death and his ghost will allegedly haunt this place, trapped forever (or not?) in our realm. Maybe it's in the owner's head, maybe it's real, but that's a problem for another day. Let's assume here that all of this is real, for a second.

What about hospitals? Hundred if not thousands of people die in there every year, many of them die of violent death or not, but all of them will die of sickness, car accidents, you name it. How come the hospitals are not totally full of ghosts from all these people dying one after another over the years. I'm going to admit that I didn't search much about it on my own, but I can't remember anything I've ever read all over the years that had to do with people experiencing something that had to do with ghosts / haunting in an operational hospital.

Is it because the lights are always on? They turn the lights off in your room at night, yet no one has ever seen any ghost behind the curtains or in the room's bathroom.

Did you ever think about this?


Active Member
Maybe a higher power is at work. I've spent time in hospitals over the years and I have never experienced any type of activity. I think that spirits do roam hospitals....but I think you have to be close to death to see them. Great post Num!


Hmmm... just throwing this out there but maybe hospitals serve as a collecting point for the souls of the dead! Whether it is for their benefit or not, what better a place to set up camp to catch em all than a hospital? *enters tall grass*


Senior Member
I have heard of several Ghosts in Hospitals, there are a-lot of story's of them. The main one i recall is a nurse who had passed away while on shift and would come back at night to check on patients. I have also heard of one of a elderly woman who use to wonder around the halls and greet people.

I know when i was working at United there were several areas that were creepy as all hell in the mornings when no one was in them, they had put a add-on to the ER area and i was installing the wall mounted PC's and getting them running and i swear it felt like every where i went someone was following me you would get cold spots of air and just all around creepy feeling that people are watching you and your most Defanitly not alone


Junior Member
I don't know from where you are coming from - hospitals (imho) could be considered one of the most haunted (if not, hauntible) places on Earth. Mortuaries are reknowned for having alot of supernatural shit occurring there - mostly during daylight hours too.

I know of one story where scalpels in a theater were sent flying across the room when a surgeon refused to operate on the patient on the table (as the doc thought it to be too risky a procedure). The doc not only operated, but within the next week the patient reported that, at that same time, she was talking to someone standing in the corner of the room ... the person suddenly became quite agetated and threw the scalpels "down" in disgust ... then she remembers the person telling her she'd be alright then leaving. I think that, in part, her experience could have been due to the heavy op drugs administered to her too ... but it makes her story no less compelling, imo.

I've also heard many stories of ghosts walking the hallways, and some even sitting or lying in their beds (my guess is that they were the ones that they were in when they passed on).

Another one I've heard concerned a surgeon whom had suffered a coronary blockage whilst in the sleeping quarters between shifts [I assume that it was during sleep] ... he subsequently died then and there ... later on his "former" patients reported many times that their clothes were suddenly removed, and cool touches of air went over their bared skin, leaving them feeling "as if they themselves were being examined by a doctor or surgeon".


New Member
I've heard a few reports of ghosts in hospitals... not just hauntings, but also "crisis" apparitions that have manifested to other people, who have seen someone who is elsewhere in the hospital in a coma... the victim sees the person, and the person sees an apparition of the victim.


where the wild things are
I've heard a few reports of ghosts in hospitals... not just hauntings, but also "crisis" apparitions that have manifested to other people, who have seen someone who is elsewhere in the hospital in a coma... the victim sees the person, and the person sees an apparition of the victim.

I wasn't there, but it was when my great grandmother had an incident after she had been diagnosed with cancer, she was hospitalized. She came to after a few hours, and said "hello mother"

She said that her mom was standing in the room with her. Nobody but my grandma and her sisters/brothers were in the room. Here is the tricky part, my great grandmother never knew her mother, never saw a picture of her. So how did she recognize this apparition as her mother?

I have never experienced anything in a hospital, but I do agree, with all the ongoings at a hospital, you wonder why they aren't as haunted as an abandoned hospital. I have heard of reports of strange things happening. I have explored abandoned local hospitals with local paranormal groups, and have encountered some strange things.

Perhaps with hospitals having a constantly deathly atmosphere, that the spirits are too busy tending to those who need help leaving this life and going onto the next?


Senior Member
I thought about this on my way into work, and i believe it was stated before, but maybe being it is a hospital and the usual high death tolls in them that what ever collects souls or helps us move onto the next life are constantly there to help people move on so that way people arent lingering. Kind of like a harvest station so to speak.


Senior Member
Top ten scariest hospitals in the US:

Danvers State Hospital
Salem, MAwww.hauntedsalem.com
This mental hospital was designed to house only 600 patients and by the 1940's they had 2300 patients. Treatment of the mentally ill was done by electroshock therapy, beating, and hydrotherapy. The hospital was closed in 1992. Jonathan Hathorne, a judge of witches delusions back in 1646 had a home on the property where the hospital now stands. People have witnessed lights flickering on and off, seeing apparitions, hearing footsteps with noone there, to doors opening and closing.
You can take a tour at Danvers State Hospital but only the grounds they will not let you inside the hospital.
Tours are give the second and fourth Tuesday of every month from 10am-12pm. You must call the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to register @ 978-365-7352.
Taunton State Hospital
Taunton, MAwww.masscrossroads.com
This hospital was built in 1854 to alleviate the strain on the hospital in Worcester. It was known as the State Lunatic Asylum. It was believed that their was cult activity within the hospital. Staff would take patients to the basement to perform satan rituals. Within the basement there are unexplained markings on the walls. Now the hospital is a active secure lockup and mental facility for juvenile offenders. Residents of this facility have seen a shadowy man who crawls on the walls, they feel cold spots, and have lights turn on and off.
No tours are given at this location.
Old Tooele Hospital
Tooele, Utahwww.asylum49.com
One of the more popular haunted hospitals that has been featured in the movie "The Stand" by Stephen King. Originally the hospital was a home that was built by a Samuel Lee for his family before it was sold. It was a poor house for the elderly in 1913 and then became a hospital. The hospital was closed in 2000 and stayed vacant until 2006 when it was bought to be used as a annual Halloween haunted hospital attraction. The owner didn't believe it was haunted until he witnessed things he couldn't explain and brought in a paranormal group to investigate it. People saw mists, appartions of a patient who had Alzheimers Disease who stays in his room that he died in and stands in the door, orbs, and several have seen nurses walking the hospital.
Tours are given two times a month from January to July see their website for tour information.
Waverly Hills Sanatorium
Louisville, Kentuckywww.hauntedamericatours.com
Waverly Hills is deemed one of the most scariest and haunted hospitals in the United States. If you search online you will find hundreds of websites devoted to the hauntings of this once sanatorium. It was a hospital in 1910 that was suppose to house 40-50 tuberculosis patients but was home to 140. The history of this facility will give you chills.
In Room 502 the history is that a nurse hung herself after finding out she was pregnant out of wedlock and tried to give herself an abortion, another nurse committed suicide jumping off the balcony of this room. People have seen moving shadows, a ball bouncing or rolling towards them with noone there, a woman with chains, screaming at the entrance, a child with no eyes asking visitors to play. The creepiness of this haunted hospital's history is well worth taking the tour.
Tour Times:
Historical and Paranormal tours are given on Fridays at 8:30 pm and 9:30 pm, and Saturdays at the same times.
Historical Tours only is given only at 2:30 pm. The cost is a $20 donation and tours must be reserved in advance.
Royal Hope Hospital
Our Lady of Gaudalupe
3 Avilles Street
St. Augustine, Floridawww.hauntedamericatours.com
The hospital stood here from 1784-1821, the actual building that is there now is not the original. This hospital operated on the dead or dying from the Seminole War and the Civil War. When the town dug up the water lines they found piles and piles of bones believed to be a Timucuan Indian burial site. People believe the new building built there is still haunted by souls of the original hospital. People have reported hospital beds moving and rolling across the floor, hearing heavy sobbing, hearing footprints in the hall, of being scratched by something, and orbs have been photographed.
Tours are given Daily from 10 am - 5 pm
Admission is $3.50 for Adults and Teens, and $1.50 for children under 12
The Ridges
Ohio University Campus
Athens, Ohiowww.altereddimensions.net
A old building found on the Ohio University Campus called the Ridges housed the criminally insane. It is believed the patients were beaten and tortured by staff members. The hospital closed in 1980. Before its closing a girl named Margaret Schilling disappeared from campus in 1979, and never found. On North Ward 20 a maintenance man found her body hidden in the attic after the hospital had already closed. The dark outline of her body with full details was cleaned and cleaned and would not come off the floor. There is also a cemetery on the property where patients were buried and only given numbers on a stone, no names.
The school does do tours so please call first.
Alton Mental Health Hospital
4500 College Avenue
Alton, Illinoiswww.aghostpage.com
This facility is still open. In the early 1900's it was an asylum where patients underwent electroshock therapy, cold water treatments, and lobotomies. Patients and staff have heard voices, slamming doors where there are no doors, and have seen an orb with a man's head in it. No tours are allowed.
Genesee County Home
Genesse, New York
This hospital was once a poorhouse in 1827 that was occupied by orphans, criminals and the elderly. Their was a separate building for the insane. From 1950-1974 it was a nursing home, and alot of the residents were buried on the property. The building sat empty until 1992 when it was turned into a shopping mall called Carriage Village. The mall closed in 2007. People have claimed to see figures, hearing voices, feeling cold touches. They no longer give tours but once did.
Manteno Mental Hospital
Insane Asylum
Manteno, Illinoistheunexplainedworld.com
At this website the web owner researched the history of this mental hospital and found that it was originally meant for 200 souls and was home to over 8,000 patients with a staff of only 200. Patients were treated with electroshock therapy. People have hear voices and screams, seen apparitions of people inside and out. No tours.
Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum
Weston State Hospital
71 Asylum Drive
Weston, West Virginiatrans-allegheny.com
One of the scariest haunted hospitals. The hospital is the second largest hand cut stone building in the United States. The hospital was built to hold 250 mentally ill patients. In 1950 the patients numbered 2400. Many were tormented, tortured and believed to be murdered there. Charles Manson once was a resident there. The asylum closed in 1994.
People see apparitions, inside and outside the grounds, and here voices and screams. The hospital has four floors.
