Debate Why do many (but not all) Conservatives hate the environment?


Temporal Engineer
TO EVERYONE who says GW is a hoax, can you please provide some insight into the following data? I am not agreeing GW is a hoax or that it's true. The power of disinformation is heavy.


There is a simple rule to follow that should help guide you on your path to truth. "Everytime a politician opens his mouth, he is lying." President Trump is not a politician. Also your graph shows a theoretical path for global warming. Did you notice it doesn't include the cooling going on at the south pole? Also any statement that supports global warming usually has no sources of reference. It's like you are expected to believe without proof.


Junior Member
@Pix3l_P0w3r - I don't believe there is a method of measuring the Earth's temperature that we know of and that existed before the last few centuries or so. I'd say this is fiction.

@Einstein - What do you think? And do you have any data that counters what is shown in this timeline?

Just for everyone's reference, this is a comic made by an American author who runs a website titled XKCD. The author's name is Randall Munroe. I must admit I am not certain where this data was obtained, but he seems to be a fairly reputable source in my eyes. If true, I find the information disheartening. If false, I'd like to know what sparked this disinformation campaign.

xkcd: Earth Temperature Timeline


Temporal Engineer
@Pix3l_P0w3r - I don't believe there is a method of measuring the Earth's temperature that we know of and that existed before the last few centuries or so. I'd say this is fiction.

@Einstein - What do you think? And do you have any data that counters what is shown in this timeline?

Yes. The south pole data showing an increase in sea ice by 7000 square mile a year. I believe I found that info on NASA's site.

When I took science in school I was taught that ice forms from a cooling effect. The satellite data confirms this.


Junior Member
@Pix3l_P0w3r - I don't believe there is a method of measuring the Earth's temperature that we know of and that existed before the last few centuries or so. I'd say this is fiction.

@Einstein - What do you think? And do you have any data that counters what is shown in this timeline?

Yes. The south pole data showing an increase in sea ice by 7000 square mile a year. I believe I found that info on NASA's site.

When I took science in school I was taught that ice forms from a cooling effect. The satellite data confirms this.

It was also stated by many scientists that global warming does not mean less cold temperatures and more warm temperatures. We're talking about a global average temperature rise. This will inevitably cause erratic weather patterns, an increase in natural disasters, and overall changes to the global temperature. If there is indeed ice growth in the south pole, it isn't necessarily a sign that global warming is a hoax, as it could still be related.


Junior Member
@Einstein, actually one of my concerns was the melting of permafrost in the north. Is it at all possible that these are natural temperature changes, but our contribution is speeding things up substantially? That could easily explain why there are two heavily weighted sides to this debate.


Temporal Engineer
@Pix3l_P0w3r - I don't believe there is a method of measuring the Earth's temperature that we know of and that existed before the last few centuries or so. I'd say this is fiction.

@Einstein - What do you think? And do you have any data that counters what is shown in this timeline?

Yes. The south pole data showing an increase in sea ice by 7000 square mile a year. I believe I found that info on NASA's site.

When I took science in school I was taught that ice forms from a cooling effect. The satellite data confirms this.

It was also stated by many scientists that global warming does not mean less cold temperatures and more warm temperatures. We're talking about a global average temperature rise. This will inevitably cause erratic weather patterns, an increase in natural disasters, and overall changes to the global temperature. If there is indeed ice growth in the south pole, it isn't necessarily a sign that global warming is a hoax, as it could still be related.

More ice yearly means lower temperatures worldwide. That is an irrefutable fact. The global average temperature is shifting downwards, not upwards. I don't care how many people say the earth is getting warmer. The satellite data says otherwise. You are aware people will lie for a paycheck aren't you? Just turn on CNN and see for yourself.


Junior Member
@Einstein, I do not watch TV or mainstream news stations. None of it is real information to me. For example, I really don't care if Justin Bieber gets arrested for DUI. I'll stick to news sources online.

If you are correct in that global temperatures are decreasing, is it plausible to presume that if I were to contact Randall from XKCD and ask him to redo the infographic with more current temperature data, it would be different? Randall isn't after a paycheck for the information he provides, so I don't believe that to be a factor here.


Junior Member

Referring back to the infographic, I should point out how large the scale is, so this infographic is not 100% correct. There are spikes in temperature that may have been smoothed over, indicating a lack of warming and cooling periods. That fact, coupled with @Classicalfan626's statement "I don't believe there is a method of measuring the Earth's temperature that we know of and that existed before the last few centuries or so." could very well be proof in itself that global warming is a misconception or campaign of disinformation for a hidden agenda.




Temporal Engineer
@Einstein, I do not watch TV or mainstream news stations. None of it is real information to me. For example, I really don't care if Justin Bieber gets arrested for DUI. I'll stick to news sources online.

If you are correct in that global temperatures are decreasing, is it plausible to presume that if I were to contact Randall from XKCD and ask him to redo the infographic with more current temperature data, it would be different? Randall isn't after a paycheck for the information he provides, so I don't believe that to be a factor here.

Apparently accurate tmeperature data does not exist. But people are usually motivated by money. The only way you can find the truth is to go after facts. You may have to do the job yourself.


Junior Member
@Einstein, I do not watch TV or mainstream news stations. None of it is real information to me. For example, I really don't care if Justin Bieber gets arrested for DUI. I'll stick to news sources online.

If you are correct in that global temperatures are decreasing, is it plausible to presume that if I were to contact Randall from XKCD and ask him to redo the infographic with more current temperature data, it would be different? Randall isn't after a paycheck for the information he provides, so I don't believe that to be a factor here.

Apparently accurate tmeperature data does not exist. But people are usually motivated by money. The only way you can find the truth is to go after facts. You may have to do the job yourself.

Let's presume you are correct in that global warming is a hoax. Consumption of fossil fuels is still an issue for our environment and the health of citizens living in cities of major production and fabrication. Therefore, shouldn't we hold onto the notion that global warming is real until these changes are made? Sometimes, you need a scare factor to push people to change. I've always thought that cars should have been hybrids since day 1. Imagine a fully electric car, but because battery technologies are so underdeveloped, a gas to electric conversion could be used until battery technologies catch up. Essentially the vehicle would look and operate the same to the end user. They would have to put gas in the car for it to work. But it gives the ability to remove the gas portion and replace it with a battery. Unfortunately fossil fuels were discovered as the end-all-be-all solution to energy requirements, and even people that own electric vehicles today are still powering them indirectly through fossil fuels as our entire economy and electrical grid depends heavily upon it. I'm glad Elon is doing what he's doing and working towards a greener, more sustainable future.
