Why Does Earth Have Been Quarantined?

Max X

Junior Member
Why do people and planet have been conquered and confined by the Annunaki dark forces for so long?

The problem seems to be that for thousands of years certain negative self-appointed malevolent powers have kept the naive population, not everyone though, in absolute isolation from our ancestors from other stars and planets of the Galaxy and in total ignorance of what is going on with other civilizations who dwell in hollow and inhabited within stars and planets, and dimensions where peace, freedom, abundance and harmony reigh supreme.

The deception was to use the media to force lies of isolation and limitation into the mind of the population that Earthians are the only humans on the universe.

This has been successfully instigated to keep people blind to their natural universal rights of joy, abundance, freedom, equality, a clean planet, peace; and that war, lack, limitations, exploitation, sickness, chaos, pollution and death and reincarnation (not to mention the beliefs of hell and heaven) are the only options.

Yet enough is enough, the cat is out the sack and the time for the evil manipulators is up. In spite of aggressive malicious lies humanity has been gradually awakening from the slumber to the point where disclosure and an encounter with our benevolent Galactic human family and friends is imminent, necessary and unavoidable.

See this short video, and share it with others:

InLight Radio Team Releases Global Disclosure Video: ‘I Know My Galactic Family Is Here – Do You?’ | The 2012 Scenario
Interesting post. I like your presentation but I have some comments on this subject.
First off, I believe in God, Heaven, Hell, and everything that goes with it. But I also believe that we are not alone. I don't know if I want to go as far as calling these creatures from outer space my galactic "human" family...I will just keep calling them aliens. I do think they are part of the "end times senerio" the awakening...probably in more ways than one. Mayans and other Indian cultures call for their visit to occur since it had happened before and is foretold to happen again during the awakening period. This awakening could involve aliens, a form of deception, increased spirituality, or whatever else.
We here on Earth are like the Native Americans of days gone by...They expected aliens or gods from across the mighty waters to come sailing in on their mighty ships...and we know the rest of the story of what happened to the Native American population. I don't know if I could trust a Galactic family member that can't show themselves at this time. They remind me of a outcasted family member on earth that only shows up if they want something.
I feel you are 100% right about the deception on our society regarding aliens and everything else, I just question their motives. I remember watching several movies where the crowds are cheering and celebrating the arrival...only to get vaporized!

See Tennessee the problem is people are inclined to believe what they hear in the media and what has been reported, The reports of ET's doing bad are far more popular than the ones of them doing good. You say Alien to any average day person and the first things that are gonna come to mind is Little green men or Independence day the media, Hollywood etc have all done there job in striking fear into humanity about being over taken by aliens. Why show your self to a civilization who through out time has been brain washed into believing there only here to conquer us? No matter how its done if they show them selfs panic is sure to ensue afterwards and i am sure they know this so perhaps thats why its taken them so long to show them selfs to us

Piggy backing off what blast tyrant said.... in our panic and hysteria government officials will aim their sights on the aliens and hit the red button. It doesnt matter what the aliens do right now because our conditioned fear response will be our driver. You'd be surprised how suicidal a person can be when they feel as if there is nothing they can do. We would most likely end up destroying EVERYTHING our own damn selves. Simply out of fear of the unknown.

I know I'd rather die a martyr than a slave.
Interesting post. I like your presentation but I have some comments on this subject.
First off, I believe in God, Heaven, Hell, and everything that goes with it. But I also believe that we are not alone. I don't know if I want to go as far as calling these creatures from outer space my galactic "human" family...I will just keep calling them aliens. I do think they are part of the "end times senerio" the awakening...probably in more ways than one. Mayans and other Indian cultures call for their visit to occur since it had happened before and is foretold to happen again during the awakening period. This awakening could involve aliens, a form of deception, increased spirituality, or whatever else.
We here on Earth are like the Native Americans of days gone by...They expected aliens or gods from across the mighty waters to come sailing in on their mighty ships...and we know the rest of the story of what happened to the Native American population. I don't know if I could trust a Galactic family member that can't show themselves at this time. They remind me of a outcasted family member on earth that only shows up if they want something.
I feel you are 100% right about the deception on our society regarding aliens and everything else, I just question their motives. I remember watching several movies where the crowds are cheering and celebrating the arrival...only to get vaporized!

Unless something drastic happens before the year is over I think this disclosure and first contact thing might turn out to be a slow step-by-step process.

Regarding the Galactics, the ETs, the aliens we are dealing here with both negative and positive forces and on the other hand, about 80 percent of the world population is unaware of what is going on in the USA and the planet, let alone the Milky Way galaxy.

The dark owns the Media: a powerful instrument of mass manipulation, take for instance their movies that portray the Galactics as evil monsters, and aggressive creatures. No wonder many are concern about the ETS. Let us face it the misinformation for millennia against good people and the Galactics has been both offensive and massive.
When I say Galactic Family I am talking about human-like people, perhaps a little taller than we are but very benevolent, the Pleiadians are a good example of that race. A Pleiadian can walk a mall or a street without attracting any attention, they say.
Yet because someone looks like a bird, insect, lion or horse on two legs does not mean they are necessarily malevolent what it implies is that the population will have a hard time accepting those “strange beings” as partners.
Not long ago in a large library bookstore I was talking to an educated woman and I was astonished to find out she is convinced that UFOS and Galactics are FICTION.

I am persuaded that kind of attitude is the result of several decades of tricky movies, TV documentaries, newspapers articles, religions, and harmful books indoctrination.
Interesting post. I like your presentation but I have some comments on this subject.
First off, I believe in God, Heaven, Hell, and everything that goes with it. But I also believe that we are not alone. I don't know if I want to go as far as calling these creatures from outer space my galactic "human" family...I will just keep calling them aliens. I do think they are part of the "end times senerio" the awakening...probably in more ways than one. Mayans and other Indian cultures call for their visit to occur since it had happened before and is foretold to happen again during the awakening period. This awakening could involve aliens, a form of deception, increased spirituality, or whatever else.
We here on Earth are like the Native Americans of days gone by...They expected aliens or gods from across the mighty waters to come sailing in on their mighty ships...and we know the rest of the story of what happened to the Native American population. I don't know if I could trust a Galactic family member that can't show themselves at this time. They remind me of a outcasted family member on earth that only shows up if they want something.
I feel you are 100% right about the deception on our society regarding aliens and everything else, I just question their motives. I remember watching several movies where the crowds are cheering and celebrating the arrival...only to get vaporized!

Unless something drastic happens before the year is over I think this disclosure and first contact thing might turn out to be a slow step-by-step process.

Regarding the Galactics, the ETs, the aliens we are dealing here with both negative and positive forces and on the other hand, about 80 percent of the world population is unaware of what is going on in the USA and the planet, let alone the Milky Way galaxy.

The dark owns the Media: a powerful instrument of mass manipulation, take for instance their movies that portray the Galactics as evil monsters, and aggressive creatures. No wonder many are concern about the ETS. Let us face it the misinformation for millennia against good people and the Galactics has been both offensive and massive.
When I say Galactic Family I am talking about human-like people, perhaps a little taller than we are but very benevolent, the Pleiadians are a good example of that race. A Pleiadian can walk a mall or a street without attracting any attention, they say.
Yet because someone looks like a bird, insect, lion or horse on two legs does not mean they are necessarily malevolent what it implies is that the population will have a hard time accepting those “strange beings” as partners.
Not long ago in a large library bookstore I was talking to an educated woman and I was astonished to find out she is convinced that UFOS and Galactics are FICTION.

I am persuaded that kind of attitude is the result of several decades of tricky movies, TV documentaries, newspapers articles, religions, and harmful books indoctrination.
I like how you present your thoughts on your beliefs. Your post reminds me of what I thought about last night. What if the NWO, dark forces, the government, or whatever we want to call them blame what they plan to do to us on the visitors from the sky. The evil forces (I like that description) could start a pandemic or create earthquakes and blame it on the visitors. It is no secret that the NWO wants to reduce the earth's population so if the visitors get the blame, the NWO would look like the good guys to the rest of the surviving population. Most people would believe this account as most believe what they are now told by the government.
Another thread is talking about a battle between the USA and China against UFOs. I don't know what to make of this ...you may want to check that thread out.
Interesting post. I like your presentation but I have some comments on this subject.
First off, I believe in God, Heaven, Hell, and everything that goes with it. But I also believe that we are not alone. I don't know if I want to go as far as calling these creatures from outer space my galactic "human" family...I will just keep calling them aliens. I do think they are part of the "end times senerio" the awakening...probably in more ways than one. Mayans and other Indian cultures call for their visit to occur since it had happened before and is foretold to happen again during the awakening period. This awakening could involve aliens, a form of deception, increased spirituality, or whatever else.
We here on Earth are like the Native Americans of days gone by...They expected aliens or gods from across the mighty waters to come sailing in on their mighty ships...and we know the rest of the story of what happened to the Native American population. I don't know if I could trust a Galactic family member that can't show themselves at this time. They remind me of a outcasted family member on earth that only shows up if they want something.
I feel you are 100% right about the deception on our society regarding aliens and everything else, I just question their motives. I remember watching several movies where the crowds are cheering and celebrating the arrival...only to get vaporized!

Unless something drastic happens before the year is over I think this disclosure and first contact thing might turn out to be a slow step-by-step process.

Regarding the Galactics, the ETs, the aliens we are dealing here with both negative and positive forces and on the other hand, about 80 percent of the world population is unaware of what is going on in the USA and the planet, let alone the Milky Way galaxy.

The dark owns the Media: a powerful instrument of mass manipulation, take for instance their movies that portray the Galactics as evil monsters, and aggressive creatures. No wonder many are concern about the ETS. Let us face it the misinformation for millennia against good people and the Galactics has been both offensive and massive.
When I say Galactic Family I am talking about human-like people, perhaps a little taller than we are but very benevolent, the Pleiadians are a good example of that race. A Pleiadian can walk a mall or a street without attracting any attention, they say.
Yet because someone looks like a bird, insect, lion or horse on two legs does not mean they are necessarily malevolent what it implies is that the population will have a hard time accepting those “strange beings” as partners.
Not long ago in a large library bookstore I was talking to an educated woman and I was astonished to find out she is convinced that UFOS and Galactics are FICTION.

I am persuaded that kind of attitude is the result of several decades of tricky movies, TV documentaries, newspapers articles, religions, and harmful books indoctrination.
I like how you present your thoughts on your beliefs. Your post reminds me of what I thought about last night. What if the NWO, dark forces, the government, or whatever we want to call them blame what they plan to do to us on the visitors from the sky. The evil forces (I like that description) could start a pandemic or create earthquakes and blame it on the visitors. It is no secret that the NWO wants to reduce the earth's population so if the visitors get the blame, the NWO would look like the good guys to the rest of the surviving population. Most people would believe this account as most believe what they are now told by the government.
Another thread is talking about a battle between the USA and China against UFOs. I don't know what to make of this ...you may want to check that thread out.

I believe that our Galactic Family and the earth will not allow another atomic bomb that would for sure destroy the planet and everything on it. Such catastrophic mayhem would also disturb the balance of the galaxy and the universe and so the thing is absolutely not allowed to happen, I have heard.

There are orders from the Central Sun to put an end to the exploitation the planet and its people, flora and fauna have suffered for thousands of years, in addition atomic attacks planned using the Middle East countries of Iran and Afghanistan have been already stopped by the those who work for the Galaxy which are technologically ahead of the dark forces, they say.

Also it has become hard to tell if a catastrophe is natural, or unnaturally induced. The dark has used their technology to generate earthquakes, hurricanes and then to stir them to their target also Mother Earth is venting her repressed pains with volcanos, twisters, fires, hurricanes and other natural maladies. Yet her natural changes are an expected cleansing process to rid herself of negativity repressed in her body for a long time .

Yet it seems most people are awakening and I would say that in 2012 it is not as easy to fool them as was in 1980s and 90s perhaps because 9/ 11 became the turning point regarding what the so-called government in DC, and Europe, corporations, banks and other evil organizations really are up to.

Remember the good old days when people used to rob banks?
C. S. Lewis had some interesting things to say on the subject in a set of books commonly referred to as the Perelandra Trilogy. Take a look. It's a fun read, but the underlying philosophy is quite profound.
