Why microsingularaties haven't been discovered yet


Active Member
I've been making a number of strides in my research lately and want to share an observation I've made in relation to the lifespan of micro-black holes. Technically the following knowledge is already available to anyone that can fathom the math, though I'd share it anyway.

Any black holes created, will evaporate before they can be discovered according to the hawking radiation theory. 20210627_101226.jpg

As can be seen from the math, a singularity weighing 1200 Kg only lasts for about 4 and a half seconds. A 24T singularly lasts for about 10hrs, yet a 200Kg singularly lasts a fraction of a second.

I imagine this is the exact reason CERN hasn't observed them yet, though I think it's possible that the subparticles they keep finding are the remnants of decayed black holes.

Realistically to observe a black hole, you'd need to have a matter injector shoving tens to hundreds of kilos into the singularity every second, at least until it reaches 12 tons.

On that note, I have doubts that John Titors TDU would be liftable by a human unless it had a way of manipulating the decay time of it's singularity.

Might post more of this later on if people are interested.


Temporal Engineer
All scientific theories are falsifiable. That is a scientific requirement for a theory to be accepted by the scientific community. A black hole is based on the assumption that the mathematical concept of mass is real. Yet no experiment or observation to this date has even shown mass to exist. It is just a mathematical ratio between applied force and acceleration in Newtons laws of motion. That rule doesn't even apply with gravitational weight and gravitational acceleration. Just remember that gravitational objects that experience gravitational acceleration are weightless.

Here is an interesting video showing gravity interacting with spring force. New rules are observed.



Active Member
All scientific theories are falsifiable. That is a scientific requirement for a theory to be accepted by the scientific community. A black hole is based on the assumption that the mathematical concept of mass is real. Yet no experiment or observation to this date has even shown mass to exist. It is just a mathematical ratio between applied force and acceleration in Newtons laws of motion. That rule doesn't even apply with gravitational weight and gravitational acceleration. Just remember that gravitational objects that experience gravitational acceleration are weightless.

Here is an interesting video showing gravity interacting with spring force. New rules are observed.

Falsifiability requires that a prediction can be tested and not be a vuage generalisation that can be applied to everything. This theory makes a prediction that can be tested.

There is an exponential decrease in the time the singularity can exist for relatives the it's mass. (Not weight) The LHC can only detect particles with a resolution in the nanosecond range, and will be upgraded to pictosecond, which still won't be sufficient to find the singularities before they evaporate. A glimpse of one would be a fluke.

I'll post the results of the calculation to prove this when I do it.


Active Member
A prediction that will never come true if the concept of mass is thrown out. Our science is being controlled by these false assumptions. Inventors don't invent inventions based on assumptions. They use facts.

If the concept of mass was non existent, then it wouldn't be used for relevant physics calculations. It's entirely possible that mass is irrelevant inside the event horizon, though that's not what I'm trying to prove.

I do actually need to look into the evaporation time anyway, as the basis of my theory relies on the manufacture of an artificial black holes.

Anyway, how about waiting until the theory is tested before dismissing it?


Senior Member
I've been making a number of strides in my research lately and want to share an observation I've made in relation to the lifespan of micro-black holes. Technically the following knowledge is already available to anyone that can fathom the math, though I'd share it anyway.

Any black holes created, will evaporate before they can be discovered according to the hawking radiation theory. View attachment 11896

As can be seen from the math, a singularity weighing 1200 Kg only lasts for about 4 and a half seconds. A 24T singularly lasts for about 10hrs, yet a 200Kg singularly lasts a fraction of a second.

I imagine this is the exact reason CERN hasn't observed them yet, though I think it's possible that the subparticles they keep finding are the remnants of decayed black holes.

Realistically to observe a black hole, you'd need to have a matter injector shoving tens to hundreds of kilos into the singularity every second, at least until it reaches 12 tons.

On that note, I have doubts that John Titors TDU would be liftable by a human unless it had a way of manipulating the decay time of it's singularity.

Might post more of this later on if people are interested.
Your deduced information about black holes is in error in your supposition that there's a connected technology to the said GE time displacement unit that said John Titor employed. Micro short lived black holes, from CERN, are postulated as para-events of the large hadron collider. This is a magnetic combined collisional production of postulated generation of short lived black holes, that do not have the majesty for a sustained established presence.

In other words they're a spawned spun off presence in theory and are not a tunable apparatus from some device.

The creation of an inversed pocket outline of a large out of time machine generated bubble, is from the, "hope I get this correctly", the 401 General electric time displacement unit. Where your generational appearance comes from, is as a byproduct of a specialized electrodynamic cryo-rotating tower, that prompts the simulated-generated globe around the vehicle to occur.

Once this presence occurs, then this is a special relativity and is no longer in-line with any happenings within the start departure point of time zero, or time travel start is achieved.

There's a fine tuning servo set of controls on the hand held control that is coiled wired, like an old style wall 1960s wall mounted telephone. I'm not a fan of the unit, because the special relativity sphere is air-tight sealed and can get hot inside. But the unit can go forwards and backwards in time and this is what counts.*You really don't want your hands near the case that encompasses the time displacement unit, as radian fields can just out of the box, from time to time and these can cut your fingers of hands off.

The rotation of the Tipler cylinders is not fast, but within a boundary of super heavy physics, because of the special relativity sphere that is generated. So this is NOT a true black hole, but only a machine that manufactures the perimeters of a simulated designed made to order out of time boundary, which is like a black hole, however is totally modulated and in control all of the time. When in operation, this unit can take the earth beneath is, to that new time destination.

They never figured out how to preclude the travel along dirt and simply [passed this off as an operational short falling. Grin and bear it.

*Know that one cannot compare any facet of operation of this time machine, with any actually or theoretical occurrence at CERN. Different machines, like comparing apples and oranges.

John was said to carry bottled oxygen with him in the Corvette, due to the sealed relativity problem. If he took anybody with him, more than likely they would have to sit in the back seat, if the Chevy Corvette had that feature in their particular model? As much I know.

An oblate tensor photonic time machine, is given in entertainment history, of a positively based time machine, using traveling Fresnel lenses, from a core spike or a primary influx of photons, which are amplified doped, to created a more attenable isolated special relativity. View the link. Amazon.com : fresnel lens



Senior Member
I've been making a number of strides in my research lately and want to share an observation I've made in relation to the lifespan of micro-black holes. Technically the following knowledge is already available to anyone that can fathom the math, though I'd share it anyway.

Any black holes created, will evaporate before they can be discovered according to the hawking radiation theory. View attachment 11896

As can be seen from the math, a singularity weighing 1200 Kg only lasts for about 4 and a half seconds. A 24T singularly lasts for about 10hrs, yet a 200Kg singularly lasts a fraction of a second.

I imagine this is the exact reason CERN hasn't observed them yet, though I think it's possible that the subparticles they keep finding are the remnants of decayed black holes.

Realistically to observe a black hole, you'd need to have a matter injector shoving tens to hundreds of kilos into the singularity every second, at least until it reaches 12 tons.

On that note, I have doubts that John Titors TDU would be liftable by a human unless it had a way of manipulating the decay time of it's singularity.

Might post more of this later on if people are interested.
To note, when they were developing the 401, they were achieving everything they wanted in the pre-performance of getting the machine to idle, but the original unit was electrically controlled attached to a control console. They could get the unit up and running, but the promoted singularity shell would cut through the wiring like a hot knife through butter.

After a lot of argumentation it was decided to go ahead with as much detail added to the construction, so that the unit would work correctly. But the first test flight into a zero achieved field, would have to have a human at the controls. There was no other way around this problem.

My knowledge on this machine I made a promise to a very dear friend, I would not disclose, ever, where it came from. So like the Greek gift horse, take the horse and do not check the mouth. A promise is a promise and in my book, should be honored.

*How you get the power for the performance, is there's a field take back power effect, from the singularity envelope itself. This is how anyone is able to maintain the travel dynamics necessary, for the envelope to stay viable and effective as a method of time travel.


Active Member
Your deduced information about black holes is in error in your supposition that there's a connected technology to the said GE time displacement unit that said John Titor employed. Micro short lived black holes, from CERN, are postulated as para-events of the large hadron collider. This is a magnetic combined collisional production of postulated generation of short lived black holes, that do not have the majesty for a sustained established presence.

In other words they're a spawned spun off presence in theory and are not a tunable apparatus from some device.

The creation of an inversed pocket outline of a large out of time machine generated bubble, is from the, "hope I get this correctly", the 401 General electric time displacement unit. Where your generational appearance comes from, is as a byproduct of a specialized electrodynamic cryo-rotating tower, that prompts the simulated-generated globe around the vehicle to occur.

Once this presence occurs, then this is a special relativity and is no longer in-line with any happenings within the start departure point of time zero, or time travel start is achieved.

There's a fine tuning servo set of controls on the hand held control that is coiled wired, like an old style wall 1960s wall mounted telephone. I'm not a fan of the unit, because the special relativity sphere is air-tight sealed and can get hot inside. But the unit can go forwards and backwards in time and this is what counts.*You really don't want your hands near the case that encompasses the time displacement unit, as radian fields can just out of the box, from time to time and these can cut your fingers of hands off.

The rotation of the Tipler cylinders is not fast, but within a boundary of super heavy physics, because of the special relativity sphere that is generated. So this is NOT a true black hole, but only a machine that manufactures the perimeters of a simulated designed made to order out of time boundary, which is like a black hole, however is totally modulated and in control all of the time. When in operation, this unit can take the earth beneath is, to that new time destination.

They never figured out how to preclude the travel along dirt and simply [passed this off as an operational short falling. Grin and bear it.

*Know that one cannot compare any facet of operation of this time machine, with any actually or theoretical occurrence at CERN. Different machines, like comparing apples and oranges.

John was said to carry bottled oxygen with him in the Corvette, due to the sealed relativity problem. If he took anybody with him, more than likely they would have to sit in the back seat, if the Chevy Corvette had that feature in their particular model? As much I know.

An oblate tensor photonic time machine, is given in entertainment history, of a positively based time machine, using traveling Fresnel lenses, from a core spike or a primary influx of photons, which are amplified doped, to created a more attenable isolated special relativity. View the link. Amazon.com : fresnel lens

The intended use case I'm working on is for faster than light travel, not necessarily time travel. This specific formula is for the drive spindown duration, a modification of the original equation.

The spindown to base mass modification is represented as the 1-(m2/m1). This isn't exactly accurate though, it does give a good rough estimate though.

Writing this gave me an idea on how to solve the issue. Precalcuate the base mass decay and remove the base decay from the spooled decay.

On the topic of John's air bubble, I have doubts that the bubble can maintain an atmosphere. It could be possible, though it'd need to be tested first.

Using the machine for time travel is tricky as you'd be effectively blind or chasing a moving object, which makes the concept more of a data issue.


Senior Member
1. The intended use case I'm working on is for faster than light travel, not necessarily time travel. This specific formula is for the drive spindown duration, a modification of the original equation.

2. On the topic of John's air bubble, I have doubts that the bubble can maintain an atmosphere. It could be possible, though it'd need to be tested first.

3. Using the machine for time travel is tricky as you'd be effectively blind or chasing a moving object, which makes the concept more of a data issue.
1. As par pre-qued in reply; NOT FASTER THAN LIGHT, but pumped pressure which reestablishes light as an oblate within the fabric of timespace. Like a stringing hand use shuttle, in how some weave a rug, or fabric. Your'e not going against the standard universal model, but simply weaving through it.

2. There's a remnant atmosphere like a tight fitting closets door without a vent, in the use of this unit. A bottle of O2 will get you there, but using this style of machine takes time. || On testing, as I had said, when they got everything figured out, this was a tethered machine.

They turned it on and the outer shell event promptly cut the cables. They tried with twice, with steel armored cabling to protect the wires going in. They finally said " screw this, we're getting no where. We need a monkey inside the event ". and that's just what they did. They needed a recorder reprogrammer in the IBM computer they were after and this had to be the ticket out to get that computer.

3. Yeah, tell me about it?! Thank you for your skilled reply, but I think that we're comparing apples and oranges.
