Will Smith Punches Chris Rock For Wife Joke – Illuminati Brothers Not Happy

Common Sense Conspiracy

🤖 Conspiracy Blog
What is real? It’s hard to know. What we do know is that the clip below played out on live television, and it appeared to be a set-up deal until Will Smith went super-belligerent, repeatedly dropping the F-bomb on live television.

This moment is going to be right up there with Janet Jackson’s Super Bowl “wardrobe malfunction” by morning, so you heard it here first. We would imagine a lot of our readers were watching the Oscars solely to see if there was any type of Illuminati messaging. Well, what of this… two would-be Illuminati brothers hashing things out in a very public setting. What do you think? Publicity stunt? But why… what does either party have to gain?

We want to hear you thoughts in the comments below.

Source: Common Sense Conspiracy
Will Smith loves and protects his wife, no conspiracy here , imho.

Doesn't make it right though, to hit a comedian on live national television and then
swear at him dropping the F-bomb.

It has caused quite a meme fest and the youtubers are all over it.

I don't think this is going to play well for Will's future......But,
this is Hollyweird so, you just never know.

Publicity stunt, the whole thing is silly, you can see Will laughing at the joke seconds before he gets "upset" and walks up and slaps Chris, this was nothing more than a stunt to bring in more viewers. I mean Chris was MIC'ed up and you didn't even hear a slap, the hit may have been really but it was all staged, i mean the guy did win the best actors award lol

I'm taking Will's side. Looks like it was brought on by Chris publicly humiliating Will's wife for a medical condition she had. Chris crossed the line and got off with a mere slap to the face. What is funny is the wrong guy apologized. It should have been Chris up on stage apologizing for his insensitive slur to Will's wife.
The look on Will's wife Jada's face after the so-called joke was very telling.
She deserves an apology because it just wasn't funny to be humiliated like that on Live TV
with millions watching.

YouTube was absolutely ALIVE with Will Smith viddys and some of them have been taken down by now.
Looks like it was brought on by Chris publicly humiliating Will's wife for a medical condition she had
If I remember the laws of privileges correctly (that the media likes to talk about all of the time ), he and Jada cannot be discriminated and humiliated, because they have more power. It is only prejudice in that case. If Chris Rock had more power than Smith and his wife, it would be discrimination, but because this in not true this is ok in this case.

It is similar to the racism topic and the term Asian hate that the media mentioned. They did not know if China or the US has more power, so they didnt call it racism. Only the people that have more power can be vile things like being racist or discriminating other people And if Asians have more power you cannot be racist against them, so you have to call it hate instead of racism or humiliation.

That is not my opinion. I just understand their reasoning this way.
