Working in my dreams

Alpha and 0mega

Junior Member
Working in my dreams

yesterday,i was trying to form a equation for amount of energy transferred between two medium.i was tried trying to form the equation,so i hop onto bed.When i was on my bed, started to dream of me trying to form the equation.while dreaming,i found some important points to form the equation.incredible huh?(i will show you guys my equation after i have make it flawless.
Re: Working in my dreams

Is why they always say you should sleep on it, good for making decisions as well...

Re: Working in my dreams

what I hate is when you figure out the solution to a problem in your dream then forget it as soon as you wake up.

Re: Working in my dreams

Review of the physiology of Dream indicates that our brains are often active during the bed-time?
Re: Working in my dreams

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Strangevisitor\")</div>
what I hate is when you figure out the solution to a problem in your dream then forget it as soon as you wake up.[/b]

I have experienced this quite a few times, it is extremely irratating!
Re: Working in my dreams

I can't remember exactly but it was just a simple 'three digit times three digit' multiplication sum. But I remember once I dreamt about some kind of "Towers of Hanoi" puzzle and worked it out.
Re: Working in my dreams

Remember, a lot can be discovered about yourself and many other things in your dreams. It is very important to keep a dream log, or journal. Keep track of your dreams for 1 week. Find anything strange? any patterns? many times you will find patterns that you wouldnt think to connect if not looking back on them. it is smart to write them down to discover things about yourself like fears and needs that you dont know about except in your subconcience. Dream events are just as important as life events.
