World Lines


New Member
Okay, so I won’t pretend like I know the ins and outs of time travel, curved black holes, and the like—but could somebody explain how world lines work to me?


New Member
World-lines are like a tree. Time branches off at certain points where time travelers travel back to. If you time travel from your present to the future back to the present, nothing can create a paradox, however if factors from the future were in play when you time traveled the future you saw will keep changing and you'll start to get different sets of memories of the same events, but if you really try your best you can figure out the current world-line.

If you time travel from the present/future to the past it will could
1. Change the world-line from the point you time traveled to if all the contingency points line up (You have to time-travel in both the world-line you're on and the world-line you're going to arrive at once you've changed the past) You also can't prevent anything that caused you to time travel in the first place from happening)

2. Create a paradox resulting in people experiencing 'deja vu' or gaining memories from paradoxical world-lines

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Senior Member
Okay, so I won’t pretend like I know the ins and outs of time travel, curved black holes, and the like—but could somebody explain how world lines work to me?
World lines are nothing more than another version like numbers based around a wall clock, of different versions of the world line or reality you're in. Like in another version of this worldline, Biden's still in but is a redneck and to boot is noted as being a real frequenter of beautiful woman.

Another one would be that popular girl that everybody has to get up into, in the other worldline works at a church outreach & tends to the poor and needy.

This differences as per worldline are slight, but definite.


To me, worldlines are like parallel universes or alternate timelines. Lots of them. Infinite possibilities.

Anything you can imagine might exist in an alternate worldline. Worlds in which there are no humans on Earth. Worlds in which the Internet doesn't exist, or where the Nazis won WW2. Anything goes!


Senior Member
To me, worldlines are like parallel universes or alternate timelines. Lots of them. Infinite possibilities.

Anything you can imagine might exist in an alternate worldline. Worlds in which there are no humans on Earth. Worlds in which the Internet doesn't exist, or where the Nazis won WW2. Anything goes!
But connected to ours or they can't be a sperate universe. If there's copying at all then they're bound.
