World War III - Who Will Be Blamed?

I just had another thought last night...
After seeing the late night news about airport security around the world I thought that this is a sign of a world at war?
"Your papers PLEASE".
When we see check points at almost every place we go today and such tight security everywhere we travel, why would we think we are not at war?
All the signs are there that we now live in a police sate world wide!
Freedom may soon be a forgotten word...
I just had another thought last night...
After seeing the late night news about airport security around the world I thought that this is a sign of a world at war?
"Your papers PLEASE".
When we see check points at almost every place we go today and such tight security everywhere we travel, why would we think we are not at war?
All the signs are there that we now live in a police sate world wide!
Freedom may soon be a forgotten word...
You are right Walt...moving us along like the slow cooked.frog. This will make sense so why not do it, then the cashless system...oh by the way y'all will need this handy chip to make everone safe. Right hand or forehead?
I just had another thought last night...
After seeing the late night news about airport security around the world I thought that this is a sign of a world at war?
"Your papers PLEASE".
When we see check points at almost every place we go today and such tight security everywhere we travel, why would we think we are not at war?
All the signs are there that we now live in a police sate world wide!
Freedom may soon be a forgotten word...
We actually are at war, with ISIS..They were responsible for blowing up that Russian plane, and have promised more of the same..Of course airports are on high security, do you really expect them to be any different?
Yes, if you think about it we are at war...a world war of religion.
How did it start and why?
Have we not listened to the warning from George Washington?
He did tell us to avoid foreign entanglements.
With the downing of that Russian passenger plane, we may see a greater expansion of this conflict all around the world as Russia has many obligations as do we in the world.
I don't see any easy way to resolve our differences between what ISIS wants as they have stated that they want us to covert or die.
The Christians and the Muslims have been fighting for centuries...Here in the UK our prime minister David Cameron, put out a statement a few weeks ago about the Muslims over here and said they should start condemning ISIS, instead of showing a silent belief for their activities!
Of course the "Muslim Community Leaders" were angry over Cameron for saying such things about them...but have they started complaining about ISIS?..Of course they havent :cautious:
