About fictional beings


Junior Member
If anybody else wants my full story or testimonies from other people that I have found, you can contact me through PM.
You are welcome!

steven chiverton

Senior Member
subject is the latest horror fiilm released on dvd here in australia
Compiling suppressed footage, SUBJECT follows a man on his way to prison who gets intercepted by a top-secret government agency. In order to serve out this sentence, he's sent to an isolated facility to observe a terrifying creature up close.


Senior Member
NO! Jumps up and down on his banjo. There's all different kinds of magical peoples. Some good some bad. It just depends upon the kind you meet.

Moses had a rod he transformed into a snake. By any modern day definition that would be a wizard. He is sometimes called a "magician" in the bible if i recall or he was part of a clan
of "magicians" however the bible does indeed condemns all wizards and witches
as going to hell in at least two or three passages or more.
This gave the term "witch" a bad reputation and also because
many of them did do horrible things but the thing is
a lot of them were falsely accused and only sold herbs
and somehow that made them "witches"

It's possible there are good "witches" but they're not really witches,
they ascribe themselves the label because everyone they encounter just
views them that way-------and all "TRUE WITCHES" are evil.

Jesus turned water into wine and could walk on water and apparently fly bodily into
Heaven. Some would say this proves he's a wizard, but only because
the modern day definition includes good and bad "wizards".

By biblical standards it's not wizardry if a "godly" being does it.
Which may have just been a way of making sure only certain people
knew how to perform these feats as a way of controlling the masses
by convincing them all wizards are bad.

My opinion is that at the very top magic always eventually leads to Satan,
HOWEVER because of the fact we are all partially God and partially Satan
our satan side to ourselves can sometimes do good things like heal
people when we're not supposed to be able to when only God should etc.
if qualified people doing magic know what they're doing there is less risk.

Sometimes you need a bit of the dark side because the dark side has a light
side to it. You have to make sure you eventually call upon Christ if you get involved with anything like
divination or occult because otherwise eventually it eats you up.

So are there good wizards? It's almost kind of yes and no.
I'd use this analogy----cupcakes taste GREAT but eventually you always get sick.
Quija boards are fun until the demon comes out and eats your family

It's less about good wizards and bad wizards and more just magic is awesome
but risky as well.
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Active Member
Moses had a rod he transformed into a snake. By any modern day definition that would be a wizard. He is sometimes called a "magician" in the bible if i recall or he was part of a clan
of "magicians" however the bible does indeed condemns all wizards and witches
as going to hell in at least two or three passages or more.
This gave the term "witch" a bad reputation and also because
many of them did do horrible things but the thing is
a lot of them were falsely accused and only sold herbs
and somehow that made them "witches"

It's possible there are good "witches" but they're not really witches,
they ascribe themselves the label because everyone they encounter just
views them that way-------and all "TRUE WITCHES" are evil.

Jesus turned water into wine and could walk on water and apparently fly bodily into
Heaven. Some would say this proves he's a wizard, but only because
the modern day definition includes good and bad "wizards".

By biblical standards it's not wizardry if a "godly" being does it.
Which may have just been a way of making sure only certain people
knew how to perform these feats as a way of controlling the masses
by convincing them all wizards are bad.

My opinion is that at the very top magic always eventually leads to Satan,
HOWEVER because of the fact we are all partially God and partially Satan
our satan side to ourselves can sometimes do good things like heal
people when we're not supposed to be able to when only God should etc.
if qualified people doing magic know what they're doing there is less risk.

Sometimes you need a bit of the dark side because the dark side has a light
side to it. You have to make sure you eventually call upon Christ if you get involved with anything like
divination or occult because otherwise eventually it eats you up.

So are there good wizards? It's almost kind of yes and no.
I'd use this analogy----cupcakes taste GREAT but eventually you always get sick.
Quija boards are fun until the demon comes out and eats your family

It's less about good wizards and bad wizards and more just magic is awesome
but risky as well.
What about sorcery or wizard go to mystic supernatural website there you know all the answer of it just visit there


Junior Member
Well, I finally decided to share it with everybody here.
But, if you want to question me about this doc, I ask you to do so by PM.


  • Paranormal Testimony.pdf
    1.6 MB · Views: 6


Senior Member
Well, I actually think that it is only an artsy project. But, I still wonder how much serious it is since it mixes a lot of topics linked to ours.
So, I let you observe (and maybe enjoy):



My sentence is particularly relevant about its main video:

The Meta Simulacrum vol.1
Well, I finally decided to share it with everybody here.
But, if you want to question me about this doc, I ask you to do so by PM.
She's a little unusual, but in the employment of another. The funny thing about being with her, is her ability somehow seemed to know ahead of time when trouble would occur. However, the comedy of it all is she had the ability, as if by natural design to be able to take it all in stride, to rise above it.


Junior Member
She's a little unusual, but in the employment of another. The funny thing about being with her, is her ability somehow seemed to know ahead of time when trouble would occur. However, the comedy of it all is she had the ability, as if by natural design to be able to take it all in stride, to rise above it.
I just read how much my comparison between them marked you :D
Yes, the whole movie and especially her shook me also when I was younger.
But, I only realized all the deepest or weirdest details about this character when I searched after her... Sibling? Avatar? New disguise?
This is normal since the movie is the cutted version of a project that itself shortens the original novel.
Plus, I just have found this short analysis about her role in the movie that underlines the range of her meaning:
