Debate Boston FALSE FLAG


Senior Member
Sam... If I come across like this (disagreeable) it is because I care. That and you are still here in this thread of debate talking with us :)

At work I was talking with a fellow I know. An aware person ... He was asking me about this boston thing... did I know about this and have I heard that... We both agree total false flag.... Many of us aware people are talking about all the inconsistencies we see... not because we are paranoid. Not because we are conspiracy theorists. Not because we are bored and seek entertainment value. Not because we are delusional and see things that are or are not their based on belief.

We are talking about the inconsistencies because their are inconsistencies to be spoken of. LEGION of them.

And we ,the more aware ones among us, are dragging our knuckles and pounding sand trying to talk about some of these inconsistencies with you.

But you are more than just not seeing them.

You are saying they are not their when they are there... or making excuses saying "maybe people online are photo shopping to mess with folks" Research like that does not fly.

You know that.

You know that by heart.


Like razimus.

The gore video.... Yeah it is gross to look at. But treat it like a paramedic would look at it and take a look at it. Gore does not disappear because a person walks infront of it. Nor is the gore a ribbon. That is like saying poop looks like pudding. an immature comparison.
The gore dissappeared because the computer lost the marker it was using. CGI computer glitch.

The actor with the catastrophic leg wound. That leg wound doesn't leave a blood trail because the blood is fake.

If you loose both your legs from explosive trauma half your blood is gone in one minute via the femoral arteries, youre dead after two. Bleeding out is worse with blunt force trauma (like shrapnel) because flesh is torn rather than cut, exposing more arterial and vascular tissue. The human body holds 5 to 6 LITERS of blood. If that really happened you would see blood EVERYWHERE, the guy would be drenched in it. You would also see what’s called arterial spurtting from the injury. Most likely he would vomit after turning ghost white from shock, then turning delirious or passing out. As for the “tourniquet”…

Its not even tied off, its suspended via gravity, which would literally do nothing to an arterial sever. There’s no pressure applied. There’s no knott with a turn stick for leverage. You can clearly see a gap in the nonexistent wrap job on his left inner thigh (left anterior proximal for you experts) His hands have no blood on them. There’s no blood on the ground. The color in his hands and lips shows good circulation.

This is an actor. This is staged. How did they pull it off though? I can show you.
Here in frame six on the left we see the the man with a hood setting up the fake leg wound prosthetics. His attention and hands are right there. The woman is acting as a shield covering what’s happening.
Frame 6

Here in frame eight the prosthetics are in place. Amidst all this chaos seconds after the explosion the hooded man takes the time to put on his sunglasses which is a signal.
Frame 8


Here in frame nine with sunglasses now on the hooded man and the woman make eye contact, signal received.
Frame 9

In frame eleven after recieving the go signal the woman makes an open hand gesture the direction both of them are looking, signaling the staged injuries are in place for cameras. The prone amputee raises his left prosthetic injury into the air over the woman’s shoulder. No blood is present. The bone is dry, no blood on his leg above the knee, no blood on the woman, no arterial spurt, nothing.
Frame 11

Here in frame fourteen the woman turns her head right but is still holding up that open palm signal with her left hand. The hooded man again busies himself pouring fake blood on the pavement behind the woman. The amputee has both fake injuries in the air now. There is still no blood on his legs, his skin above the injury is clean and dry.
Frame 14

At this point I think it is enough to point out ...

That fake bone thingee... it dont squirt no blood. The black lady with the red and white shirt... her shirt is very very white... not a drop of blood on it.


It does not bleed because it is fake.... For crying out loud the EMTs blue glove looks darn near fresh! SPEAKING OF FAKE!!!!

Where is this cowboys other leg? Is that yellow jacket EMT putting pressure on the cowboy actor or the amputee actor? That photo is a cluster mess of air brushing.... AP failed with this one.

This one too



and now the story changes again, it's kinda hard to have a gun fight for over an hour when the guy don't even have a gun..according to this AP report it's now come out that the guy was not even armed when they found him in the boat!!!!!!!

Officials: Suspect unarmed when arrested in boat
WASHINGTON (AP) — Two U.S. officials say the surviving suspect in the Boston bombings was unarmed when police captured him hiding inside a boat in a neighborhood back yard.


here's another who says hey this smells funny. only this time it's a state represenative from NH...
NH State Rep Claims Boston Bombings a 'Staged' Black Ops Attack - Chelmsford, MA Patch

just a little clip of the artical

A three-term Republican state representative and homemaker from Auburn,NH has drawn the red-hot ire of Republicans and Democrats alike for her comment on Glenn Beck's Facebook page that the Boston Marathon bombings were a "Black Ops terrorist attack" by the U.S. government.
Stella Tremblay commented: "The Boston Marathon was a Black Ops 'terrorist' attack. One suspect killed, the other one will be too before they even have a chance to speak. Drones and now "terrorist" attacks by our own Government. Sad day, but a "wake up" to all of us


ok I found still more to confirm that this is a staged event. and done by our own government... in an effort to clamp down on us :mad:
1st..- here's another Glenn beck report on this mess....
Are These Pictures of Michelle Obama Visiting the Saudi Student Put on a Watchlist Last Week? |

now here a yahoo report on Glenn becks stuff
Glenn Beck conspiracy theory: What's his evidence? - Yahoo! News

and now here's a guy that has dome some digging and found the proof of what's going on

now if you want to see the documents he was looking at here's the link to them, on the offical FEMA web site these monsters are so arrogant they post it on the site for all to see, and then so confident in there level of power and control they don't even try to restrict access to there plans.


Senior Member
their is no mention of it in the mainstream media because the mainstream media is a controlled outlet of state sponsered propganda.

Their is no free press in this nation.

That is a lie you were taught in grade school but a lie all the same.

The media is nothing but a tool of the government used to communicate to the public how we should behave or react.

GREAT FIND on the purse thing!!!

I shall point it out to everyone I know.

walt willis

Senior Member
Try to remember “Nothing just Happens in Politics”.

Now go back and read your world history of how and why wars are started.


Senior Member
oh hell it just keeps getting worse and worse here's some lady dropping her purse on a trash bag rite where the second blast came from.!!!! WTF why is there no mention of this in any of the MSM reports?????


HAve you seen this one yet KC?

Or this web site?

B'Man's Revolt | A Redneck's Guide To Reversing Their Control Of Your Brain

It was a neat one some one else shared with me.

B'Man's Revolt | A Redneck's Guide To Reversing Their Control Of Your Brain


I found some more pic's that show our hoodie guy sittng up with his hands in his lap waiting to start the show, center of the frame still got his sunglasses on and rite infront of him the black lady talking on a radio . just befor they lay down and assume the postions with the leggs blown off guy
All sizes | Boston Marathon Bombing | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
now the hoodie guy is laid out on the ground and reaching for the arm of his handler
All sizes | Boston Marathon Bombing | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
and heres a guy reaching for the blood pack just befor spreading it on the side walk white t shirt and hat on backwards top center of the photo
All sizes | Boston Marathon Bombing | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
holy shit titorite's site has a pic. of the blood pack in the t-shirt's guys belt.... nice one titorite

here he is spreading it on the ground. same t shirt guy bending down and squirting the blood
All sizes | Boston Marathon Bombing | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

heres the link to all the photos where you can select the size for you to view them at
2013.4_boston.marathon.bombing - a set on Flickr
edited to add
oh yeah forgot to add this little vid. of some guy throwing dried blood dust all over the actors as they are being set up.
