Confirmed Hoax Coming from 2023


Active Member
You know you've got a decent hoax running if Cosmo shows up to debunk it. Look bub, there is no and I mean no way possible to do what you are claiming over the Internet. Your word of mouth and crappy timeline in the first post made me laugh. Of course I am skeptical! See..people thrive on doom and gloom. Since the first time a caveman saw an eclipse..there have been those who hope to gain attention by pointing up to the heavens and saying "The sky is falling! We're all gonna die!" It's as old as prostitution. You sir are no different. You offer up nothing save a timeline that you wrote and a yarn about conservation in the future. Internet only in the evenings! Ha! Let me get that 2 puff cigarette from the 5th Element and smoke on it.(anyone remember that one?) Your story is entertaining bub, but I doubt that 90 percent of the worlds populace will just give up on religious beliefs because science has deemed it false. You are poking a big assed hornets nest with a little stick. But this stuff happens in YOUR timeline right? So how can you be posting it in ours unless you actually dwell in this universe. Your obvious attempt at the fine art of hoaxery is putrid at best. I'll wait till the 25th to see if Castro dies....then I'm gonna come back to this thread and blast your story (cuz that's what it is...a story) out of the water....Now that's not a's fact. You will join the countless others who have tried and failed to hoax here.

And for the record folks...I keep an open mind. I read the entirety of the thread before making my comments on the subject matter.


Junior Member
We have been osserving this universe since July 4 2012 at 11:22 am. We were enormously interested in your Cern research and the developments achieved on that day. We interrupted the same research in 2008 because of the Crisis that hit Its lowest level on September 18 2008.

The real story of the creatures found living in a plant are still little known. It appears that a group of experts found out a new species of plant in La Chorrera, and they described the creatures having a round shape and an orange color. They seem to communicate in a very unusual and unexplainable way and they are not afraid of humans.

The January 2014 meteor shower occurred in Madrid and was the fifth most devastating meteor shower that year. This, according to our timeline. There was a sort of saga lasting 3 months about frequent meteor showers hitting Earth, preceding a hugely devastating event.

We lost almost 2 billions people, not in the immediate event, but in the following events.
There was an intense need to create order in the midst of complete chaos. The world is still recovering right now though the economy is still very hard to re-balance. Most of the loss in religion faith came from the immense cultural changes after the devastating event in 2014. For example, the massive destruction in the so called Bible Belt in Usa, significantly influenced religion.

The discovery of the existance of the multiverse was the most intense cultural change trigger in the history of humanity. Surely the 2014 event was the second one.

We are observing your timeline to see how much your timeline is similar to ours. We might decide to intervene in some way to be sure the Cern scientifical developments are conserved in your timeline, should the 2014 event happen in your timeline too.
The 2013 meteor that crashed in Celjabinsk, Russia, in your timeline, was surely a precursor.
We had the same event on February 15 2013, crashed in Bilibino, though.


where the wild things are


Senior Member
If we're this hungry for a good old fashioned hoax, I'm happy to oblige... This one is just sad.

Your hoax is bad, Zach. Your hoax is bad and you should feel bad.


Ignoring what everyone else is saying is a pretty popular tactic among exposed hoaxers isn't it?


where the wild things are
Ignoring what everyone else is saying is a pretty popular tactic among exposed hoaxers isn't it?

Of course, even Titor made the effort to respond to nearly anyone who inquired, he even responded to skeptics, those who believed he was full of crap. As he said, he wasn't there to make people believe, he was there to allow people to believe.


Senior Member
yeah id like to know that system and develop it sooner than later why do it on october 25 2017 than when we can do it now?

guys i think we got our help i might not be surprised but ive always had a fear of metorites hitting earth and causing a tsunami. sorry i bashed you all earlier im just not stable right now. ive had dreams of waves hitting the u.s. we shouldn't take these for granted i will help with what ever you need please pm me..

what happens in the northeast when the tsunami hits massachusetts? is it completely over water or just some of it i've always had this theory it never reaches the south shore. for those you dont know what the south shore is its south of boston directly and thats where i live if it goes beyond that i am outta here in a heart beat
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