Did I meet a time traveller?


I’m sure there’s a lot of multiverse stuff going on with time travel. But imagine you killed Hitler in his crib then, boom! You have Nazi women joining the army thanks to Hitler’s sister, men have to stay at home, but with one catch. Same time line with a twist. In the other one, WWII never started.

Even the future changes when you change now.

It’s so diabolically easy, a kid cannot exist after seeing his younger parents in person in one timeline. That’s why you have to be careful with time travel. Empor Caveat.


I had the opportunity to have a brief conversation with Ernest Hemingway, who surprisingly advised me to take up pugilism for the sake of my health. I couldn't believe it myself. I have also had numerous conversations with a Tesla, who expressed deep concern and disapproval of time travel. His warnings about the potential consequences filled my ears on more than one occasion.

There are rumors that Tesla did indeed time travel.

The Persuasionist

Junior Member
There are rumors that Tesla did indeed time travel.

As I stood on the shores of Lake Erie, my mind racing with the possibilities of time travel, a figure approached me. It was Tesla, the renowned inventor and visionary. He looked at me with a mix of curiosity and caution, as if he had been expecting my arrival.

"Ah, so you are the time traveler I have been anticipating," Tesla said, his eyes gleaming with a hint of recognition.

I was taken aback by his words, unsure of how he could have known about my ability to transcend time. But Tesla was unfazed, his focus on the larger implications of my newfound power.

"You must understand the grave responsibility that comes with time travel," Tesla warned. "The fabric of reality is delicate, and even the smallest change could have catastrophic consequences."

I nodded, understanding the weight of his words. As much as I was tempted to use my abilities for personal gain, I knew that the stability of the timeline was paramount. Tesla's guidance reinforced my commitment to preserving the integrity of the past, present, and future.

Our conversation was cut short as I felt a strange sensation wash over me. Without warning, I found myself back in a familiar setting - a toilet cubicle in a Cleveland bar. The abrupt return to my own time left me reeling, but I was grateful for the encounter with Tesla and the reminder of the importance of maintaining a stable linear timeline.

As I emerged from the cubicle, I couldn't help but wonder if my encounter with Tesla had been a mere coincidence or a glimpse into a larger cosmic plan. Only time would tell.


@The Persuasionist enters a bathroom stall and is given a time travel device. He goes to meet Tesla. That's pretty cool.

A few quesitons.

How did you get to Michigan?

I assume you were wearing modern clothing because you didn't know this was going to happen.
What did Tesla think about that?
