Did I meet a time traveller?


Temporal Engineer
I see a couple members have taken a guess. But since our time traveler wannabe has decided to remain silent, I'll declare his claim as being false. The answer to the question I haven't asked yet is: "Yellow". I was thinking about "what is the color of the sun?" as the question.
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The Persuasionist

Junior Member
We haven't been visited by a time traveler wannabe in quite a while. Perhaps it's time to administer a time traveler veracity test.

"What is the answer to the question I haven't asked you yet?"
Hello, Mr. @Einstein I regret to inform you that as a so-called traveler through time, my capabilities are confined solely to visiting places that have already come to be or existed in the past. Therefore, delving into the future remains beyond my reach, confined to the realms of imagination and conjecture. Regardless, if I were to embark on a daring speculation regarding the answer to a question yet to be posed, I would venture to suggest that the answer, in an unforeseen twist, might just be "yellow".


Temporal Engineer
Hello, Mr. @Einstein I regret to inform you that as a so-called traveler through time, my capabilities are confined solely to visiting places that have already come to be or existed in the past. Therefore, delving into the future remains beyond my reach, confined to the realms of imagination and conjecture. Regardless, if I were to embark on a daring speculation regarding the answer to a question yet to be posed, I would venture to suggest that the answer, in an unforeseen twist, might just be "yellow".
I would venture to say that the unforeseen twist unfortunately did not occur in this timeline. That would only occur in a timeline where time machines actually exist.

The Persuasionist

Junior Member
Thank you, Mr. @Einstein, for your reply. It gives me the opportunity to address key points in my story: I must clarify that I have no control over time, nor can I alter its course as it is inherently self-consistent. I can't visit a nonexistent place called "The Future" as it's yet to happen or rewrite the past, since as mentioned it's unchangeable "Fixed".
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Thank you, Mr. @Einstein, for your reply. It gives me the opportunity to address key points in my story: I must clarify that I have no control over time, nor can I alter its course as it is inherently self-consistent. I can't visit a nonexistent place called "The Future" as it's yet to happen or rewrite the past, since as mentioned it's unchangeable "Fixed".

A fixed universe implies that we don't have free will. If time is already written, we cannot change our fate.


I would venture to say that the unforeseen twist unfortunately did not occur in this timeline. That would only occur in a timeline where time machines actually exist.

If a time machine "exists" in our timeline but only in the future, it most certainly does exist! :)


Since you can't predict the future or change the past, do you have any means of providing proof of your voyages across time?

We're open to suggestions.

I don't want to argue or anything. I'm just really curious as to what proof and evidence would be to you, the traveler.


Honestly, it doesn't make sense if you can't change the future by altering the past. If you go back and kill someone, that timeline is automatically changed. That person can't go about his/her life anymore. They don't just spring back to life. The only way I can see this happening is if one is SEEING the past but not really VISITING the past.
