Does anybody know any real legitimate spell casters that can cast a spell to take you back in time?

Casting a spell to take one back in time is crying for the moon. Isn't it?
If you wish to cast a spell to conquer someone you love back you might as well resort to Mamãe Oxum associated to the planet Venus whose day is Friday. Offerings are made to the elemental water entities.
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I really like the way you're seeing things here, @chrono0 .

Everything starts with a thought. Just thinking about having an intention will move you forward. Once things are in motion, you're getting closer and closer to what you are looking for. Nothing happens instantly, but you can make things start right away, with intentions and, when you're ready, concrete actions.
I really like the way you're seeing things here, @chrono0 .

Everything starts with a thought. Just thinking about having an intention will move you forward. Once things are in motion, you're getting closer and closer to what you are looking for. Nothing happens instantly, but you can make things start right away, with intentions and, when you're ready, concrete actions.


If folks want to believe in magic per se, then so be it. I just interpret a spell in a different way.

I guess my life choice(s) is my "wand".
I don't know of any time travel spells off the top of my head. But I do believe in magic, and I'm suspecting, from watching all of my Ancient Aliens DVDs, that the most advanced extraterrestrial races possess magical powers. I also believe that Merlin existed, and that he was a great magician (I'm not talking about people who perform illusions) and wizard as well.

As a side note, for those of you who are desperate to change history, be really certain that your changes will be for the better, and that there are no alternative choices you can come up with. Otherwise, think it over and then come to a final decision of what you really want to do.
I can do it but playing with time travel is down right dangerous and I would not send anyone back in time because if just 1 little thing gets changed like in the movies, when a person get back to the present, it might be totally different than it was when they left.

How can you do it?
could you help me please?
I can do it but playing with time travel is down right dangerous and I would not send anyone back in time because if just 1 little thing gets changed like in the movies, when a person get back to the present, it might be totally different than it was when they left.

How can you do it?
could you help me please?
and how dangerous it will be?

I only need to change a small thing
The closest I can find, is a Reconciliation with the Universe spell.

In the dark of the moon, when stars show clear,
Go where no houses or lights appear,
Lie on your back beneath the sky,
Fix with your gaze on the brightest star,
Speak this aloud, to answer it's fire:

Lower than grass my light began,
Into the heavens soon it ran:
Here, between earth and space I shine,
To move on to a different time
The twin to thine-
Star that I was,
Star that I am,
Star that I shall be,
Move me now to where I shall be free.

Stand then, and tread the living air,
Ascend the vision's open stair;
Passing the planets' silent race,
Rise and mirror the cosmic face -
Infant of galaxies, prodigal Sun,
Resume this title: All and One.

~ From my Book of Shadows - Adapted from the Crone's Book of Words. Performed in June of 1996, after which I soon met my husband now of almost two decades. I'll look through the charms and talismans, but I don't really recall ever seeing any having to do with manipulating time - aside from immortality.
