Debate Hdr Debate


Active Member
What predictions? On the value of silver and gold? Even the E trade baby can see that the prices of these commodities were going to rise due to the economic downturn. You have predicted nothing once again. And I point out once again that the HDR does not allow one to see the future. You keep on with this gibberish, yet you offer nothing to validate your claims. And please stop trying to insult the intelligence of members by posting links to sites which you think prove your predictions. Your brand of doom and gloom is old. And when there is no food, or fuel or power....folks will do what they always do when dire events occur....we rebuild, we restock, and we revitalize. The human species is not akin to cowering in holes, caves, or shelters, like your so-called future predicts. Like I said before..i'm not here to debunk you...but I will call you a hoax..I call your predictions false..and your claims have zero merit.


Senior Member
Hi cosmos:
Rather than spend me time arguing with a person who thinks that a metal detector is a hoax, I prefer to find gold rings. I do understand that I do not prove anything by finding one. Debunkers can claim that I paid some one to go in the middle of the night and bury it in a certain place for me. Still, I do not benefit from hordes of people using metal detectors by me convincing them that it works, but by me finding gold and that is how it is.

Oh I get it, this is a a thread only for people who agree with you. What was I thinking?

Himalayan Hermit

Active Member
Sorru to butt in but this thread has gone totally haywire, and has become an exchange of comments between 3-4 people and portrays nothing but anger, unsurity and willingness for someone to prove XYZ to you in a way that will never happen.
Lighten up mates, and either post productive, brainstorming ideas on what this forum is about or start PM'ing each other ;)


Active Member
Maybe you didn't read the title of the thread bub. Its titled HDR Debate. Let me enlighten you on what a debate is. This definition is taken from wikipedia. "Debate or debating is a formal method of interactive and representational argument. Debate is a broader form of argument than logical argument, which only examines consistency from axiom, and factual argument, which only examines what is or isn't the case or rhetoric which is a technique of persuasion. Though logical consistency, factual accuracy and some degree of emotional appeal to the audience are important elements of the art of persuasion, in debating, one side often prevails over the other side by presenting a superior "context" and/or framework of the issue, which is far more subtle and strategic."

Now i'm not gonna sit here and run through the whole context of rules, etc. to suit the needs of members who are not active in this debate. The topic here has been discussed numerous times on various sites that the kid has visited. In the past, these threads have become more or less unproductive because the topic matter garners much criticism and speculation over whether the said device works as the kid proposes. Personally, i'd love for Stephen Gibbs to post his thoughts here...he'd get the same, if not more criticism from members. I'm not debunking HDRKid, as I have stated before. I question the validity and claims of the HDR Unit itself. Now, if during this process, emotions stir....well, it's all a part of the debate. We seek proof of the device because there is absolute doubt in what the claims state it can do. Do not attempt to assume that members are merely picking on the poster because only a few well established, intellectual members, find the claims of the poster to be absurd at best. You will loose every time. I would suggest that either you get involved in the debate itself, or just sit back and read the posts.


I have been reading the HDRKid II thread from the beginning this morning and I noticed differences in the language and style of his posts as well as his responses to posters that ridiculed and even attacked him on various occasions. Other posters noticed this and made comments that this was a different HRDKid, that this one was female and at other times appeared male. I got thru page 10 when I decided to stop for awhile and write this observation and offer the following opinion.
It is my guess and fear that there is only one HRDKid and that these differing posts are either before or after the use of the HDR unit. My fear is that using this electromagnet on him or herself is causing DRAIN BAMAGE.
This could account for the changes in grammar, style, and content. He or she may very well be conducting electroshock therapy on, dare I say, their self. Just a thought. Now back to page 11...sometimes I have NO life.

Himalayan Hermit

Active Member
LOL @ Peregrini. But Be warned about ridiculing anyone too much ;) If you don't want to believe, then so be it. Drain Bamage was funny.
HDR does have something to it, and is not a *bleep* (I don't want to use the colourful adjectives some people have used).
Ok let me not start another argument on "hey provide proof" :D


Senior Member

As usual and par for course, Jennifer/ kid completely ignores facts that she herself has left for all to read for the last decade here and at the Time Travel Institute.
Amazing isn't it the childish attempt to not answer a point or ignore the glaring lies dropped as a means of answering points.

Prime example, that brainless picture of no cars on a road is supposed to mean exactly what in relation to this discussion? For those that use their intellect in a positive manner, that picture means exactly pucky.

Let me provide you with a standard by which this placebo debacle has gone on for 10 years +-. It would help VERY MUCH if you understood programming, had taken programming and understand the absolute need for logic when writing a program. IF you miss a step, that program will not work all the way through.

Now, approach the answers from nonsense central AS IF the information that comes from there are necessary steps in a program. I don't know about you, but when you start the logic machinery going as if all of it was to be assembled into a cohesive program, EVERY SINGLE, that's each and every answer that has ever come out of kiddom, stops that program like hitting a brick wall. Point in case, that picture above. It does not compute, it is one of the worst examples of obfuscation and double speak saying nothing, there's verbiage, a picture but it means absolutely nothing when applied to the conversation. THAT is hdrkidcentral speak.
It's always like you order a steak and a picture of a rubber plantation in Viet Nam shows up.

Let's back up the time machine. Darby once managed to get jenny/kid to actually answer a question or two about the 25 Cop Car thingy lie. When it was all done, jenny/kid finally admited that "yes, she was not there" her/kid mother was actually there and that she/kid was at her/its Lawyer. LOL!!!!!!!!
And what does a kid (if you do the research, you'll remember the "kid" was supposed to be young at that time) need a Lawyer for?

Ahhh, NOW we get to the nitty gritty of the jenny/kid saga. Depending on how aware you are, you can spot lie, after lie, after lie, after lie, after lie...... one pile atop the other to try and hide the truth.
ALL of it is a lie. What are the clues after this? You will never ever get a straight answer to any point that pinpoints jenny/kid to the lies.

Nor will you ever get any working evidence. How could you if it's all based on lies?

After all, like Cosmos, Zeo and all of the old crew can attest to after all these years all we have seen are lies upon lies and nonsense.

So Himalayan Hermit, don't feel too bad that you missed out on 9 years + of worthless nonsense when it comes to gibbs placebo actually working. However, it Is All There if you wish to learn the truth of the matter.


Let's back up the time machine. Darby once managed to get jenny/kid to actually answer a question or two about the 25 Cop Car thingy lie. When it was all done, jenny/kid finally admited that "yes, she was not there" her/kid mother was actually there and that she/kid was at her/its Lawyer. LOL!!!!!!!!
And what does a kid (if you do the research, you'll remember the "kid" was supposed to be young at that time) need a Lawyer for?
I heard about that part many times but never saw the posts. Are those posts still on Time Travel Institute?


Well I think I am somewhat caught up with the HDRKid and the HDR unit after spending most of today reading past posts and jumping around the internet and to the TTI forum. This guy has been at this a loooong time but I guess if you can TT then time doesn't really matter.
Numenorean 7, thank you for the earliest link. I would also like to thank gl100 ( it doesn't seem he is around anymore. Too bad. He's hilarious. ), Harte, ZeoEmeraude, Cosmo, StarLord, and so many others I can't list you all for a most entertaining day. I couldn't have laughed any harder or more often even if I was watching a Three Stooges marathon. I commented earlier that sometimes I have no life, well this was worth every minute. I had a short dialog with HDRKid on his predictions thread and I thought then that there was something curious about him. I feel that Imagination is very important. It is what has led to many discoveries in science, medicine, and just everyday life. But often imagination needs to be tempered with reason or it can migrate into flights of fancy. It would seem the reason I attempted to temper Mr. HDRKid with was too little too late. I may have seen Jon Lovitz portray him once on Saturday Night Live. I am trying to be careful not to be overly critical but when HDRKid was caught in an outright lie with no wiggle room what-so-ever he simply went on like nothing had happened. I don't have anything against HDRKid and I find his stories amusing when not out right fanciful but his insistence of their validity in the face of undeniable proof to the contrary, well....I'm not qualified to make a medical judgment but if someone else did words like "pathological" "compulsive" or "sociopathic" might be in the diagnosis. Or, getting people to react to his ludicrousness may be what he is actually after and he is sitting back laughing at us for our accommodation of it.
