i am halfway to time travel


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Didn't understand a word you said if
You want people to believe you gotta
Get a bit on their level..right? As in post
Your theory on video so we can see for ourselves?


With this device many different places on a pulley can have differerent speed.If it goes around the place that is
rotating a particular speed on each of the four gears that are being rotated by electric motors.The four gears and
motors are arranged on top of one another that rotate clockwise.Gear 1 on top of electric motor1,electric motor2 on
top of gear 1,gear 2 on top of electric motor 2,electiric motor3 on top of of gear 2,gear 3 on top of electric motor3,
electric motor 4 on top of gear3 and on top of electric motor 4 is gear4.The gears are all the same size.All four
grears and and there motors rest on each other on a gear that is the same size.Which is being rotatated counter clock
wise by it's electric motor.Is it not interesting.


Because you can see the front and back of a object simultaneously with this device.That would allow for the bottom space to rotate clockwise and the top space to rotate counterclockwise.This device rotates a particular space counterclockwise and clockwise and that effect remains in that space.Until you bring a object affected by that space into normal space that is around it.Which makes the effect transmit to all of normal space.If you made many of these twisted spaces and pulled objects out of them they would the effect the surrounding space.Then you could rotate each object at a different speed.Meaning that space could be rotated at many speeds simultaneously.Meaning that space would take a long time and
short time to rotate simultaneously.
