I found a family secret...its about time traveling. Help!


New Member
@Henry2020 , there is one thing about your story that isn't making much sense to me. If you are able to clarify, that would make your story a bit more credible. Please note that I am not dismissing your story - it is just that we get stories like this all the time and if we did not weed out the hoaxes then we wouldn't be much good in potentially assisting you. Your father disappeared in August, 1996; your family looked for him for years and it was a painful time; one theory was that he may have been killed by the mob; approximately 10 years ago, as the house is going up for sale, your father's shop finally gets breached because it needs cleaning out. My question: why, for 13-14 years, did no one enter this shop? If cleaning it out for the house sale would justify bypassing the lock, surely suspicion of death or murder would have. By my way of thinking, when he disappeared, the simpler theory that maybe he somehow knocked himself out in his shop would have arose before thinking he got murdered in Vegas. Why not look there sooner?
Thank you for the question. I was 30 years old in 1996 when he vanished. I was living in the Boston area at the time he disappeared. I arrived home (Arizona) within a week of him going missing and had to depend on my mother, friends and neighbors for the stories of what had been going on at the time. My mother checked his shop a number of times, easy to see the entire room and he wasn't in there. I too checked the shop at the time and could tell it wasn't a drag racing engine shop and that opened my mind up to the government being responsible. But i was only visiting for 10 days to see what happened to my dad. So i quickly followed other leads. Posted signs, called around, drove around...we even drove to his regular hotel in Vegas with his picture...we saw a lot of money activity and he had a secret bank account, all involving gambling and buying parts and supplies. So we began to think he had a debt secret and maybe owed someone money who took him. Followed bank records and credit card receipts. But nothing showing he had traveled and fled. His car was in the driveway, his wallet and keys in the house. He just vanished. Like i said earlier, i did find his clothes, socks and shoes in the shop...but he had multiple clothes and shoes. I had to get back to Boston for my job and back to my life and we would often try tracking him down over the years. My mother lost the key to the shop (deadbolt) over the years and we stopped checking that room. I moved to Arizona in 2008, a few years later my mother was selling the house. I boxed his shop stuff and moved everything to my own house. It sat for a while...but my theory that he had another secret emerged. I knew things did not seem right, I knew the machine was strange and he done something that may involve a government experiment. I started going through his stuff and videos last year...the first video revealed this time machine theory, and recently during the pandemic decided to try and reveal and get advice on what i discovered. it has become my new mission. Hope that helps explain the full story. Thanks!
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New Member
Started video 4 and it looks like my dad had a huge issue with the 10 minute test. He explained that the SI factor was running a negative hyperfine conificent? He did not want to be able to run a cycle slower than the time pit-stop parameters. He said that in order to run a safe cycle he must remain in the quantum capacitor the full duration of the cycle and only arrive in the cathode once the time cycle ends. I think he means that he can not just teleport from anode to cathode in 2 minutes like he did, with the risk of seeing himself. But rather remain in the machine the same duration of time he is time traveling. He said a cycle or journey is based on scalar quantity or SI. I googled it it means units if time in seconds. So each cycle to the future is basically calculated in seconds. 1 minute being 60 seconds in the future. This is a page from his note pad.


New Member
Bitchute... if you aren't worried about the men in black showing up on your doorstep, then it's anon to the public and not owned by Google.

What is your career field? In general terms, not asking for a resume.


New Member
Mechanical Engineer.

I might be reading too much into the post with the pic of the note pad, but it appears that you are doing your best to transcribe what he's saying while being unfamiliar with the vocabulary. Which makes it feel genuine. Or - you are extraordinarily cunning.
I'm an IT Project Manager with only a hobbyist knowledge of quantum mechanics. I believe what he's saying is "hyperfine coefficient" and he's referencing an atomic clock. Hopefully none of that equipment is dangerously radioactive.


New Member
Also my go-to for all these types of stories is to see what CERN was up to at the time. I'm a believer in the butterfly effect as it relates to this stuff (not in the literal sense). I can't post a link, but search up - First atoms of antimatter produced at CERN 4 JANUARY, 1996


New Member
Sit down, relax and know that we all know you're just angsty and need something to do (i.e. make up nonsense) to pass the Covid-19 shelter in place orders.
If you "regulars" want a private message board then why not create your own and stop trolling new people. Enjoy your quarantine in here with the other cool kids.
