I have found something of importance!.,


Junior Member
I have found something of importance!.,

I do not really understand why and what the really big hurry is and why a lot of you on this foumn seem to doubt what people who are really researching this to any degree at all. I an as I have been saying trying to get this done I have gotten the scan now and was wroking on getting it up but since I amd unfamilsr with scanning and posting attacments I only want to get it right. I do not understand why you doubt me you think i am making this all up or something. I most assuratly tell you I am not I am so very sorry that you do find my post way to rambling but what do you want a one line truth or something that can not be done with this infromation. I think maybe it is a awste of my time to even put them on at all you seem very insenstive to me on the old time travel forumn i was never treated like this. Come on. Just because I do not have or can get scans done right away then you just all assume I am some nut or something what a very sad statement of the very times we do live in when everone has to still have instant replys and all of this nonsense anything worthwhile takes time and is worth the wait. that has been my finding so very far. I just wonder if you will belive it at all even when i do get them on here somehow i am begiinig to doubt it. This gives me a ruddy shooting pain all this hurry up stuff. Just wait and see maybe i will put them on maybe not now I really do have what I have and if and when you do not belive me that is your problem!. I grown weary of this carping you sound like those politicais that we are all very sick of by now. Just hold on and see. Or else not nothing you will see at all I am very deadly serouis.


Senior Member
I have found something of importance!.,

Originally posted by eleventhdr@Oct 15 2004, 04:22 PM
I do not really understand why and what the really big hurry is and why a lot of you on this foumn seem to doubt what people who are really researching this to any degree at all. I an as I have been saying trying to get this done I have gotten the scan now and was wroking on getting it up but since I amd unfamilsr with scanning and posting attacments I only want to get it right. I do not understand why you doubt me you think i am making this all up or something. I most assuratly tell you I am not I am so very sorry that you do find my post way to rambling but what do you want a one line truth or something that can not be done with this infromation. I think maybe it is a awste of my time to even put them on at all you seem very insenstive to me on the old time travel forumn i was never treated like this. Come on. Just because I do not have or can get scans done right away then you just all assume I am some nut or something what a very sad statement of the very times we do live in when everone has to still have instant replys and all of this nonsense anything worthwhile takes time and is worth the wait. that has been my finding so very far. I just wonder if you will belive it at all even when i do get them on here somehow i am begiinig to doubt it. This gives me a ruddy shooting pain all this hurry up stuff. Just wait and see maybe i will put them on maybe not now I really do have what I have and if and when you do not belive me that is your problem!. I grown weary of this carping you sound like those politicais that we are all very sick of by now. Just hold on and see. Or else not nothing you will see at all I am very deadly serouis.

Say cool breeze, this has gone way beyond normal tolerance levels. It's time for a "come to Jesus meeting". You're doing the TT wannabe thing here. Put up or shut up. Or more accurately, STFU. The membership here has been most patient with your "big announcement." As several members have pointed out, if you had something that big, you'd have spilled it already. So it's time to crap or get off the pot. Spill it now or just go away. Don't make me come back here to straighten your weak cheese ass out. If you realy want an ass whupin', I'll get Paul and/or StarLord in here. You don't want that to happen. If you want to withhold your "findings" then keep them to yourself. I don't care. You come across as a poser. Either spill it, or go away. Stop making outlandish claims. Put up or shut up, as I've already said. Your protestations are shill to my ears. Either you have something you're willing to share or you don't. Stop jerkin' us around, or face the consequence. We cool homeslice? Do I need to 'splain it to you more than that? I hope not. Time to "come to Jesus" or get the hell out of the way. If you're that technologically chalenged, better that things are left unsaid. You obviously don't know what you're talking about.



Senior Member
I have found something of importance!.,

I for one am very impressed with the fact that you are a doctor of practically everything. That has certainly answered all my questions and allayed any fears that you might be a hoax. Certainly a doctor of your caliber would never stoop to play a hoax, would you, especially in something this important.

After all this is a rift in time we are talking about right? They don't just happen every where do they? Its a miracle that you happened to be near a place where your expertise as a doctor of practically everything has allowed you to see this rift and record it for us. It is deplorable that the stores around you took their sweet time in developing this important discovery. I doubt if I will be able to get any rest this weekend until I see the proof of your wonderful discovery. Looking forward to your proof. Thank You.


Senior Member
I have found something of importance!.,

Okay, after about an hour of trying, eleventhdr managed to send me two of his pictures through MSN. He told me he has a couple more but he needs to locate them.

I'll let him tell about these as I don't know what they are.

Here are the images.


Senior Member
I have found something of importance!.,

I went and correct the images a bit so you could see the features... Not sure I see anything...


Junior Member
I have found something of importance!.,

Alright now here is the very prove you have been wanting. Here are two of the pics i do have to show you exactly what I have been talking all about. They posted kind of grainy. But let me explain what you are looking at. In the one you see a buliding in the background this is the art museum in forest park St Louis and one of the very few large buildings still standing from the 1904 St louis worlds fair. thsi si where the experiment took place. If nad when you will look very closely you will see what looks kine an over exposed line on the film picture this is actual the time ripple that I am talking all about it is right there it really is just this a ripple and or warp in the very space time line. It can not be seen by the eye but can only be exposed by a camara using the ultra violet spectrum of film and time exposers to show it but none the less with time exposures and the right type of tlim there it is the lines are on both pictures and thus it is not over exposed in this way but shows in the invisible light of the camara film exposer and then can be seen by the eye but not utnil the camara does pick it up in this way with time exposser amd lasped camara photography. It took me much time to get down there many time this very Summer and ge the right time and ligthing to get theses results much leg work and time spend there since i do not live in St Lluis but 125 miles away i had to make time to go down there nad get help woith it and al of the camara work aetc et all. But here it is. The Art Musuem former art palace is out of focus because the lighting is in the ultra violet spectrum of film exposer thus that si why it is blurry in the background but it does give the psespetive to show you how alrge it is it was much biggeer during the fair as there were many othere very large buildings there as well which are mostly all gone now this being the only major one standing bUt there yoy have it the time line is right there for you to see. Now the only trick remaining is to find a way to utilize a way to actual phiyiscal junmp thought it and back down the very time line back to 1904 Is what I am hpoing to do and jump back to the fair the very biggest one ever and it was right here in St Louis. So there you do have it it is really there and I am continuing to work on it and find a way to do just this among other stuff. Hope this porves what I was saying . Thank's anyway for waiting!.


Junior Member
I have found something of importance!.,

and then the other pic is facing the otehr way and there you do see the line once again very closeu up on this one i do think like it is something you can and are very probaly walking through all of the time but can not see with your eye we ere right on top of it taking the pics. the trick now as i do say is to find a way to open it big enough and make it strong enough to actual go through in the right manner and jump back for real in the time line. Hopefully back to the fair!.


Junior Member
I have found something of importance!.,

Yes thank's this is where I have been many times over the past two years trying to find and look in forest park for what I finally did find in those other pics swhich I have now posted!. I indeed have goteen to know the area quite well especailly this last Summer having gone down numorius times now I have had some help with a gyuy who work's at Washington U. With the camara stuff since I did not know all to much about using 35 mm camara atuff. he has been of much help with the work witht the camamra and helping me to locate what we were rtying so very hard to find nad finally did I do plan now to continue on my own with more in forest park and other locations in St Louis Plus some other ideas and places I do want to go to to try to find other places that might have very similar spots with perhaps other time ripples and or spots for time jumping. Anyway I guees you must live in St Louis I need to find a place much closer so i would not have so much trouble getting in some place where i could go and rent perhaps then come in and atay for a week and do the shots and other stuff for my continuing research along many lines that I am working on it is kind of ahrd from here and requires much more time and money to run in and especaily during the off season which is beginning to creep upon us very rapidly now. Anyway let me know perhaps where you are. St Louis was back then one of the largest of cities back in the late 19th early 20th century and thus was able to get this fair going and people are still talking about it 100 years later. It is still fasicinating Forest park is still one of the very largest of parks in the whole country it is still a very great area and St Louis could very well get back on the map once again like it did back then I have other plans for this myself and am working and thinking on trying to work out plans for this as well. anyway thank's for the other pics shots of the park. Veyr nice. Did or were you able to see anyhting on mine when perhaps you did view them. I can point out more if you want and try to explain what you are looking for in them. Please let me know The Eleventh Doctor!!.


Senior Member
I have found something of importance!.,


Thanks for the normal pictures of the area and the bldg. in 11th's pics. Good work in finding them, or thanks for the huge coincidence of happening to have them. Brings some sanity into the twilight zone.


Your pics remind me of the old black and white TV I used to watch Bugs Bunny cartoons on back in the late 1950's. A line across a couple of bad pictures proves what? Someone doesn't know how to develop pictures, or someone didn't take care of the film? No warp in space time is proven by grainy black & white photos with a line on the side. Getting all worked up and drawing attention to yourself, only to post a couple of bad photos makes you look like a kook. Try some quiet time.

