If you believe, please pray


Temporal Engineer
Good luck. My ex-wife died last year from complications associated with a cancerous brain tumor. So I know lots of treatment options that would actually shame the medical community.


I'm starting some healing meditations tonight. I've already dropped most sugar from my diet and carbs are at normal, healthy levels (i.e. not excessive). Already lost 2 lbs. Trying to figure out how to get mary-jane oil (I don't know if I'm allowed to mention that here and I'm sorry if I just broke a rule), but I'm not going totally au-naturale. Will combine the above with whatever options they give me but I won't do chemo unless it's really that bad. This whole thing is a wake up call. Although my condition is due to DNA, it's still time to be healthier regardless and I'm not going to play victim. I'm going to kick its ass.


Temporal Engineer
The biggest cure I found out about was that cancer cells because of their mutated state can only metabolize carbohydrates to survive. If you remove all carbs from your diet, the cancer cells will die. And I also know about a protein diet where the dieter just eats a pound of meat a day and still remains healthy in addition to losing lots of weight. This is a cure I would feel safe in using. But there are other cures out there. None of which will be offered to you by your healthcare provider. No money for them in it if you miraculously cure yourself.


The biggest cure I found out about was that cancer cells because of their mutated state can only metabolize carbohydrates to survive. If you remove all carbs from your diet, the cancer cells will die. And I also know about a protein diet where the dieter just eats a pound of meat a day and still remains healthy in addition to losing lots of weight. This is a cure I would feel safe in using. But there are other cures out there. None of which will be offered to you by your healthcare provider. No money for them in it if you miraculously cure yourself.

Yes, my sister, a microbiologist, said that scienctists have found glucose attached to cancer cells. I will most likely slowly remove all carbs. I just know by experience that if I drop them all at once, I may crash and binge. Also, tomorrow's visit may scare me into complete submission right away. We'll see. Oh, yeah, my father's oncologist told him to avoid sugar, too, and yes, carbs turn into sugar in the blood. You are correct.

I've been trying to change my childrens' diets, too. Man, they really have been stubborn not eating healthy, but I'm trying really hard to change it. The tail has been wagging the dog for too long. LOL

What are your thoughts on organic food? Does that much pesticide really get inside of our fruits and vegetables? How do we know that the expensive organic food in the store is really organic?

Sugar is poison. We need to go back in time and tell the cavemen, "that plant bad. Poison. no eat!!!!"



Temporal Engineer
Carbs by themselves are fine for a healthy person. If the carbs come in their natural form. But a processed food is not a natural form. Chocolate cake and ice cream are examples of processed foods that cancer cells would thrive on. There is also increasing evidence that sugar is actually the root cause of hardening of the arteries. And not over indulgence of animal fat as was once thought. Sugar may also be the culprit behind diabetes as well. I know taking the junk food out of your diet removes 90% of the food available at the grocery store.

Some people believe organic is safer to eat. But it is standard practice to wash fruits and vegetables before you eat them, right? I usually boil or steam all my vegetables. Any pesticides left over are removed that way too.

But many fruits and vegetables will be off your list of what's safe to eat. Since quite a few contain carbs.

Here is one treatment that many people claim has worked:

Essiac Tea Cancer Treatment


Wow, the ketogenic diet is already proven in some studies to stop seizures in epileptics without medication.

If you think about it, it makes sense. That's more or less what cavemen ate -- mostly meat, some nuts, some berries, some greens. That's about it.
And it could make me skinny. Hmmmm.. I'm liking the sound of this....


Temporal Engineer
Yeah, but I don't know the length of time you can safely stay on that diet. I know 6 months is probably safe. I seriously doubt you could stay on it forever. I know Oprah went on that diet and lost all her extra weight. But she put it all back on afterwards. But you kill off the cancer cells while you're losing weight. The thing is you stay healthy while on that diet. Not so with chemotherapy.


I'm so nervous I'm sweating, but it could be low blood sugar. Gotta get lunch. (I eat at 10:30..hypoglycemic...)

PLEASE pray guys. This is like waiting for a death sentence.
