My 3 year old is seeing an alien!


Active Member
So...I haven't gone into much detail here on this forum about my children's gifts, but very quickly I'll just say my 8 year old daughter & 3 year old little boy are very gifted. They see and hear things others cannot. They are ancient souls with a strong connection to mother nature.

My son has a spirit he frequently talks about named "Bad Guy". However he is not a bad guy to Abram, but friendly and protective. The Bad Guy name comes from him being dressed in Union soldier attire, as where my little boy was once a Confederate soldier during the Civil War. I know it sounds crazy but its true. I can see why he would refer to him as a bad guy.

The other day, Abram would not go into his closet and was physically showing fear. He told me there was a type of monster in there. Two of them.

Today he tells me in more detail that it was an "alien". My barely turned three year old has never used the term " alien" before. So he went on to tell me how the aliens have powers but so does his friend, bad guy and he protected him from these aliens.

I asked him to describe them...all he could really say was they were blue and not human. However, Bad Guy is a human. So I showed him several images of aliens which he responded no to all except for this one. He's jaw dropped and he said " that's the alien monster in my closet. There was two and they can use power just like that one in the picture with his hand up. He's about to use his powers on me. "

I told him not to be scared....they must be curious. And also that not only would I protect him but he seems to be protected by a strong spirit as well.

I'll post the pic. Please let me know what you guys think about this. Any advice or thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Spirits is something I'm so use to coming around us. But Also, there is not reason for Abram to make up stories. He doesn't do that yet.

To back up his claim, in the last few nights ( going along his time line of events) I've heard strange knocks throughout our home, especially bedroom, my husband & I heard two men talking once in our kitchen and my daughter and I witnessed a pair of my shoes being moved from one spot to another. Okay...I'm creeping myself out now.

Here the pic. Please respond! I'm not sure how I feel about visitors of this nature. [emoji20]



Active Member
Have your son asked thede aliens why he is being attacked?

Also, it's a very good thing that a ghost stranger is protecting him. How many ghosts do you know doing that?


Do you have a smart phone? There is an app that will record noise only when it's heard. It was made to catch yourself talking in your sleep, but it will start recording when it hears something and stop when the noise is over. You should use it. You might also want to consider talking, just in case it is a spirit, and trying to record EVP with your son. This can be done at any time. A 3 year old is too young to make this up unless he saw it on TV or something. It sounds to me like he is seeing two different things -- a ghost and an alien.... Perhaps it's some sort of portal -- entry/exit point... ? Very interesting. Do some experiments and investigation. :)


Active Member
Have your son asked thede aliens why he is being attacked?

Also, it's a very good thing that a ghost stranger is protecting him. How many ghosts do you know doing that?
No, he didn't ask. He literally opened his closet to get a toy, and came running out of his room. Poor little guy was scared!

As far as I can tell we only have one protective spirit that seems to be attached to just my son. He's been with Abram since he was a newborn. Even even moved with us into our new house.
I know my father is around to protect us but he doesn't stay here.

It's not uncommon for us to have many visitors of a spiritual nature as my two kids and I attract them.


Active Member
Do you have a smart phone? There is an app that will record noise only when it's heard. It was made to catch yourself talking in your sleep, but it will start recording when it hears something and stop when the noise is over. You should use it. You might also want to consider talking, just in case it is a spirit, and trying to record EVP with your son. This can be done at any time. A 3 year old is too young to make this up unless he saw it on TV or something. It sounds to me like he is seeing two different things -- a ghost and an alien.... Perhaps it's some sort of portal -- entry/exit point... ? Very interesting. Do some experiments and investigation. :)
Yes, I do have a you know the name of the app? I'll definitely download it.

I will honestly say, I don't believe my three year old would make it up. This is not something he has ever mentioned before...he's never even said the word "alien" before which is why I was so suprised by it. We've know for a while now that he sees spirits, but so did my daughter by the age of one as did I when I was very young. It's a gift I never lost and I've chosen to let my kids embrace their gifts as well and not fear them.

At our last home, we were told there was several portals throughout our home and land. Which is why my daughter saw a full on battle in our backyard from the civil war. It's sad when a toddler can tell you in detail about seeing blood and guts hanging out of bodies destroyed by bullets and canon balls.

It's possible that there could be portal here...possibly one that could let through an alien...I just don't know how to deal with that! Spirits I can handle.

One little note....the night before he saw this alien, I was outside, my hubby and I were about to decorate for xmas. I was all alone for about 10 minutes, in the dark. I swear I heard as loud as all get out, a helicopter hovering over our neighborhood ( which is out in the country, a very small neighborhood ). The sky was black but I couldn't see any lights from the helicopter. What was a little unnerving was how close it seemed and how it's hovered for a long time. And then I heard it fly away. My hubby even came out in time to hear it but couldn't see it. That night I heard strange knockings on my walls. The next day, Abram saw the alien.


Active Member
@bluejay_1919 I think it's interesting how "Bad Guy" is attached to your son. I read a supposedly real life ghost story in a ghost website and it was something about the OP being abused by his parents when he was still young. There was this soldier spirit that appeared to him. He described him having blood on his face but he didn't feel threatened by it. The spirit comforted him, not by words but by staying by his side and watching at the stars in the sky. The OP started to appreciate nature around him (because the spirit would constantly gaze at the stars whenever he appears) and he felt like that the spirit was telling him that he should stay "strong" and not to have a grudge on his parents for what they've done. This happened for a few more years, and when he grew up, the soldier spirit never showed up again. The OP believed that the soldier spirit went away because the spirit probably knew that he was "strong" enough now that he's grown up and all.


Active Member
@bluejay_1919 I PM'ed you. Please check it out and please explain what your son is experiencing/ talking about. The person is an expert at the paranormal and so much more such as the science of elements and such. I'm pretty worried about your son especially if the entities are aliens (assuming you are telling the truth).


Active Member
Thank you Miscellaneous for your kindness & concerns. I am most definitely not making anything up. I don't see any gain in making stuff up like this. It's simply my toddler telling me things that I believe a toddler normally wouldn't know much about.

Thank you for the email address. I'd like to wait a little while to see if he brings it up again or if anyone else in our home has experiences. Perhaps his guardian has "scared them off" so to speak.

My daughter, when she was little, was protected by two great grandmothers & a grandmother. Eventually I found out my father too watched over us. The gentleman protecting my son must have an attachment to him...we believe possibly from a previous life. He is friendly and for that I am grateful.

I just don't know that much about aliens and them possibly contacting humans. Of course, I've read all kinds of crazy stories, but I'm still pretty clueless to it all.

Could it be an accident? Like suggested before, maybe a portal and poof, they ended up in my son's closet and didn't mean to?? And maybe that will be the end of it.
