Obama Creating Shadow Gov't

Carl Miller

Active Member
The collapse of economy can be a way into globalization. Who has control over the Fed Reserve, cause late president Eisenhower tried to open the eyes of american people to the thread of the military industrial complex.
Following i am gonna try to pass on the homework i did regarding economy, Fed Reserve, the manipulation of economy through those groups you are tired of knowing. The image we have of american people abroad, folks, is excelente although unfortunately there are the bad guys, those who have no commitment to the interest of the people, some of them even worship idols from antiguity. A step back since it seemed we have long left those primitive cults behind. You can simply overlook the following if it is too confusing. Or you can read between the lines. For na expert half word is enough.

they can't export anything that means the French and the Germans are just screwed they can't they can't explain anything to anyone else in the world that also mean that with the US economy tanking and with the US dollar plunging to new lows that means that you now have BMW moving Factory into the United States you know you now have been getting contracts you have airbuses now they moved into the us because the dollar is so cheap here so that's a good thing right it is it isn't anyone else that because we've kind of become the new Guatemala if you will give me workers will become those lower-paid workers because what happened back in March of 2006 they took the Federal Reserve Note 3 index and once they did that they did have to explain to anybody how much how much currency was actually in circulation that was the only thing that because that index had all kinds of things that went anyway just went against its prices against that people could have sort of an idea as to how much money is in circulation and they basically said we're not going to tell you how much money is in circulation I did an interview I had a conversation with the head of the San Francisco what's the national debt and he said well it's about 8 trillion what is a half what is the national debt have to pay that and he said both Federal Reserve. So how we supposed to pay the national debt when there's not enough money in the world actually pay it and you said I don't know I don't know he said we're going to go to some kind of credit debit system or if they're not even bother printing the money anymore it's going to be photonic that's actually it's all good books of light photons and all your credit cards and eventually which will go to an RFID identifying chip system which is the last Society Society because now and here's the really scary thing I mean the next step is there are there people talking behind the scenes now that you're I was going crazy that the central banks now have done the exact same thing to the Europeans that the Federal Reserve get to the United States beginning in 1913 and 1913 there's no conspiracy there for you the only people that could have stopped the war Birds and the Morgans in the bankers the rocks out these gangs from forming the Federal Reserve will people like the actors and they all died on the Titanic so that all the wealthy people died on the Titanic hit them allow them to set up the central bank and set up the Federal Reserve in 1913 now there's not another conspiracy there. But it was withholding reports and that price was given for making the Crossing in record time and feeling ready but the actors died and that allowed them to all meet at Jekyll Island it's one of the Federal Reserve and they still get complete control of the money supply it took them 20 years from 1913 and 1933 to bankrupt the government of the United States what is happening in Europe is that the European Union and the formation of a central currency there they are doing exactly the same thing that the Europeans they did but they will bankrupt Europe and once a banker. You're open and form a depression if you will still be able to gain complete control of assets and I'll do everything to the Europeans that they didn't have station 1933 and 1945 you're saying you're just seeing it and acceleration of that process now and with France and Britain and France by the end of this year but by January you'll see why it's over because their entire social structure is going to completely disrupt anything the same way and allow this to happen because it allows them to get control in the United States are talking about maybe just letting the dollar collapse and if the dollar collapses in the United States and that mean if the US dollar is worth the same as a Canadian loner in tune and if it becomes worse the same as a peso in Mexico already missing the amount of time that they replace the currency in North America for the North American Union again so they talk about 1994 the United States Mexico and Canada and the other ones I talked about it before the program was $3 in 2013 and $33 in 2008 because I never thought I would say this because I always thought I always figured with gold it's like 800 or 850 and white the speed of light the place the bigger the biggest gold gets the more gold that seems to appear in the number out how much I'm talking $1,200 wow""
transcript from coast to coast

Shady Tree

Junior Member
Obama's group of greedy idiots ruined the industry I worked in causing it to go bankrupt, closing six plants over the years. I, like others, burned thru savings and my 401k account...taking the penalty.
Trump would have kept things going and not let this happen.
Obummer couldn't keep his town of Chicago safe...and now I hear he is listed as one of the 12 best Presidents...BULL SHIT, just like the liberal mindset and the MSN, it is nonsense.
I use to be quiet on fb but decided to wake up and confront the racist and angry liberals who say that everyone else is racist and a hater. Trump needs to clean house of everyone that was associated with Obummer and get some loyal people in their place. If the people fired can't find work, I hear the coal mines are hiring...end of rant.
One of 12 BEST presidents you say? lol Osama did nothing but set us back, he really did nothing noteworthy to be one of the best 12 lol. That's why they all mad because Trump is going to make the last 4 presidents look stupid and probably expose how bad they really screwed things up. Get em Trump.


This is very real. Liberals refuse to believe it, yet they are out saying "We are Muslim Too", without even READING Sharia Law to see how scary and messed up it is --- not believing is punishable by death --- yet they are coming here and breeding and taking over. It's really scary.... and yes, Obama is assisting with this process because he is a Muslim. Technically, though, since he married Michael, he could be punished by the Muslim community because they don't allow gay marriages, either.


Active Member
This is very real. Liberals refuse to believe it, yet they are out saying "We are Muslim Too", without even READING Sharia Law to see how scary and messed up it is --- not believing is punishable by death --- yet they are coming here and breeding and taking over. It's really scary.... and yes, Obama is assisting with this process because he is a Muslim. Technically, though, since he married Michael, he could be punished by the Muslim community because they don't allow gay marriages, either.


Carl Miller

Active Member
since he married Michael, he could be punished by the Muslim community because they don't allow gay marriages, either.

Very true. And it was his old mentor who celebrated his marriage with Michael. Later on, Obama got upset about something his mentor kept talking, i have a hint, his mentor seemed to be pulling Obama's ears over 'some triffles'.


since he married Michael, he could be punished by the Muslim community because they don't allow gay marriages, either.

Very true. And it was his old mentor who celebrated his marriage with Michael. Later on, Obama got upset about something his mentor kept talking, i have a hint, his mentor seemed to be pulling Obama's ears over 'some triffles'.

Being that he is Muslim, he has to hide Michael at all costs.
