Occultism on Paranormalis


Senior Member
Very interesting posts...learned a lot about Satan or his kind...I guess you can talk about it and stay away from it...Otherwise, if you do not know the bad stuff, you can not prevent it from happening...that is how wars start in real life.

To me, Real Satan is extremely powerful...Billions of times than Hitler...so, stay away from it. Why Satan? because Chaos and Order are part of the Universe. You need small amount of Chaos for system to grow. A big one destroys everything...

So, in Satanic arena...there are Chaos all the time...small ones to Hitler kind to seriously higher up....learn and stay away...

Thank you...


Very interesting posts...learned a lot about Satan or his kind...I guess you can talk about it and stay away from it...Otherwise, if you do not know the bad stuff, you can not prevent it from happening...that is how wars start in real life.

To me, Real Satan is extremely powerful...Billions of times than Hitler...so, stay away from it. Why Satan? because Chaos and Order are part of the Universe. You need small amount of Chaos for system to grow. A big one destroys everything...

So, in Satanic arena...there are Chaos all the time...small ones to Hitler kind to seriously higher up....learn and stay away...

Thank you...

Thank you Krish.



Senior Member
A little background story about Real Satan....

Long ago there was an inter-dimensional war in this Universe that spanned something like 17 Galaxies. The enemy was very powerful. It took all the galaxy individual groups combined to defeat it by 12,300 BP. These people had Red Skin and probably looked like the TV serial Childhoods End. Hence we have that Satan word and deed.

Those people were children of God too...so, I was thinking Chaos takes a part. And that is at the height of Bad Stuff.

Then we do stuff in that process...small stuff individually to local wars to world wars to all the way to Hitler....Remember spirits do not die...so, watch out what happens in the future...

So, the Chaos process is there from individual actions to the Universal Level. In fact the epic poem Mahabharata was actually based on that War. And even Lord Krishna talked about it in Bhagwat Gita....so, there you have it in more detail.....so, know your stuff and prevent such activities. Period.
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Satanism itself is connected to things such as astral projection, meditation, time travel etc. So I don't think its dangerous in any way because some members here are already trying these things.


However, there are other ways to go about them using opposite measures, 'seek and you shall find'!

White or good ways do exist.

ANYTHING that pertains to the black side of things are dangerous.

Black mirrors,
Black magic,
Black/dark occultism,
These ARE all gateways into very dangerous territory.

'Having some members here already trying these things'

I can only say this much more,
I have helped many whom have tried these things...and more,
helped to rid them of the inevitable 'hauntings' from their homes, selves, families, friends and even remote acquaintances .

Even if you're taking the proper measures,
It doesn't guarantee that you are remotely safe.

Read my posts on page 4.

I have been there!

These things can and will consume you!

It's the allure of it all that opens up curiosity, that spurs the imagination, that then when something goes wrong,
You end up being told that it's JUST your imagination and no one believes that these things are now happening to YOU!!

why even risk it?

Is that what you want?!

Trying these things can (will)
come with a price.

A price you may NOT be able to pay.
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When you quoted Belial, a search on the internet revealed it was yet another name for the devil, along with lucifer..beelzebub..satan...abbadon..apollyon plus a host of others...

Of course an internet search would say that. There's a lot of material that attempts to draw connections where there are none. The difference between superstition and experience is that experience has revealed that none of the names you mention above are the same thing.

Plus, what's "the devil" that you're referring to? As in, the archetypal adversarial figure of chaos?

Clearly you are a devotee of the devil (or what ever you wish to call it)

If you're referring to the names you write above, I would say coworker is more accurate. Despite common belief, quite a few entities are open to collaborative projects, especially if you know what you're doing.

, and like all such devotees you try to place him in a beneficial manner

And what would be a malefic manner?

and want to persuade other people to follow you into that vile cult from which there is no escape....


What cult?

Unfortunately for you, there is nobody on here stupid enough to even consider following along with your rhetoric no matter how sweetly you try to put your vile and dangerous beliefs :cautious:

Whoa there tiger! My "vile and dangerous beliefs?"

By any chance, are you calling me stupid?

It is only a concern for those involved in such practices that,
You can also become example of what you conjur. For example...

Read the above-mentioned,
In one breath there is denial of satanism,
The very next, the claim of being a co-worker.

Colin De Plancy, Crowley, LaVey,
All speak of satan or lucifer at some point.

I am worried about the possibility of the
unintentional doors opened here.

Velotak, i worry for you the most,
you say you have been attacked many times before and have even had fellow sorcerers trying to hurt you.

You DO realize that there are many more that could read what you have posted that are lurkers and have blown the door off its hinges for further attack?

Also, i am worried for some of our fellow members whom possibly have read and now are (possibly) seeking to try these measures of occultism, some whom possibly again, have no clear ideas on how to protect oneself.

These are the doors that were/are spoken of, no denying that, that is.

Please note, I am not attacking anyone
but pointing out a few inconsistencies.

I fear for people's safety . Period.

No malice intended from me nor meant,
that is not my way.

Beware of the deceptions , protect yourself.

I post this with humility intact.




Senior Member
I agree with Wind7...

Here are the issues...on a practical level....

1. People who do not know the capabilities of Electricity have died...One kid in engineering college died the same way...It was sad but no one talked about it...We the electrical engineers knew what it is and are very careful...in Voltage and Amperes like 100,000..and Frequency....etc.

This is due to lack of over all knowledge. Even though this is Physical...there is another issue...

2. In the spiritual side, everything is connected through communication. While Electricity can happen from batteries (think about the Teaser) to massive systems of high voltage, high frequency and high amperes. While today we know some of that, in Spiritual arena, we do not know much.

So, even if it sound like a small stuff...it could be a Teaser too...It is a serious matter.

Fortunately, if you have serious groups on the other side of the veil, you could be protected....because they know what is what...So, that is the first place you want to go...otherwise, you can get so messed up....

There is really a serious group and system called Satan...I did not believe that before, now I do....(Things even paranormalis could not handle!!)

Thank you.

EDIT: added...
Satan = BAD Governance = Genocide too...

Another Soviet Genocide – Kazakhstan, 1932-1933 — Coming Back To Haunt Moscow – OpEd
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Junior Member
Do you know a way to tell the future? I once read that you could use a pendulum to get answers. If it swings back and forth then it's a yes. If it swings in circles it means no.

For me, a pendulum is like any other tool...You connect with it deeply and having done so either program it, or tap into its desired state of resonance, so that you and it may communicate and/or decipher the energies/possible answers/points of view coming through. Remember, nothing is ever set in stone, at least I do not feel it is. For every possible answer (just as in the tarot), there are possible outcomes depending on your actions/reactions to said insights. I personally feel that it is my highest self that is communicating with me (unless I specifically call on a particular archetype) via the pendulum. The pendulum also adds its own vibratory song as it were to the interpretation of this communication...different crystals having an assortment of different properties, perspectives and some even able to directly connect with your Akashic records, and/or soul path or life lines be they in this dimension or another. Personally, I feel we are mainly focused on and therefore aware of only our third or physical dimension. There are many other dimensions that our etheric and energetic being coexists with.
