Ouija boards 2008

i think ouija boards are ok to play.. I think the only reason they've got a bad rap is because the church/bible is against them..
Num7 and KcWildman you to make me laugh so much. I love the convo. I like Chip Lewis 's take on the ouija and his picture is way cool. Yes you can ask the name of what or whom you are communicating with. I know some people with experiences they communicated with spirits but it seems the longer the session and the more you play with the board. The more the activity becomes dark. I still enjoy hearing other's views on this topic. But i definitely know where my stance is on the subject. Vamp1r3Goddess
I have played with one before when i was little, i dont recall anything scary or bad happening but as i got further into the paranormal in my later years i have heard of some horrable storys about them, and from my understanding anything used for communication wether it be a Oujia board or a home made board or even the old pencil and paper in the basement trick can release evil spirits.

From what i understand is most of the time the Spirit is dormant or even around just not strong enough to communicate, but when a method of communication is used such as a Ouija board the energy used to attempt to communicate is enough for the spirit to finally make its self known wether it be answering questions or waiting till late at night and making loud noises in your attic.

And then there is always the "Door opening theory" but regardless if you do awaken something never burn the board have it blessed and store the thing far far away.
I kind of buy the "Door opening theory" as you called it. This board is more than a simple wood plank with letters on it.

I still believe that it should be relatively safe to play Ouija, as long as you play it properly and that you don't get in touch with an evil spirit. I agree that you can't decide what kind of spirit you'll contact though, so that's part of what bugs me here. I think that a lot of bad experiences took place because someone somewhere came to do something he/she wasn't supposed to. What do you think?

But, all of the above being said... If 3 or 4 of you guys came to me with a Ouija board right away in order to play... I'm not sure I'd do it now. When I played it many years ago, I didn't hear as much bad experiences and the likes as I did between then and now.
it's not just the board its self its the method thats used, you can make your own ouija board and have it work so long as there is something that wants to communicate.

I really honistly don't know about the bad experiences, i believe it's just a random roll of the dice kinda thing you may get something willing to help or you may get the evil. But i dunno i do think it is random, Were taught to believe good people go to heaven and bad people go to hell there isnt much of a inbetween but my experience with the Paranormal has shown me that your more likely to run into a bad spirit than a good one, now dont get me wrong troubled spirits are a different story. But a evil person is more likely to stay on this realm to torment people rather than go to hell and suffer for there sins so possibly thats what people pull through the Ouija boards.

Kind of a Paranormal Billboard for evil and tormented souls to come Mess with the user of the board lol
How many of you remember Art Bell referring to his terrifying experience with a Ouija Board? It scared him sooo bad that he could never bring himself to talk about what happened...but he always discouraged the use of Ouija Boards.
Can you let us know more about what happened to him while playing? What did he experience?

Art would never go into detail. He just emphasized that playing with the Ouija Board was very dangerous, that he'd had a terrifying experience with one, but he could never bring himself to talk about it, because it scared him so bad. :eek:
