Ouija boards 2008


Senior Member
I have a question on the Ouija board's construction.
Do the physical characteristics of the board set influence the nature of the portal brought forth?

My impression is the board set opens up the possibility of its being real to the users.
They say, "What if it does work?" They want it to work. They believe it can work.
The beliefs and emotions of the users turn this experience into an acceptable part of their worldview.
The belief that it can work for them and their desire for it to work, opens the portal.
With this in mind, I do feel that a board is a board. It's physical characteristics don't matter.

Still, I would like to views on this from others.
a Ouija board can be whatever you make it, you can make one by writing letters and numbers on a white board and placing it under glass and use a upside down glass, literally it can be anything used for communication. And yes the frame of mind does make a difference if your just playing around had a few and you and a friend play with it just goofing off, no there is a good chance it wont work compaired to if you sit down with a few candles lit in the dark and take everything serious.


I thought of this some time ago and I wish I asked it when I played in 2008. It's unlikely that I'll get to play it again, as everyone I know who used to be into it, are no longer interested to fool around with it.


Senior Member
I wonder if anyone ever decided to use the boards and asked questions relating to time travel, John Titor or similar topics. I am sure the spirits on the other side know something lol

According to my studies of related subjects (i.e., NDE's, visitations to the Afterlife, Mediumship, communication with Ghosts, etc), time as we know it does not exist in the Afterlife realm. I don't know how that would impact an accurate answer, but it's something to consider.
I have contacted spirits before and talked to some about time travel, they say its somewhat of a dangerous thing. I think it affects them as well in a way, because it alters the nature of death or whatever. One in particular said its the reverse nature of the "justice card" that changing the past creates an imbalance.


Senior Member
Continued from my post #86, regarding asking ghosts about Time Travel...

I'm just now reading a new book that I bought today by James Van Praagh, a well-known Medium...and ironically in his description about Crossing Over, he says, "Finally when we stand at the doorway to death, there seems to be an immediate altering of time and space. Ghosts are in a timeless, etherial, transparent dimension. Earth time may be passing, but to a ghost everything is happening now."

I agree, it would be interesting to know what the Spirits have to say about Time Travel! :cool:
