Media Skeptic 'Darby' Interviewed by George Noory C2C about John Titor


Junior Member
Has anyone herd this ? dont know where to post maybe Sam can help :

Very interesting!

Darby has always been a Skeptic on the subject of John Titor. He doesn't believe John was a real Time Traveler. Darby is also a member here on Paranormalis, but hasn't been on in a long time.

I wish George Noory, Darby, Oliver Williams, and other so-called 'experts' would learn how to pronounce John's (pseudonym) Surname correctly. It's pronounced "Tie-tor"...not "Tee-tor". John said his name 'Titor' was an anagram for "Time-Travel-Or".

I don't know about any of you, but i pronounce Time Traveler, Time Travel-ER


Senior Member
I bet you don't find the reference, If you do, I'll agree with you.

Ah, I just found the reference in my notes!
Pages 148-149 in John Titor: A Time Traveler's Tale


Q: I have exposed John as a fake with the anagram in his name.

JOHN TITOR: I find this interesting because it gives me a very tempting easy out. I could now rest assured that someone had "figured me out" and I can relax before I leave.

However, I am not (other forum member) and this name and TTO are the only names I've used online.

After looking at my name here, have you considered its origin from another word-play standpoint? For example, TITOR could equal Time-Travel-OR.

You will also find the quote posted on this Forum under the date 03-08-2001 03:39 AM
