Spirit Box Sessions


Junior Member
The weird thing I've noticed about some voices.. this will sound nuts but, it's almost like some voices come in gender neutral and as they start to form a message their voice morphs into either a male of female. Others sound male or female from the start but I even said it to my boyfriend today and he thinks I might be onto something. I've heard many times that spirits can take a certain form when they materialize, during a haunting it's their death form, for a loved one they can look vibrant and full of life. Maybe they are slowly forming those voices and accents to establish what they sounded like when they were here? Like I said it sounds crazy but it's just a theory. Also the recorder was just a simple enough Sony, I think it was the equivalent of about 100 dollars.

I split the two channels on the spirit box, one goes into the recorder and the other into the headphones so I can listen live. I can also listen to the onboard speaker, but the headphones are clearer and my boyfriend can't stand the sound of the white noise, it gives him a headache in under 3 minutes but I can go all day and not get even a slight headache.


Senior Member
Here's the bottom line Time Flippa

The spirit boxes are not designed like regular radios. You can't apply your formatting to them and if you've never really used one, then you really have no reason to be here bashing it.
Hi Chris...I already said, if you had bothered looking at it, about the fact that those boxes do not have an FM discriminator attached to them, which if they had then all the white noise would not be there..so yes Chris in that respect they are not the same as a standard radio...

And seeing that Lisa actually asked us for our opinions on the box, i see it as my right to comment on them, as i have done with all due respect to her..it was only when you came in asking me questions that i replied to you and answered your questions..respectfully....

Another thing Chris if you are so convinced the boxes do work, then why havent you shared your personal experiences of the box with us and given us something to listen to just like Lisa has??
Iam not exactly "bashing" it, i have given my own honest views from what i feel about them and gave Lisa my opinion on listening to her recordings..i was very respectful to her but had to say that i couldnt hear anything that i could say was a spirit..

I also had the same feedback from my 2 sons and 2 friends, just incase my hearing was impaired.
And to conclude Chris, the boxes are very similar to standard scanners with the exception of the FM discriminator that ive already mentioned
and im not going to answer anymore questions from you unless its done in a private message because this thread was created by Lisa and she doesnt want arguments to upset her postings.....


Here's the bottom line Time Flippa

The spirit boxes are not designed like regular radios. You can't apply your formatting to them and if you've never really used one, then you really have no reason to be here bashing it.
Hi Chris...I already said, if you had bothered looking at it, about the fact that those boxes do not have an FM discriminator attached to them, which if they had then all the white noise would not be there..so yes Chris in that respect they are not the same as a standard radio...

And seeing that Lisa actually asked us for our opinions on the box, i see it as my right to comment on them, as i have done with all due respect to her..it was only when you came in asking me questions that i replied to you and answered your questions..respectfully....

Another thing Chris if you are so convinced the boxes do work, then why havent you shared your personal experiences of the box with us and given us something to listen to just like Lisa has??
Iam not exactly "bashing" it, i have given my own honest views from what i feel about them and gave Lisa my opinion on listening to her recordings..i was very respectful to her but had to say that i couldnt hear anything that i could say was a spirit..

I also had the same feedback from my 2 sons and 2 friends, just incase my hearing was impaired.
And to conclude Chris, the boxes are very similar to standard scanners with the exception of the FM discriminator that ive already mentioned
and im not going to answer anymore questions from you unless its done in a private message because this thread was created by Lisa and she doesnt want arguments to upset her postings.....

First, this is not a argument it's a discussion. Secondly I never openly stated I felt the box works, you're putting words in my mouth.
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Hmm...I've never messed with a spirit box, but I have plenty of experience with spirits,haha...I'm sure the skeptics love that, but whatever. So my only advice is,to be careful. I'm wondering if playing with a spirit box as often as you are, in your own home, may open you & your home to all kinds of entities. Kind of like playing with a Ouija board.

I read that you are looking for your dad...I can totally relate to that. I lost my father too, and I was a daddy's girl. I miss him so much. But he came to me on his own...I didn't have to look for him.

Protect yourself, that's my best advice. Especially if you continue to use the spirit box and search in other realms.

This some very Sage advice. ^^^^

Lisa, I hope everything is going okay as I have been reading this thread with some interest
and you haven't posted lately...

I also bolded out in colour what I felt could also happen.
Please do keep some protection around you. Never be afraid.


Junior Member
Oh I'm quite good thanks Jay, some of the recent messages were a little upsetting but then I think if I heard anyone in any circumstance plead for help it would definitely affect me. I'm certain that a number of the same spirits that keep coming back to talk are trapped here and I'm certain how a number of them passed too. I started doing something a few nights ago that I'd not done in a very long time. I asked them what would help and they said prayers would so I've started to pray for them every night before bed. I know it's not a lot, but they did ask so it must have some form of positive effect for them. I've always been an advocate against the use of the Ouija and other spirit boards and it's scary how last year alone the Ouija was in the top ten of "toys" bought for Christmas. One of the main reasons being a very rubbish horror movie that featured one throughout.

I think that when it does come to the Ouija the vast majority of people who do have trouble from it invite that trouble by treating it as a game and enter into it with no respect at all to what comes through. Unfortunately it is marketed as a board game so that really doesn't help. I think when you get someone who isn't in any way educated in the spirit world or in the paranormal in general using a device like that you create the perfect opportunity for supernatural deception by a being or beings that are ultimately more intelligent than the board operator. I know what to look out for and not to give an open invitation to anything that could potentially cause harm to myself or those around me. I've spent over a decade educating myself on as many aspects of the spirit world as possible, I think by now I might even have one of the biggest collections in Europe.

I do think the spirit box can be a very good tool that does actually work and for the most part is safer than a board. I do set my own protection before each session and I do also ask for protection and state that I don't want to communicate with anything negative, that it is not welcome. When it comes to the Ouija the first question usually is "Is anyone there?", that automatically issues an open invitation to whatever is within reach and often it's negative because it's closer to our own Earth plane in terms of spiritual evolution. I also think that prolonged use of a spirit board can open a portal which allows in even more negativity. I'm very in tune with the spirit world and I'm certain that I'm using the spirit box to help and not to antagonize or tease. I really do appreciate it that you were concerned enough to ask was I okay, I just stopped posting because I didn't want to tire anyone out or cause any kind of discourse between people who might not agree with the content of the thread.


Senior Member
Hi Lisa and welcome back to us..I believe a lot of us were wondering where you were, and concerned..
Dont do it again unless you put BRB..which means, Be Right Back lol :D

BRB guys..laterz :D


Junior Member
Oh then I shall BRB also, I've been uploading session audio daily but not actually doing them daily, that way there are some clips but I don't have to devote too much time to the actual one on one contact. I also want to see if after a few days of prayers they sound a bit more upbeat, I do play very upbeat music like "Walking on Sunshine" during sessions because it raises the vibrations, but I'll see what the prayers do :)


Senior Member
I also love music to get my vibrations going Lisa, like The Radetzky March written by Strauss or by contrast The 1959 original version of Shout, performed by the Isley Brothers :D


Senior Member
No problems Classical, i should have realised that you would contact me on that one lol :D

Every New Years Day around 12midday here in the UK, i watch the Vienese New years Day program on tv performing all of the Strauss family renditions...In 2014 the orchestra was conducted by the master pianist Daniel Barenboim, who i used to watch in the early 1970s, doing his master tv program on playing the piano..It was Awesome :)
