The Time Traveler Test


New Member
The butterfly effect does not cause such a drastic change in all things as currently suggested in 2012. This is because people according to their inherent natures do the same things over and over again and history repeats itself over and over. It is very hard to break a habit.

When I was in training, I was taught how to automatic write. I let my subconscious take over and I was able to duplicate perfectly pictures that I had drawn in my childhood. This demonstrated to me the repetitiveness of memory, actions, and time.

Now I want to talk about Einstein. The guy said nothing can travel faster than the speed of light because if something could, it would need to be massless and we and our spaceships have mass. Ah! But if we could generate a near massless field of energy around our massive spaceship, we could glide through space and time. If we were able to escape the restraints of the Higgs, we could even teleport.


Temporal Engineer
LOL, wonder who will be the next president? Since Obama's popularity has rapidly declined due to his forced health care mandate. Think it's time for a lady in the white-house yet? My votes for Sarah Palin.


Senior Member
That is a slight misunderstanding of what was said. Obama will win the election. Hillary will be begged not to retire. She's doing a good job. I may not say what happens next but let's just say Hillary will be offered greater power -- if that is possible.


I started this thread to discuss tests for time travelers. It became another place for tr to push his "book" and demonstrate his "expertise" on time, time travel, alternate universes, other world lines or timelines, dimensions, and whatever else he thinks he is the expert on, oh yea, Titor too, as well as a place for Ren to make new or refer to his previous predictions. I don't know what that has to do with testing time travelers but I have seen conversations go off on varying tangents before.
So, does anyone have a test they would like to discuss?


Any changes made to a world line would not be perceivable by anyone residing on that world line except by the "time traveler" himself. To the perspective of those upline from the point of change, they would only ever consider their history, as they know it, was only as it ever was and perceiving no changes whatsoever. This is because they have nothing to compare it to (i.e. the "original" world line). Which brings us back to a previous question I posed to the forums for discussion:
How then, can mission planners gauge the success of a mission if they perceive no changes?
For those who are interested, there is a little gem answering this question in the 2000/2001 posts.​

As an example: While you may speculate on changes to our own worldline, we cannot perceive what the "original state" of our world line ever was before any changes were made (no matter whenever in time they were made, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2005, 2001,1998, 1984 or 1975.).
One interesting question related to this is: how can we remember our history from before John's arrival if our world line didn't exist until he got here? I don't have an answer to this question, but it is an interesting question, no?

The best way I could think of answering this. Is that a single line exists as the root line and, when a time traveler or w.e interrupts the line then, a branch is created that go off from the original line. Our origin is the same and, the origin headed in the direction the universe wanted it to however when the line branches off events are "new" and, the universe no longer knows what goes on in that line.

As say universe I suppose it could be God or whatever has control over the world lol.


If the universes do not interact, how does one universe communicate with the others so as their events match up (low divergence).

This question may be a bit larger than we are willing to accept.

I think your right it's better to simply say time traveler. You would have to look at it with both knowledge on john titors story and, an analyticall point of view to understand it's more like dimensional traveling or line hopping

I wonder if he went so far off in the divergence if a different reality not simply historically but, physically could have happened. Maybe if he went far enough out there would be magic or something like that in another line.
I wonder if he went so far off in the divergence if a different reality not simply historically but, physically could have happened. Maybe if he went far enough out there would be magic or something like that in another line.

Another outstanding insight. Is it possible to travel to a world line that is so different that the known physical laws no longer hold sway? What would happen to our time traveler friend in such an event?
