Titor's 2001 Predictions Compared to 2011 Curent Time

I'm not working off of memory. I have complete copies of the original threads. You might be pretty sure that he asked "would you be surprised if we used a wmd excuse to get into iraq" but that was not the case. He flat out stated that Iraq has nukes.

More important would be this segment of the July -98 fax where he clearly mentioned that there would be a limited nuclear war in Middle East around the year 2000:

Art, the reason I am here now is because I believe a nuclear weapon set off by Iraq in the Middle East war with Israel might have something to do with the damaged timeline. I will test that theory and get back to you. Please pray that we discover the reason why there is no apparent future after 2564.
lastly what do i know about war!?




More important would be this segment of the July -98 fax where he clearly mentioned that there would be a limited nuclear war in Middle East around the year 2000:

Art, the reason I am here now is because I believe a nuclear weapon set off by Iraq in the Middle East war with Israel might have something to do with the damaged timeline. I will test that theory and get back to you. Please pray that we discover the reason why there is no apparent future after 2564.

that was in his postings, not the fax, and thats paraphrasing, not a direct quote of titor
Could it be that John Titor told one of the programmers of the IBM5100 about the calender problem and gave the solution. That this simple solution would later be applied to patches and updates that averted most of y2k?
I'm asking you because that was your job.
Maybe this is the simple explanation to the mystery.
To Darby:
Oh yes, the stock market was up near 500 points yesterday, but unless you see the big picture you are not going to prepare. Back in 2005 I told you FINANCIAL ARMAGEDDON was coming.

TAKEN FROM http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs...-debt-ceiling/2011/12/01/gIQAmFeTGO_blog.html
The Eurozone is facing an unimaginable economic catastrophe.

The rank and file is waking up. However, debunkers still claim all is fine and I am a nut case. If you had spent those years preparing you would be ready now. By the time you realize there is a problem, it will be too late for you.

Each timeline is different, but John Titor said his was similar to ours. Finding events that did not happen on his timeline will not invalidate what is coming. PUTIN is planning to destroy america. There, I said it to you.
Could it be that John Titor told one of the programmers of the IBM5100 about the calender problem and gave the solution. That this simple solution would later be applied to patches and updates that averted most of y2k?
I'm asking you because that was your job.
Maybe this is the simple explanation to the mystery.

Yes, that's possible. John Titor's grandfather was one of the Engineers of the IBM 5100. John may have told his grandfather what the solution to the Y2K problem was, but I don't know how much John knew about computer programming. Whoever figured out the solution, it wasn't implemented until approaching the year 2000.

From my end, here's how it went. Companies and Corporations spent millions of dollars hiring computer programmers who scrambled to fix computers and get them ready for Y2K. I co-created the Y2K Task Force in my county in 1998. Companies worked on the problem for at least 2 years, and even then everyone wasn't ready.

When Y2K rolled over, PG&E wasn't ready and it caused a glitch that caused problems. Customers didn't get billed for several months, and when their bills finally arrived, they owed hundreds or thousands of dollars. (It was in Northern California where they have cold winters, so people used their heating systems a lot during that time of year.) My sons owed about $1,200 on their PG&E bill. But PG&E couldn't turn off people's utilities, so they had to arrange payment plans.
haha do you know what BS means? it means bullshit!!! he's asking so hes not telling us!!! a easy code of johns, at least i thought that was one everyone could understand, he clearly asks, or is that BULLSHIT TO WHIP US INTO ANOTHER WAR, and what war were we in at the time? war in kosovo/serbia? see how asking a question works? haha
back then we didn't have youtube for me to prove it, john believed me though! maybe they have youtube in 2036?


The wars in Serbia-Croatia obviously have had and still have great significance for you. The average American has absolutely no clue what-so-ever as to just how significant Serbian and Croatian history has impacted the 20th and now the 21st Centuries. Their history was the Ground Zero Event for not one, but two world wars. World War II in Europe was not a seperate war from World War I. It was a continuation of that unresolved war. If we were somehow able to talk to them, there are over 100 million Europeans and 200,000 Americans who would explain it to everyone else had they not been fatal casualties of those wars. Croat or Serb, Hungarian, Greek, Englander, French, German, Lithuanian, Latvian, Estonian, Albanian, Italian, Czech, Slovakian, Austrian, Swede, Fin, Norwegian, Pole, Russian, you name it - over one hundred million of them were slaughtered for king (Kaiser, Czar, Caesar) and country. From me to you, my friend, I understand and have not forgotten them.

That being said, however, "Boomer" (the author of the TTO/Titor posts) failed to even make a hint at Serbia or Croatia. His reference to BS has to be taken within the context of the series of posts that he was responding to (and because I was involved in those posts I'm fully aware of the context). He was responding to Doug's posts and challenging Doug on his (real or fained) incredulity at our having found nukes in Iraq. The question was whether that "fact" (finding nukes) would be used as propoganda to expand the war. The problem is that his post was made at a time when the news was incorrectly reporting that we had found nukes in Iraq (and the truth is that the news was reporting that we had found chemical WMD's). Boomer was working the current news where a real time traveler (if they actually exist) would know that the reports were inaccurate.

Serb, I would never deny your right to opine on any subject. But the Titor Meme is, on the whole, lame. The political message is trite, common left-of-center libertarian. Nothing new. The physics message is nothing less that laughable. It really is pretty awful 8th grade wannabe "science". It's not a matter of accepting the possibility that time travel is allowed by general relativity. It's a matter of hand-waving magic to accept his version of modern physics. It really is that bad. The war saga is Saturday afternoon at the cinema, John Wayne fantasy. I don't know if you were personally involved in the Serbian war. But if you were or know anyone who was, would you or they describe the period as a time that they wouldn't trade for anything - as Titor described his involvement as a soldier in the Everglades? That's an othwesie innocent 12 year old boy's view of war, not the view of a combat veteran no matter what his/her age. People who have seen just how starkly terrifying violent death is on a daily basis don't use words like "I wouldn't trade it for anything" to glorify and remember the experience. I certainly don't, my peers don't, and we have seen more than our fair share of what man can do to man to extinguish their existence on this mortal coil.

Here's the truth about such experiences. I've seen some ghastly events in my time. I know what they look like and how they occur. But there are a couple of such events that I've witnessed that were (apparently) so extraordinarily violent that my recollection of them is, in fact, a dummied down fallacy. I can recall the beginning and the end. The middle? Not so much. I know that people died suddenly and very violently. I can see them. But they are wholly intact - dead - but intact. I know that the memory is false. They most certainly were not "intact". There's no way in hell or Earth that my mind would allow me to say something as stupid as, "I wouldn't trade that time for anything." My mind said "forget". It has and I have no desire to probe the memory for the reality. I've been retired for six years and I still sleep "with one eye open". You don't want to walk up to my bed at night and give me a shake-and-wake unless you want to look down the wrong end of a 9mm.

That's what Titor's memory should have been.
