Wanna talk about orbs?

steven chiverton

Senior Member
Ok so only one night the zigzag happened, what about all the other nights? ;):D
just when i uploaded films to pc and zoomed in i got an orb in a zig zag pattern and a few had strange mystery fog or mist that was not there when i took the pictures otheres had big orbs and some strange ones


what do we know about light? Light needs energy, has wave length and some form of radiation. That is why some lights can keep eggs warm and others can cook humans. What do we know about orbs? Orbs shows up in infrared, thus it must have a corresponding wave length and since it is glowing it might have a source of energy. Observed by thousands of people one cannot dismiss the claim without researching the cause. Light flicker is ruled out because people use static lights while filming, flaring and reflections does not move intelligently and very few conditions have the ability to drain a DC power supply. Lastly due to high resolution we can rule out dust and bugs as they are clearly visible and move within the laws of gravity. YES even bugs move according to gravitational pull and is why a bee can hover while a moth can only flutter about. Thus one must classify an orb as an anomaly. An orb does obey the laws of energy as it must collect store and use energy but does not obey the laws of gravity as it moves differently then normal energy would. If you start researching the stuff you realize that there are laws being broken and others are kept. Now even energy "lightning" as example cannot both keep some laws an break other laws. It is governed and one knows exactly how it will behave. Orbs don't play by all the rules and when something in science doesn't play by the rules it means it has its own set of rules and we need to know why that is.


New Member
I've caught some odd light "orbs" on camera,one in a graveyard in Gettysburg,PA that I know was odd as the color was off (yellowish) and as I inspect my pictures right after I take them I went and poked around in the grass and nothing no metal,phosphorescent bugs or grubs,nada so no idea what it was,I'll post that picture in a sec lemme find it.

And that's one thing I always do-I try to find a rational explanation for something before I start saying it this or that,I find if someone does they tend to make a fool of themselves and make it harder for those of us who are trying to prove what's really out there.

Okay see in front of the gravestone? most bluish orbs may be dust but I have no clue on yellow ones...

And I always take as large pictures as I can so I can get a good look without zooming in,in this case I cut the thing out:

To me that isn't a dust mote,bug,grub,or anything else I can think of as again after I took this I was probing around in that spot and found nothing to explain it away so what's your guess?
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my moving orbs videos turned out to be stars except the ones taken with a flash camera
wispyclouds.net - welcome
click on dimensional photoghraphy

What if you are underground? I am sorry but you cannot dismiss every single orb as being a reflection or camera anomaly. But as i said in many of my posts if you don't experience things first hand you will never believe it. And when you do experience it for the first time you will find it is a lot harder to explain to people and or convince people. Rather keep a open mind because you never know when it is your turn to talk to someone and need that person to have a open mind.


But why dark places? Why battery power? See these orbs like direct current for some reason. So my first question is why DC power why not AC power "house power" Why can the orb only use 1 type of energy and not the other. My second observation is that orbs don't hang around for very long. This suggest that the sub-energy isn't able to remain stable for very long. Now as we all know nature does things in the simplest most amazing way possible. It doesn't do difficult especially when it comes to electricity.

There is no preference , they prefer high voltage so whether it is DC or AC makes no difference .

Before my awakening I observed small purple orbs in the form of a triangle with a surrounding force field in the form of atoms moving extremely rapid . I saw it twice ; it is now "me" .

When it was still not fused completely with me , it used to disturb electricity by times . Why I do not know , I suspect for a "recharge / power-up" ?
