Whats the worst nightmare your mind ever came up with


Junior Member
Most of my dreams are quite vivid, including the ones with women. I'll spare you the details as this is a thread about nightmares, and the ladies are certainly not that.


Senior Member
When I was a kid...if I knew the dream was getting scary, I knew how to force my eyes open while sleeping to wake up thus avoiding the situation. lol

Every once in awhile I will srceam as loud as possible jumping up from my sleep. I would say this happens about a couple times a year and I never have a clue what it was about. I never get alarmed by any dream so this is very interesting. Imagine a movie where a person is lying flat on his back and bounces up to a sitting position screaming...that is what it is like.
Damn it Dawg you just reminded me of the scariest movie for me..The Exorcist :eek:


When I was a kid...if I knew the dream was getting scary, I knew how to force my eyes open while sleeping to wake up thus avoiding the situation. lol

Every once in awhile I will srceam as loud as possible jumping up from my sleep. I would say this happens about a couple times a year and I never have a clue what it was about. I never get alarmed by any dream so this is very interesting. Imagine a movie where a person is lying flat on his back and bounces up to a sitting position screaming...that is what it is like.
Damn it Dawg you just reminded me of the scariest movie for me..The Exorcist :eek:

That was the ONLY movie that ever scared me...saw it when I was 10. :confused:


Damn it Dawg you just reminded me of the scariest movie for me..The Exorcist :eek:
Linda Blair with her owl like turning head and her throwing up would be a great way to entertain you while sleeping. lol
Thanks for that Dawg, i had been using my Tantric meditation to get rid of the thoughts of that movie..now its gonna take medication :mad: :D

I have 3 versions of that flick. One of them goes into great detail about the large scale
puppet that did all the creepy stuff (head turning..ect) and also the stand in for Linda Blair that
had an aparatus glued to her face that went from each side into the back of her mouth
where they would pump REAL pea soup projectile style directly at Father Karras.

Not to mention the slowed down Tiger roars used as the demon growls.

It was great therapy. didn't much care for the dreams that movie gave me at the time.

Then again...I still cannot eat pea soup in the dark.;)


New Member
I've had a lot of pretty horrifying dreams. I think some of the worst are when I feel like I'm actually awake but awake in another realm. The air and vibe is dark and gross. I'm in my home or my work (I do live in care) and usually there's some kind of being outside trying to get in. I will see them watching me through the blinds and hear them scratching at the windows/trying to open the windows.

I once dreamed I woke up at work and sat up in the bed. There was a demon outside the door in the kitchen. I got really angry, opened the door, and chased it. I got it cornered behind the couch and began yelling at it, telling it that it didn't belong in the home. My voice began to fade (when I face demons or whatever you want to call them, they "take" my voice from me). It turned around and made a weird, croaking growl. I heard it with my real body and shot awake. The feeling of something in that house never went away...

I have a lot of nightmares with evil/negative beings. I've had them try to crawl into my ears and stuff... I always felt my head and body shaking and thought it was in my mind... my boyfriend told me I kinda scare him when I'm sleeping. I arch my back all weird and do shake my head. No idea what any of that means.. :-\


Supposedly, "dreams" and "nightmares", which some will argue are one and the same only the "nightmares" are the result of "repressed content", the conscious "mind" tries to keep "buried", sometimes getting the upper hand, and simply scaring us with what we have feared the most, though the content has not confined to making any sense, at all, about anything ever experienced, thought of, consciously, witnessed, etc. Example, one doesn't have to literally "die" to have nightmares, about all various things that might fall under the topic of "Death". Assuming that "Death" ends all conscious activities but that is for another time. As for the most scared, let's go back to oh, say around 1968, small country in Southeast Asia. What started off as something not all that messy around 1961, by then , 1968 and before actually was a full scale war. Never been overly interested as to dreams, I started having 1, over and over, esp. having reassigned to, well, never mind, but in that "dream", I was lost in the jungle, not all that new, but I kept seeing green, glowing eyes, nothing else. No sound was made by whatever had them and after a while, in each dream, got used to them, gave each set of eyes, a name, etc. Weird ways of coping with stuff your mind does to you. At some point in time, seemed to change, I was being shot at, various directions, no yelling or screaming, just flashes of light you see in the night when a shot is fired. I got hit, several times, passed out, no memory of anything, except waking up, a fire had been started, by who, who knows but I still saw those green eyes except a as my vision got better, I realized those eyes were the eyes of Bengal Tigers, that got me from where I got hit to wherever but I looked at them and they at me. One big "male", I supposed, came over to me, pushed me flat on my back, got nose to nose with me, licked or tasted me, your choice, and all went black. Might not seem all that out of whack now, at age 68, but I have long had an interest in tigers since then aand to hear some of my friends that made it back, mine was mild in comparison.
