Where are all the hoaxers?

Chip Lewis

Re: Where are all the hoaxers?

Webnower said:

I completely forgot how batty some (read: most) of his stuff sounded. I remember how he tried to predict Star Wars Episode III and Coke Blaq. Good times.
"Coincidentally", everything he/she saw just happened to be contained in articles concerning up and coming fads on CNN...


Senior Member
Re: Where are all the hoaxers?

Remember the futuristic cities with people wearing skin tight clothing? And the movies! I'm sure the first thing I'd do if I were astrally time traveling is catch a flick down at the local Bijou.


Junior Member
Re: Where are all the hoaxers?

It depend BATS! what that flick was BATS!. If it was BATS! Star Wars Episode BATS! 17 I might BATS! catch it. BATS!



Re: Where are all the hoaxers?

Is this a hoax ? lol

This add is shows itself sometimes in the site's header. I'm not going to buy that ! lol
The Tesla Purple Energy Shield

The Tesla Purple Energy Shield™ emits vast quantities of energy (see kirlian photos below), which directly repairs, strengthens and protects the energetic fields of the human mind body and soul.
To me it sounds like HDR adds, or Alex Chiu's immortality rings...

Num7 !


Active Member
Re: Where are all the hoaxers?

Condar said:
Hdrkid huh? I wonder who that may be.. I suppose we'll find out.. or is he really only a hoax? o_O >> <<

I never thought that the letters HdrKid would ever be uttered (typed:p)
here ever again..he or she had the most ridiculous pics I had ever seen...typical Seattle veggie marketplace pics. Unique looking tags and products , so it looked futuristic! Oh and she never went into the future on OUR timeline..it was always another timeline that we could "learn" from..HA! HA! And she only traveled astrally..not with her physical body...
And when called to the carpet the fact that one cant take a camera while out of body..she said that this pics were to "demonstrate" how bad and expensive things would be in the future....and had a small disclaimer under the captions for a while...
I know I refer to her as he and she cuz I think she is a middleaged woman.
I am obviosly still hating on her!:eek:
that is all.


Re: Where are all the hoaxers?

I think that the Kid isn't posting in any forum exept its own now. He/she's getting a pretty bug fan base. I remember it's debunking on TPN long ago, and in the end wasn't it proved that the kid was a woman as said gonzogirl ???

Anyway, it tends to be a hoax

If anyone want to know what a HDR is, or just laugh, look at this from Napoleon Dynamite :D lol

Too bad, the video is in two part, the long one is gone...



Active Member
Re: Where are all the hoaxers?

I think some of the people who were posting here that were her diehard fans were in fact HdrKid herself.
I comminicated with two and I just got the feeling that they were her..All they wanted to know was personal stuff that no other person would care about.. The stuff they wanted to know was all things that could later be used to hurt me in some way. So I just stopped accepting their pm's. And never told em anything except to be careful.
It creeped me out..
What is interesting is that I have tried to join her forum and I am never accepted. Neither are the people that I get to registar with her forum.
I remember Darby And Sosuemetoo doing the investigating and pretty much called her out.
Finding out her address and gender. What was scary is that in their investigating they found that she is mentally unstable and thats scary cuz she communicated with people she knew were way underage.


Senior Member
Re: Where are all the hoaxers?

Numenorean7 said:
Is this a hoax ? lol

This add is shows itself sometimes in the site's header. I'm not going to buy that ! lol
The Tesla Purple Energy Shield

It's not a hoax. It's a fraud.

There's a difference. Something like 20 years in the fed pen.

Of course, with that thing you probably agree to be cheated when you sign for it. Look in the fine print.



Re: Where are all the hoaxers?

It makes me think of spell sellers on ebay. Like this one.
Haunted Gypsy Witch BULLS HORN amulet TIME TRAVEL SPELL.

I can't believe people are selling these things. OK, this one is an amulet. Sometimes, they are selling herbs. come on....

The worst thing is that some people are actually buying these. Wasn't "Frog" doing so, back in HDRKID's days here on Paranormalis ? He was always asking questions to the Kid. After what gonzogirl said, maybe he was the Kid himself... :confused: ...yeah, maybe.

Num7 :)


Active Member
Re: Where are all the hoaxers?

I think Frog and Hdrukiddingme? are one in the same.
He was to generic..like a non person...no one is that boring...I felt he was trying to get me to tell him things that I wouldnt tell ANYONE! And he would offer up nothing except.." I read a book today..well have a nice day!"
If you are a real person Frog, sorry I called you boring.
