Where are all the hoaxers?


Active Member
Re: Where are all the hoaxers?

Numenorean7 said:
The best thing ever done in the Titor saga was when he disapeared. Instead of getting back and being debunked, they just stoped it. They let us wonder about the whole story. As you see, it's working, we're still talking about it here, and in my opinion, it's still interesting :)

I think I remember ihatemindcontrol... the username at least. Wasn't he strange a bit ? Not sure, it's been a while. Frog was easier to remember. lol

The HDRKID thread was cool, when you was about to read the new posts, you just knew that nothing could prepare you to what you were going to read in there !!!


ihatemindcontrol....was suffering from something thats for sure..:(
Hdrkids posts at the Hdrkid site seem different somehow..Like it is not the same person. Not as "charming"..Maybe shes gettin tired..
Timetraveler (formerly Someguy) has an interesting story..It is very unique. And would make a good screenplay for a movie about a man who comes to an awareness...that mabe he is a TT. Anyway,
I think that the best thing that Titor did was to say that he would not be back here and if anyone comes and claims to be him, that it is NOT!
Beautiful way to secure yourself as the one and only Titor...:)

Chip Lewis

Re: Where are all the hoaxers?

gonzogirl said:
Timetraveler (formerly Someguy) has an interesting story..It is very unique. And would make a good screenplay for a movie about a man who comes to an awareness...that mabe he is a TT.
Someguy = TT....haha! Someguy was a con-artist and there is way more to that story...


Re: Where are all the hoaxers?

Yep, The kid isn't what it once was.
Someguy's story is interesting, it's an entertaining TT story (real or not) , and this guy is posting since so many years. He's one of the few "time travellers" who doesn't post weird and unbelievable things like prophecies and stuff like that. Didn't he said he nearly encountered Titor back in these days ? I'm not sure if I remember well.

Num7 :)


Active Member
Re: Where are all the hoaxers?

Chip said:
Someguy = TT....haha! Someguy was a con-artist and there is way more to that story...

......Like he just wants to make $ off of his book and website?
Uh....is there more?
Hes pretty passive..maybe thats the hook....
I dont remember him mentioning Titor..I think I will ask him as now I am curious :)


Active Member
Re: Where are all the hoaxers?

Chip said:
Someguy = TT....haha! Someguy was a con-artist and there is way more to that story...

Come on, Chip....spill the beans! I always thought someguy was trying to make a buck off his sci-fi story, which seemed pretty apparent, but I never took him for a con artist. If we should be wary, give us a reason why.

Chip Lewis

Re: Where are all the hoaxers?

Nobody ever mentions VG! Anyway, VG opened up her own forum called terminusreality.com and someguy went over there to help. Now, VG (being the sweetheart she is) was very trusting, and gave someguy access to the DB. To make a long story short he tried to "Bobby Bain" her, and steal the site from her. She was very hurt by this.

Con Artist...

Them R the beans!


Active Member
Re: Where are all the hoaxers?

Chip said:
Nobody ever mentions VG! Anyway, VG opened up her own forum called terminusreality.com and someguy went over there to help. Now, VG (being the sweetheart she is) was very trusting, and gave someguy access to the DB. To make a long story short he tried to "Bobby Bain" her, and steal the site from her. She was very hurt buy this.

Con Artist...

Them R the beans!

Thanks man. I remember when they started that forum. That is all I needed to know.

I seen Virtual Girl posting at GLP a few weeks ago or less. She's still around. I think it was something about JT over there she was commenting on. I never had any problems with her, I thought she was nice.

Chip Lewis

Re: Where are all the hoaxers?

baudmiksen said:
Thanks man. I remember when they started that forum. That is all I needed to know.

I seen Virtual Girl posting at GLP a few weeks ago or less. She's still around. I think it was something about JT over there she was commenting on. I never had any problems with her, I thought she was nice.
Yes, I still maintain contact with VG, and consulted with her about my prior post. Friends in CS are the best friends I ever had. I mean really! Honor, trust, integrity, the whole ball of wax. The enemies I have acquired in CS are the most vile, vicious, cruel, meanest bastards I ever came in contact with....

I'm sure this is the same with all of us.


Active Member
Re: Where are all the hoaxers?

Chip said:
Nobody ever mentions VG! Anyway, VG opened up her own forum called terminusreality.com and someguy went over there to help. Now, VG (being the sweetheart she is) was very trusting, and gave someguy access to the DB. To make a long story short he tried to "Bobby Bain" her, and steal the site from her. She was very hurt by this.

Con Artist...

Them R the beans!

Chip: That sucks cuz it sounds like he took advantage because he is real good with puters....and someone needed help...V.G....I remember her and liked her very much...I hope all is well with her now anyway....:)


Senior Member
Re: Where are all the hoaxers?

I just checked out their forums the other night, I'm not sure if she still runs it, but it looks like it's doing really well! It's always good to see people going off and doing something they're passionate about.
