Recent content by Ann_Aba

  1. Ann_Aba

    Spirit Box “A Device to communication with a spirit or love ones”

    I guess your mileage can vary, but I have certainly only gotten bits of radio on mine.
  2. Ann_Aba

    Cat Disappears Caught on CCTV Camera (TIME TRAVEL Caught on Tape)

    Yes, it's always better to take it with a bit of humor. Thanks :)
  3. Ann_Aba

    Spirit Box “A Device to communication with a spirit or love ones”

    I saw a video a year ago or so of a guy explaining why these do not work. Don't remember what video it was but the thing I remember most is (quoting as best as I can recall) "you're listening for voices on a f****** radio". So personally, I have given up on these radios. I think there should be...
  4. Ann_Aba

    Media Time Travel/Teleportation caught on CCTV

    Since I work in a store with security cameras... I can tell you that no one would place a camera like this. And no camera name or real time stamp? The footage would be useless in case of an event... Always look for what the camera is supposed to guard and a real time stamp...
  5. Ann_Aba

    Cat Disappears Caught on CCTV Camera (TIME TRAVEL Caught on Tape)

    Why must people make fun of the paranormal like this?
  6. Ann_Aba

    Aliens and UFOS

    I never heard about this! Can you please tell me more??
  7. Ann_Aba

    Aliens and UFOS

    I saw some very informative video about aliens that said that they definatly exist. the problem was that space is too big, so the chance on them finding us is impossible. Something about radiowaves not reaching far enough yet, I think... But also that "where" was one big issue and the other was...
  8. Ann_Aba

    Hello everyone!

    Oh yes, aliens fascinate me!
  9. Ann_Aba

    Ouija Boards in Toys Stores

    I do believe it was invented as, and still is, just a toy. Maybe some people can use it to channel things but I think those people could use anything else. It's like how a real musician can make music with just a rubber band, where as to other people it's just a rubber band... So I think it is...
  10. Ann_Aba

    How to Build the Hyper Dimensional Resonator? (With photos and schematics/plans)

    So sorry for writing in an old conversation, I understand that's bad to do! But I have been so interested in these HDR things since... Well, earlier when I found out about them. The hand drawn schematic in the post above me seems really simple to make and someone like me should be able to make...
  11. Ann_Aba

    Hello everyone!

    Thank you for the warm welcome, everyone! Paulajedi, oh yes please! I don't know much about tarot. I read soooo much different information. So many people have so many different ideas about how it works. I like the movie spreads and the daily cards, myself! Emanuela, yes and no! Nothing that...
  12. Ann_Aba

    STM machine vs HDR machine?

    Astral time travel? Hold your horses. I just joined this place and there are several machines for astral time travel?! It's a dream come true! Are they expensive or where do I find the schematics? I would prefer to buy one, because I'm not great with electronics but I also don't have a lot of...
  13. Ann_Aba

    I have arrived.

    Wow... Sounds like you have a lot of inherited experience for past lives. Welcome! I am new here too!
  14. Ann_Aba

    Hello everyone!

    Hello I'm Annie! It's so nice to have found this place. I didn't use to go online much so I have been limited to talking about exploring new worlds and astral adventures with my "not so open minded" friends. I'm hoping this will be the start of a lovely journey! So far, I have had some great...
