Recent content by Kes.R.

  1. Kes.R.

    Malaysian plane

    Glad I started this thread, knew I couldn't be the only one who thought this was fishy. (PUN NOT INTENDED)
  2. Kes.R.

    Malaysian plane

    The thing is with that theory of the missiles, they apparently detected no explosions. They used some satelites or something that can detect these sorts of things. (Can't remember fully)
  3. Kes.R.

    Malaysian plane

    I agree with your comment about suicide which is one reason I'm so suspicious
  4. Kes.R.

    Malaysian plane

    I don't know if it's just me, but I find some of the incidents and news about the missing plane kind of suspicious. I understand that all the things with one of the Pilots' marriage falling apart, but I think they jumped to the conclusion of it being a suicide mission fairly quickly (Malaysia...
  5. Kes.R.

    When Your Dreams Come True

    interesting...i might go seek help or mention it to a doctor etc considering that the 1st time i had a zombie nightmare/terror was in january and i woke up with a small cut on my wrist i didnt remember doing
  6. Kes.R.

    When Your Dreams Come True

    interesting...i might go seek help or mention it to a doctor etc considering that the 1st time i had a zombie nightmare/terror was in january and i woke up with a small cut on my wrist i didnt remember doing
  7. Kes.R.

    When Your Dreams Come True

    I think I'm halfway to losing my mind over this... I had ANOTHER zombie nightmare as soon as I fell asleep today/last night and cant sleep.... It felt real like the others did but i... Woke up crying, shaking badly and I am scared senseless even now.... My stomach is feeling kinda weird and I...
  8. Kes.R.

    Girl Who Can Start Fire With Her Brain Mystifies Scientists

    Jealous.....I'd love to be able to do that or something similar xD
  9. Kes.R.

    When Your Dreams Come True

    I've posted this somewhere before but around the start of january this year I had this nightmare about a zombie apocalypse. Considering I've had dreams of small things that happen some time later(although I rarely remember the dreams and only feel dejavu and fragments of the dream come back to...
  10. Kes.R.

    See Things As They Are, Not How Your Or Others Wish To See

    See Things As They Are, Not How Your Or Others Wish To See
  11. Kes.R.

    Just Doubting MoD

    To Add To It, Apparently Yesterday, There Were At Least 2 Bomb Scares Also IN SWINDON. :/
  12. Kes.R.

    true ^^

    true ^^
  13. Kes.R.

    Being cynical always helps uncover what needs to be known or asked

    Being cynical always helps uncover what needs to be known or asked
  14. Kes.R.

    Just Doubting MoD

    Last week I, among most of the South-West of England felt and heard a massive explosion- What was called a 'Sonic Boom'. The Ministry of Defence eventually said that it was a supersonic jet going to a false alarm. I know there's an article with the helicopter passengers experiences but I find it...
  15. Kes.R.

    Forum Game Whats The Best Joke You Know?

    (Best joke I can think of...) SOPA.
