Recent content by Time T.

  1. T

    HDRKid II

    Lmao, didn't even answer his question. So you can predict the future, eh? And buying Apple stocks doesn't require you to 'know the future' in order to see it rise. Anyone could see that Apple's stocks were already on the rise from 2005...
  2. T

    Debate Hdr Debate

    If you say that Astral Time Travel is traveling to the future and seeing the future using your own thoughts, then my definition varies greatly. Astral time traveling, in my terms, is when you send memories to the past in order to change the past-future. I'd explain more in-depth, with a few...
  3. T

    Debate Hdr Debate

  4. T

    Debate Hdr Debate

    So the HDR device enhances your skills? Or reads the future using your thoughts? Either way, I still find it unbelievable. Even if a few candidates do say they have used one before.
  5. T

    Debate Hdr Debate

    Seriously, who came up with such nonsense? Future-reading goggles? I can only give a simple response: I'm not sure. I'm not sure of what is to come during the next decade, century, millennium. I'm not sure whether or not technology will advance to such an age where the term 'time travel'...
  6. T

    Debate Hdr Debate

    I'm reading that this a device that allows you to see into the future? Using your own thoughts? If the above is true, then I believe it to be complete bullshit.
  7. T

    Time Travel

    Butting in? No, this is a casual conversation on time travel, no more and no less. However, astral time travel, I believe, is the only way of time travel. Physical time travel, is theoretically impossible. You may say that as of now, present technology is the basis of why physical time travel...
  8. T

    Time Travel

    As of now, I don't have the time to respond thoroughly to your question, but I have 3 rules that are set for time travel. The first is that time travel physically is relatively impossible. Unless we can compress our body which is about a billion terabytes, I highly doubt that traveling through...
  9. T

    Time Travel

    Space, in itself, poses a significant problem. However, the fact that a time machine would be composed of parts that would bend space is the solution, or so I believe. A time machine wouldn't be a time machine if it could not bend space to enter the past. If it did not need to bend space, then...
  10. T

    Time Travel

    I understand what you mean by the physical aspects of time travel. However, the alteration of the landscape is something trivial in comparison to the bigger-scale picture of changing the past. Also, I believe that time travel will not send you to the exact place you were standing, only the...
  11. T

    Time Travel

    Now, before you mention the alteration of history and the concept behind it, the fact is that the alteration would go unnoticed is my point. Time travelling has always been a mystery, and to the modern day, the only changes a person would actually see would be on the newspaper, television...
  12. T

    Time Travel

    Time Travel is relatively unknown as to how it would function, as of now. However, the possibility of travelling through time, the 4th dimension, seems highly unlikely through methods such as black holes or light-speed. My question is this: if time travel does exist, would we have any way of...
