Time Travel

Time T.

New Member
Time Travel is relatively unknown as to how it would function, as of now. However, the possibility of travelling through time, the 4th dimension, seems highly unlikely through methods such as black holes or light-speed.

My question is this: if time travel does exist, would we have any way of knowing it? There are an innumerable amount of theories and concepts as to what would happen if time travel actually occurred, and I'll list a couple obvious hypotheses out. The first is a parallel time line, which is what it says: another time line, altered and different from the one you were in before you went through time. The second is that time travel is what allowed for the event to happen. The Law of Cause and Effect.

Now that those 2 theories are available, time travel poses a question: if time travel occurred, would we know it, for the past would have changed without our knowledge, as the events that happened after the time travel never occurred, and the time travel back changed the 'what-once-was-the-future'.

I'd like to gather a couple opinions, just for opinion sake.


What if actual time travellers from the future are just very discrete people? We wouldn't actually know they're here. Perhaps time travel is Gov. controlled, but that's another story.

I guess accidental time slip could prove at some point that time travel is possible. I heard quite a bit of time slip stories. Many of them included HDR and/or green mist. Depending what are these stories, who tell you them and who they concern, some of them a quite believable.

What do you think about vortexes ? According to some theories, you could accidentally go through a vortex and get to another timeline for a few hours. How you get back, I don't know, but it seems you get back here after some time.


I realy want to believe that time travel is poss.,, but the many problems it would pose seem to say it is not. i mean the slighest mishap could change the whole known history so as to prevent even the invention of it,, or even the birth of said traveler..then what??? would the traveler just poof gone..or what if the said time mechine happens to come to rest in a space already occupide by someone/thing ells?? the world of today is in the same space as the world of last year..however the things that were here then are gone,, and somthing ells larger or smaller is there now..my point is what if the mythical tardes and the doctor who lands in a tree ??? while we might be able to know what was where in the recent past..the distant past would be much more diffacult,,and we can not know what will be where in the future,, and could not avoid hitting it.. this is just my own mind trying to come to grips with the idea of time travel,, and how it would be poss. or rather why it would not..

Time T.

New Member
I realy want to believe that time travel is poss.,, but the many problems it would pose seem to say it is not. i mean the slighest mishap could change the whole known history so as to prevent even the invention of it,, or even the birth of said traveler..then what??? would the traveler just poof gone..or what if the said time mechine happens to come to rest in a space already occupide by someone/thing ells?? the world of today is in the same space as the world of last year..however the things that were here then are gone,, and somthing ells larger or smaller is there now..my point is what if the mythical tardes and the doctor who lands in a tree ??? while we might be able to know what was where in the recent past..the distant past would be much more diffacult,,and we can not know what will be where in the future,, and could not avoid hitting it.. this is just my own mind trying to come to grips with the idea of time travel,, and how it would be poss. or rather why it would not..

Now, before you mention the alteration of history and the concept behind it, the fact is that the alteration would go unnoticed is my point. Time travelling has always been a mystery, and to the modern day, the only changes a person would actually see would be on the newspaper, television, internet, etc. By what I mean is that those events are broadcasted daily for one to actually see and understand, so one would see that the event actually happened. Suppose that the alteration of history occurred without one's notice? How would we go about the fact that someone changed the past which erased the present future, or altered it in such a way that it produces what is widely known as the butterfly effect? Would we see the changes? If so, then time travelling would be aforementioned, useless. If everyone knew that time travel existed, and when it changed the past, then I believe the quote "History repeats itself" would be in the right. I believe that time travel, when it occurs, can influence a new time line in which none of the respective people in this world would know that the world had been changed, or diverged into a new 'future'.
What if actual time travellers from the future are just very discrete people? We wouldn't actually know they're here. Perhaps time travel is Gov. controlled, but that's another story.

I guess accidental time slip could prove at some point that time travel is possible. I heard quite a bit of time slip stories. Many of them included HDR and/or green mist. Depending what are these stories, who tell you them and who they concern, some of them a quite believable.

What do you think about vortexes ? According to some theories, you could accidentally go through a vortex and get to another timeline for a few hours. How you get back, I don't know, but it seems you get back here after some time.

Now if time travellers were very discrete people, then I would have to question time travelling in general. That would mean in fact that time travellers have travelled to our age to change their current present (future for us) for either their own or a larger corporation's benefit, and that they were sent back in order to alter the past and stay in the past. However, I believe that an alteration to the past would then affect the current time line we currently live in, and not force it back into the past, but affect everything around us as of now, without us knowing the changes have even occurred. For if a time traveller has in fact went into the past to change it, then what would happen to the current age as we know it? Would we be forever oblivious that changes were made without our knowledge and that the past has been affected to the point where the time traveller would know exactly what would happen? And also, the butterfly effect would be a massive proponent in the event of changing the past. And on top of this, I highly doubt time travel is controllable. After all, does anyone have any idea what would happen if, let us say, that someone in some state did something that he didn't mean to do, but the time travel affected him to actually do it? Like a man walked into a restaurant with a gun that day, but time travel affected him to not do it, then what would happen? How would the other events stack up? Time Travel is full of holes and riddles, unknown, but the mere thought of it brings about great changes..

Vortexes, if they do in fact exist, I believe would cause a paradox. Let us say that a vortex pulled me out of the current time line and plunked me into the same time line a few hours back. The first question would be as to what happened to my current state in the time line at the current time. The other question would be what would happen to the 'me' of before. Would I simply disappear and vanish into thin air, or would I be able to meet myself in the past? If that were to happen, then I would have known that I would meet myself in the past, wouldn't I? I believe that if a vortex were to actually happen, it would be exactly as a time machine that sent you back to meet yourself; it would have already happened, and you would have known about it.

Being sent to another time line, I believe would induce one of the two theories. One is that the case would have already happened, and you yourself would have known that you'd have to go back in time, since it already happened. The other is that you enter a completely new time line, and that that time line is now your new 'current present'.

Of course, this is entirely of my own opinion.

I'm interested as to see whether these time slip stories pose plausable facts, and I'd like to see a couple if someone may link me to them.


while the changes of history are a small item.. as you stated you most likely would not even know it has been changed..however the changes of the earth surfface are a lot bigger problem..as any time travel would be tricky the real prob. is how the surface of the earth has changed from the time you left to when you arive even a few feet of new sediment would put you a few feet under ground, or the past travel would put you up in the air.. as the sediment of the last few years is not there.. I know this may seem petty to some,, but it is a real problem just the same. the earth is constantly changeing and we can not know what we would find ..we can not know where the objects will be when we get there ...you dont want to arive half way fused into a rock,,tree,,house,, bridge,, this is the main problem I have and is never considered. the spot your in now may be occupied when you get there then what?????

Time T.

New Member
while the changes of history are a small item.. as you stated you most likely would not even know it has been changed..however the changes of the earth surfface are a lot bigger problem..as any time travel would be tricky the real prob. is how the surface of the earth has changed from the time you left to when you arive even a few feet of new sediment would put you a few feet under ground, or the past travel would put you up in the air.. as the sediment of the last few years is not there.. I know this may seem petty to some,, but it is a real problem just the same. the earth is constantly changeing and we can not know what we would find ..we can not know where the objects will be when we get there ...you dont want to arive half way fused into a rock,,tree,,house,, bridge,, this is the main problem I have and is never considered. the spot your in now may be occupied when you get there then what?????

I understand what you mean by the physical aspects of time travel. However, the alteration of the landscape is something trivial in comparison to the bigger-scale picture of changing the past. Also, I believe that time travel will not send you to the exact place you were standing, only the nearby area. However, from here on, this is guesswork, as a time machine has yet to be built. And if one has been built, then the problems you have stated hopefully, have cleared up.


The Earth moves in space, what about this? Isn't this a problem? If not, how do you think it doesn't become a problem when moving through time?

Depending if your time travel theories are related to frequencies and such this shouldn't be a problem. I'm interested to read what you think about it. :)

Time T.

New Member
The Earth moves in space, what about this? Isn't this a problem? If not, how do you think it doesn't become a problem when moving through time?

Depending if your time travel theories are related to frequencies and such this shouldn't be a problem. I'm interested to read what you think about it. :)

Space, in itself, poses a significant problem. However, the fact that a time machine would be composed of parts that would bend space is the solution, or so I believe. A time machine wouldn't be a time machine if it could not bend space to enter the past. If it did not need to bend space, then time travel in itself would be considered questionable, and most likely improbable. When entering a time stream and moving into a time line to enter time itself, a certain amount of atoms would need to be split. I would say about half a billion, but that's a fair guess. Splitting an atom causes an immense amount of energy to be emitted. With the power of half a billion, I would say that that energy is enough to bend space itself to our own will, but as of now, because our technology is vastly limited, time travel is merely a boy's imagination. But bending space would bend time itself, is my current hypothesis, and that Earth would remain stabilized because of it.

I do base some of my current conjectures such as harnessing energy on frequencies, but that'd take some time to type out. As for now, I believe energy is the key to time travel.


ok lets just talk a bit here ,,lets say the mechine is done and we are ready for a trip.....any point in space/time is a combanation of several factors such as longitude,laditude,and elevation above or below sea level as well as an exact date ..
now just what are the exact points you'r going to set diles of the Tardes at??? cause like you said its a trival matter as to just where you happen to pop into the future..
but always remember it will suck quite a bit if you end up 1000 feet below sea level, or say 15,000 feet up the side of a newly formed mountian...................... but its the same general area just won't do...
I don't think you do understand at all, what I mean about the changes of the surface... oh unless you manage to put a stearing wheel on this thing so you can drive it like a car...
any time mechine will most certainly be controlled by a super computor... and well they don't speak in general terms of any kind.. so the general area aint gonna get it done there guy.
it will take real points of destination to plot a course to the exact spot of arivel..
as well as an exact time not just a willy nilly go to july 4th, 2486
like I said befor I realy want to believe in time travel,,, but it aint no sunday picnic we are talking about...
you could get real dead quick ,fast ,in a hurry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Perhaps this computer will be able to analyze the destination terrain and adjust the destination coordinates to make sure you'll be on land and at the right elevation, not stuck into a future building's wall or over a 1000 feet deep canyon.
