This latest full moon phase produced a few things that very nearly made me drive off the road on my way in to work.
HWY 95 in MN, has been known in hushed circles to have at times, some extraordinary
spirit activity. I have heard some of the stories about people whom were killed in accidents
re-appearing near the area they died.
I witnessed one about a year ago, I saw a full body outline standing next to the road.
I later found out that a woman was killed when she was hit dead on while another was passing on a curve.
It's a 2 lane highway with curves and I have had several near-miss incidents with people passing on those curves.
I have been 'Ditched' 3 times just this year alone!
Highway 95 is a relatively short route which starts at Hwy 23 East of St Cloud, MN. and
ends at the Wisconsin border.